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Assembler rules


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I am working on rules for assemblers (or 3d printers or minifacs or whatever you want to call them) for my game. My idea is to have a cost for the assemblers and then which items that type of assembler can produce. Then you don't have to pay for those items. For instance, if you have a basic clothing assembler then you don't have to actually pay for clothes anymore. Materials would be covered under lifestyle.
This is what I have so far. Tell me what you guys think - or what else I should add.


This covers various kinds of devices that can create other devices. 3-D Printers are the first type of assembler. Then it moves into nanotech. Assemblers are usually purchased as property, but they can also be incorporated into other objects such as ammo assemblers or autodocs.

Assembler Grades
The grade of the assembler determines the complexity of the object that it can output. The scale of the assembler determines the objects that can be printed in one action but it is always possible to print parts and assemble larger objects yourself.

I) Basic – These are mostly single type objects.

Basic Plastics – The objects are made of various types of plastic. Covers basic objects such as plates, cups, toys, chairs, tables, etc.

Basic Industrial – The objects are made of various types of metal. This assembler includes a CNC machine and welding capability. Covers parts for cars, ships, spacecraft, melee weapons, and slug throwers.

Basic Food – This will print and cook food.

Basic Chemical – This can create various types of chemicals including drugs.

Basic Construction – This is more of a robotic frame that can print buildings using local materials.

Basic Medical – This allows you to print prosthetics, bone replacements, etc. It uses more bio-friendly materials and is more sterile.

Basic Clothing – This will print basic clothing for you.

II) Complex – These are objects of mixed complexity with embedded objects. It contains waldoes that manipulate the objects in various ways. It can cut materials and attach them together.

Complex Plastics – This includes computers using printed conductive ink and added chips. Basic chips can also be printed in one of these.

Complex Industrial – This includes ammo and missiles. Basic robotics

Complex Clothing – This will print more complex clothing.

Complex Food – This will actually cook various parts of the meal separately and put them together.

Complex Chemical – This will create more complex chemicals and drugs.

Complex Construction – This will create a more complex object such as a vehicle, ship, or certain parts of a building.

Complex Medical – This includes an autodoc.

III) Smart – You can print objects with built in computers such as smart fabric. Includes disassembler.
Basic Nanotech – Only works inside of a assembler. Mostly industrial uses. Replaces 3d printing. They don't have internal programming. They have basic communications and tools. They receive instructions from within a field. If they leave that field they shut down.

More advanced computers here
Cyberware here
Advanced robotics

IV) Nanite I – You can print anything at the microscopic level. Includes disassembler.
Moderate Nanotech Requires a controller computer. However you can have self repairing vehicles, starships, and houses. Integrated into everything. People wear a watch that controls the nanites inside them. This augments cyberware and bioware. Limited use within a meter of controller. Nanite mining becomes common, nanite foam is used a lot.

Bioware here
Reconstructive DNA based autodoc
Can create nanites

V) Nanite II – You can print something at the molecular level. Includes disassembler.
Advanced Nanotech - Technology merged into everything. Objects will be smart. Certain specialized equipment is highly reconfigurable. Objects are made from configurable electromagnetic blocks. Little in the way of individual objects. People have objects that morph into other objects. Everything is alive and intelligent. Swarms are used all over as everyday objects. People will often carry a swarm on them. They can function as a defensive or offensive system. They can create tools or whatever you want. They are mentally controlled by one person usually.
Power armor is more advanced with more adaptability. It can function as a nanotech swarm in gauntlets and belts. It will deploy along the body very quickly.

A single printer can create most anything, not divided into different types.

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Guide of Modos
I am working on rules for assemblers...Then you don't have to pay for those items. For instance, if you have a basic clothing assembler then you don't have to actually pay for clothes anymore. Materials would be covered under lifestyle.
I don't care about the tables so much as this part. Are you suggesting that PCs have to pay for clothing, but not for assembler ink cartridges, because the latter are better called lifestyle costs than the former?

More importantly, what do you think an assembler-economy will look like? The assemblers described are basically Produce Anything machines, which eliminate the need for jobs that produce anything else. Can assemblers make assemblers? Then an economy based on products and services gets reduced to just services...


First Post
The system uses a lifestyle system similar to shadowrun. You can pay for that lifestyle instead of individually purchasing clothes, food, and various goods. You only have to pay for unusual things.
For assemblers, the idea that I had was that instead of saying that there are assemblers that can make anything out there I needed to get more specific. Not everyone is going to have the best thing out there. There is no need for it. So you may have only one or two basic assemblers for most of your needs. Your community may have a few better ones. Businesses would use a few of the better ones to cover goods that not everyone would normally have an assembler for. I don't think that assemblers will get rid of all jobs. It will actually mean that instead of buying regular food we will get food paste and our food assembler will make something tasty out of it. Instead of buying clothes and having a closet full we will create an outfit and then have the previous one taken back apart. Some of the manufacturing jobs will become monitoring and quality control jobs. Otherwise most of the same kinds of jobs will still exist. It think the biggest difference will be that transportation will bring raw materials instead of finished goods longer distances.


First Post
This is what I have now:


This covers various kinds of devices that can create other devices. 3-D Printers are the first type of assembler. Then it moves into nanotech. Assemblers are usually purchased as property, but they can also be incorporated into other objects such as ammo assemblers or autodocs.

Assembler Grades
The grade of the assembler determines the complexity of the object that it can output. The scale of the assembler determines the objects that can be printed in one action but it is always possible to print parts and assemble larger objects yourself.

I) Basic – These are mostly single type objects.

Basic Plastics – The objects are made of various types of plastic. Covers basic objects such as plates, cups, toys, chairs, tables, etc.

Basic Industrial – The objects are made of various types of metal. This assembler includes a CNC machine and welding capability. Covers parts for cars, ships, spacecraft, melee weapons, and slug throwers.

Basic Food – This will print and cook food.

Basic Chemical – This can create various types of chemicals including drugs.

Basic Construction – This is more of a robotic frame that can print buildings using local materials.

Basic Medical – This allows you to print prosthetics, bone replacements, etc. It uses more bio-friendly materials and is more sterile.

Basic Clothing – This will print basic clothing for you.

II) Complex – These are objects of mixed complexity with embedded objects. It contains waldoes that manipulate the objects in various ways. It can cut materials and attach them together.

Complex Plastics – This includes computers using printed conductive ink and added chips. Basic chips can also be printed in one of these.

Complex Industrial – This includes ammo and missiles. Basic robotics

Complex Clothing – This will print more complex clothing.

Complex Food – This will actually cook various parts of the meal separately and put them together.

Complex Chemical – This will create more complex chemicals and drugs.

Complex Construction – This will create a more complex object such as a vehicle, ship, or certain parts of a building.

Complex Medical – This includes an autodoc.

III) Smart – You can print objects with built in computers such as smart fabric. Includes disassembler.
Basic Nanotech – Only works inside of a assembler. Mostly industrial uses. Replaces 3d printing. They don't have internal programming. They have basic communications and tools. They receive instructions from within a field. If they leave that field they shut down. You are not allowed to create nanites in public assemblers. Those are restricted. You have to purchase them.

Smart Plastics – This creates objects that can have integrated computer systems in them.

Smart Industrial – This includes ammo and missiles. Advanced robotics, androids, and cyberware created with these.

Smart Clothing – This will print smart clothing such as smart armor and lifesuits.

Smart Food – This will turn anything organic into safe to eat foods. It can destroy toxins and poisons and convert waste into food.

Smart Chemical – This will create smart medicine that uses nanites to repair damage. It uses limited function nanites that receive commands from a controller computer.

Smart Construction – This will create smart objects such as a vehicle, ship, or certain parts of a building with integrated computers and features. These are often capable of converting local materials into these objects as well.

Smart Medical – This can create and integrate bioware and new organs.

IV) Advanced – You can print anything at the molecular level. Includes disassembler.
Moderate Nanotech – Requires a controller computer. However you can have self repairing vehicles, starships, and houses. Integrated into everything. People wear a watch that controls the nanites inside them. This augments cyberware and bioware. Limited use within a meter of controller. Nanite mining becomes common, nanite foam is used a lot.

Advanced Materials – Technology merged into everything. Objects will be smart. Certain specialized equipment is highly reconfigurable. Objects are made from configurable electromagnetic blocks. Little in the way of individual objects. People have objects that morph into other objects. Everything is alive and intelligent.

Advanced Industrial – This will create

Advanced Clothing – This will print smart clothing such as smart armor and lifesuits.

Advanced Food – This will turn anything organic into safe to eat foods. It can destroy toxins and poisons and convert waste into food.

Advanced Chemical – This will create smart medicine that uses nanites to repair damage. It uses limited function nanites that receive commands from a controller computer.

Advanced Construction – This will create smart objects such as a vehicle, ship, or certain parts of a building with integrated computers and features. These are often capable of converting local materials into these objects as well.

Advanced Medical – This can create a Reconstructive DNA based autodoc and bioware


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Hi, my name is Jeremy from Winder and im for a group in the area, this sounds very interesting are you looking for others to participate still?

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