Attn: Users under the age of 20 (or thereabouts)

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I'm sixteen, been playing since about 14. I've had a fascination with fantasy since I was very young, and started playing Magic: the Gathering when I was 9. I enjoyed the game, but ultimately found it not suiting my tastes, because it offered nothing for my overactive imagination. After playing Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior CRPGs for a few years I came across the D&D adventure game at a book store. I bought it instantly, and the next week I had a PHB, DMG, and MM, all 3.0. Since then, I've played a decent amount, although I do have problems with finding people to play with. I only know one other person my age who will probably spend the rest of their life playing RPGs (an intention of mine as well). The rest of our group is filled with friends of ours who play, but never quite "get it", and refuse to try to learn or even put any effort into preparing for a game at all.

I will probably play D&D and other RPGs (I heart Tri-Stat DX but have never had the chance to play it) a lot more in college when I have access to more willing (and capable) gamers.


I'm 18, and have been playing since 3.0 came out.

- what brought you into D&D/d20/P&P role-playing?
I honestly don't remember. I think it might have had something to do with curiousity and the whole "Dungeons and Dragons" brand being so famous. I just picked it up in the book store one day and bought the 3 core books. Thought, as an aside, I've been "roleplaying" since I was in preschool, I just never gave it name and didn't use dice.

- Do you find it difficult to find gamers your age? Do you game with people typically 10 years (or more) older than you, or is it easy to find gamers your age?
I made my girlfriend learn the game with me as soon as I got the books and she's been a big part of my group ever since - she's 2 years younger than me. Typically, I'm the youngest gamer I know, excluding one obvious exception. In the group I play in I'm the youngest person by 7-10 years with the oldest easily 4 times my age. I tried bringing in a few friends to the hobby, and for the most part they enjoy it. They just aren't "into it" - they don't show up regularly and it just isn't a priority, they enjoy the game but it isn't important.

- what are your peers into?
I don't know. I'm fairly consumed with my Campaign, my characters, my girl, and school. I suppose they like what every young person likes - movies, music, sex, and drugs. ;B


First Post
I'm 18, and I started playing in 1998, so that means when I was 12. I taught myself, taught my friends, and have been playing ever since. I've gone through a few groups. Mostly, I've taught my friends how to play and formed groups through that. So usually my fellow players are close to my age.

Now I'm in college, and I've taught a fresh new bundle of friends how to play. Most are 18-19, but we have one 23-year-old, and one 30-year old.

Anyways, onto your questions:

what brought you into D&D/d20/P&P role-playing?

Books. I was reading a Star Wars Anthology that mentioned a "Star Wars RPG." It sounded cool, so I researched it online. Found out about D&D.

Do you find it difficult to find gamers your age? Do you game with people typically 10 years (or more) older than you, or is it easy to find gamers your age?

I usually either find people my age or teach my friends how to play. My longest gap between gaming groups was about two years since I started playing six years ago. Only now that I'm in college am I playing with a few much older players.

what are your peers into?

I've got a diverse collection of peers. Some are into video games, some are into movies, and some are those sort of undecisive individuals who are mostly into the phone and internet.


First Post
die_kluge said:
Generation gap?

die_kluge !=

Na, ye baen but a pup!

The Auld Grump, in the same ballpark as Hand of Evil, but not on the same row.

I'm 18, and I've been playing since I was 10. Got into, as I said in another thread, through random chance of seeing some old 2e books, found them interesting, and ended up finding what I needed to start playing.

I've been through a bunch of groups, always as DM, though I mostly PbP these days as I moved back down to my hometown a few months back. But when I lived up in the Atlanta area, I introduced many many people to the game, mostly younger than me. I'm proud to say that I've left behind at least five four person groups ranging from ages of 13 to 19 back in Atlanta.

And from everything I've seen, 'younger' gamers aren't in short supply at all. We simply don't hear from them all too much. Part of this may be because of the clique-like atmosphere that still infests all High Schools, actually. But look at the WotC boards(which we always insult for being immature), and you'll see we've got many many younger gamers. They're just that. Younger. In that stage we all started at. Immature, powergaming, level-hungry little munchkins. Nothing wrong with that, and I sure remember having fun at that age. :)


First Post
Under 20? You should have caught me 4 days ago...

The people I play with in Boulder (where I go to school) are younger than 30 and older than me. The people I play with in Fort Collins (which is about an hour away, and where I am from) are mostly my age, though our DM is 27.


I'm 18, so I think I qualify for answering.

- what brought you into D&D/d20/P&P role-playing?
Well, let's see... I must have about 9 years old when I first began with role-playing. One of my friends had bought a swedish version of D&D (although I believe that the only resemblance between those two games is the name). I still don't know why he bought it in the first place, but it might have something to do with the fact that his father used to read Lord of the Rings to him as bedtime stories when he was (even) younger.

Anyway, that's how we ended up playing RPG's, and even though it was a horribly lousy ruleset (and campaign world) we kept on "playing" it for many years. It was first after the first Badur's Gate game shipped that our eyes caught AD&D. From there it was quite a natural step into d20 when WotC released D&D 3rd Ed.

- Do you find it difficult to find gamers your age? Do you game with people typically 10 years (or more) older than you, or is it easy to find gamers your age?
No. I don't know why, but even when I briefly lived in Denmark I had no trouble finding a gaming group (it was actually too easy there, I had to choose between different games and groups since I couldn't attend to them all).

However, I'm finding it harder to find someone mature to role-play with, opposed to roll-playing. And unfortunatly the members of my current group are getting less spare time to play (and somehow I now got more time). So the poblem isn't finding people to play with, but finding dedicated rolepayers. I guess I'll soon have to "educate" some of my friends..

- what are your peers into?
The ones in my group all got two common interests: RPG's and, to some degree or less, computers. Not so much computer games (I'm probably the one who plays the most) as Linux, programming and that sort of stuff.

All of us have at some point been proud geeks, but now ome of us are not as geeky as we used to be (guess that's part of groing up. Sigh. I miss the geekier days).

Oherwise we got quite diverse interests.

Oh, and by the way, I've been part of EN World since it was called Eric Noah's 3rd Edition News, so don't say there aren't any young people here.

WotC boards, tssk.


Old codger of 33 here, but I'm friends with one gamer who's recently turned 22 (graduated last year), and has been playing since his early teens, along with a group of 2 or 3 of his same-age friends who I have not met.

In our regular group, one player's 11-year old son (should be going on 12 soon, I believe) games with us. He's into the "hack-and-slash" stage right now, with an occasional interest in roleplay of situations, but that's to be expected. I know of very few early gamers that didn't have a "hack-and-slash" stage. :)


Liquid Awesome
I theorize that PnP RPG's will remain a vibrant hobby so long as two conditions remain true:

1) They are more immersive than computer/console RPG's


2) The cost of cutting edge computer/console RPG technology is a bar to entry for a majority of the gaming population.

Once you can plug in your VR Goggles and actually play a free-form, immersive version of Against the Giants with Henry, regardless of the fact that he's in South Carolina and you're in Virginia then you won't care about books and dice anymore and D&D as we know it will become a thing of the past. But don't sweat it because that will be the least of your worries as the very fabric of our society comes apart around us. ;)

If you thought the Everquest addiction was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

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