(He, Him)
I for one took it to heart from the moment I opened an RPG book. I've heard it said one reason for D&D's popularity is the parlous debate over rules that it has causedYes, much more so. Not because it's a stronger assertion than rule 0 (though I'd say it's a more pervasive one), but because the community took it to heart, this time around.
I like your Grey/Drow Elf split concept. I can see that playing out well both mechanically and narratively within a campaign (mutatis mutandis).Also, the mechanism the OP is thinking of messing with involves magic items, which are not an assumed part of progression. So that's heading out of the exhaustively-playtested zone, anyway.
Were I asked to mod the attunement rules I'd start by wanting to understand why they are there? What jobs do they do? And then I would want to understand what my goals were in lifting them? What do I want to offer players? What do I want to happen as a consequence in my campaign? What *don't* I want to happen?! I'm a big fan of then issuing rules changes as items to start with, so that I can retract those changes if I don't like them without seeming arbitrary. Thus I think I might approach the problem by adding a temporary attunement limit extension, e.g.
Potion of Lunar Attunement
Drinker gains +1 attunement limit, increasing to +2 on nights of the full moon.
A night of the empty moon ends this effect.
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