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(AU/AE) The 7th Age - The Age of Worms

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CL, I'd be interested in playing. Is there enough interest for the game to go ahead?

As far as AU/AE resources go, I have the AE core book and the AE Spell Treasury.

Olaf the Stout

Cyincal Lurker

First Post
Hrm. Well, 3 is at least enough to give it a go, I suppose.

Figures I'd get enough as soon as I had another idea, but that's life I guess. ;)

Ah well, here is some mroe detail; it's way to late for me to even be posting. :p

The Diamond Throne, modified with some elements of Ebberon to be incorporated into the history (no, it will not be an ebberon game in any form, I'm just using soem ebberon material to fill in some of the pre-history of the game and to name some undefinded areas).

The basic histories presented in AE/AU are unchanged, at least so far as you'll need to be concerned, unless you are a historian of some kind. The current year is 1759, but in this setting the dragons never returned - they are content enough where they are, and only a few rogue wyrms have any real interest in these lands any longer.

Character Creation:
Use core AE rules save where noted otherwise.

Give me a concept/background first. I'll likely be a while before this starts up, so I'd much rather have a chance to work with concepts before we get the numbers and such. Depending on how long things take, I may start out with a 'day-in-the-life' prelude using just the concepts (ie, RPing only), to establish characters and such.

In addition to concept, give me a quick, one-word background (farmer, miner, soilder), ect.

4d6, drop lowest. However, roll a 7th time as well, dropping the llowest total (ie, you get one re-roll of your lowest roll). You'll need it.

And use Invisible Castles for the stat rolls. The only other option is for me to roll for you with my own dice.

Assign stats as you wish.

Any core AE races perminted, save for Spytes, who have to be 3rd level to transform, so they are not a starting option.

Any core AE classes permited.

Max at 1st.

Starting gold is 125.

Variant and House Rules:

Armor as Damage Reduction:

Basicly, halve the AC bonus of any armor (rounding up), and the 'lost' AC becomes untyped DR (x/-). Shields are unchanged, is the bonus from enchantment.

Vitality and Wound Points:

This supplants the AE death and dying threasholds.

I still call Vitaility HP; just easier to remember. In addition to normal HP, you have Wound Points equal to your Con score (modified for size), and are not at risk for death till you are at 0 WP.

Critical hits do not muliptly, but damage on a crit is applied directly to WP rather than HP.

Action Points:

Not much more to say, but that I do appreacate players being creative with AP.

Weapon Groups:

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'll probably be using this, modified to fit with the AE weapons.

Side note - Bell Cuved Rolls:

I like this system, but I've not found many other fans, so I'll only use it if the bulk of the players want it.

If you've used D20 Modern, you probably know this. Basicly, it's an alternate to aligments in which you pick up to 3 moral/ethical/phylospical (it's late, I can't spell/personal areas that are highly imporant to your character. They can be just about anything, really. You can gain some bonuses to social skills with other characters who share alligences with you (provided you spend the time to learn they do), and, at my discression, may get bonuses to resist actions that would violate them.

You can have up to 3 alligences at any time, and can drop any at any time as well, but can only add a new one when you gain a level. Having none is perfectly valid as well.

Having read about the new Saga Edition for starwars, I've been rather keen on what I've heard about the skill system, so I may look at using something like that here. However, I don't own the book, so me doing so depends on how much I feel like making the concepts I've read work.

The short of that is, if I do, some skills will be merged and there are no skill points; in that system you have a base of 1/2 level + ability in all skills, with a +5 bonus in the ones you select as trained skills. However, some skill uses require you to be trained.

But that's still up in the air, and it's too late for me to be poindering it now (even though I am...)

Setting - The City of Diamond Lake:

On the edge of the Southern Wastes, at the edge of the direct rule of the Dimaond Throne, the small minning town of Diamond Lake lays in the Derenblack Hills, amid the ruins and cairns of the forgoten Vnaxian empire.

Three days to the north-east, the town of Gahanis is the last real outpost of the Giants, Diamond Lake is left to the excesses of corrupt mine managers and there goons. They prosper while generations break themselves in the mines in only slightly better conditions than when the Dramojh reigned.

It's a hell of a place, and anyone with the money to leave either has or is one of the opulent minority who controlls the place. It's a place where the common man hasn't the will to dream, and only the very young dare each other to enter the old carins that dot the hills...

It'd be best if your characters are local and in a situation where going after the hint of treasure in some old, trap-filled tomb actualy looks like a good idea.


First Post
Though, considering it's an Adventure Path and thus rather dangerous, 3 PCs alone of the normal suggested level is likely to be fatal.....thus why I'm hoping figmike will join in too. :heh:

Considering the way Wounds/Vitality work (namely in terms of how much more critical hits hurt), this is one of the rare instances I would actually be in favor of the Bell-Curved Rolls variant, using 3d6 in place of 1d20. (edited out a question that turned out to be answered by one of the links)

I'm not in favor of using a Saga-esque skill system, though. :\
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Hmmm....Preferred character concepts.
I never developed the specifics and deeper aspects of these characters earlier, as there's not much point until I'm able to use them in an actual campaign. :heh: So, I have ideas in mind for them but nothing concrete written yet besides some basic notes on stats and gear, on my laptop (not my PC at present, which is what I have Internet access with).

Oh, and note to the others; important to remember that since it's an adventure path, chances of dying are probably above average, so being able to get Raised/Resurrected/Revivified is probably important. :uhoh: ;) And in Arcana Unearthed/Arcana Evolved, that means ya have to get a Truename (IIRC, none of those spells in AU/AE works unless the caster knows their subject's Truename, so Unbound characters cannot return from the dead).

I'm quite willing to fill any role needed by the party, though I have a preference for warrior and warrior-mage types in AU/AE (normally more mage-oriented in D&D, though; I'm fine with playing rogue and healer types too, but just have less frequent desire to play such archetypes; and pure mages have some hurdles in AU/AE).

These character ideas are presented in no particular order, except I did group them together a bit by race. Click on the spoiler block's button to skim them.

[sblock=Arkhandus' PC Ideas]Vardagithan the Reaver - Male Sibeccai, Truenamed, Greenbond
A strong, kind of tough and sneaky sibeccai, but relatively clever for his kind. Vardagithan has developed a close bond with nature over the years, and it shows a bit in his wilderness affinity and occasional savagery in combat, much like the sibeccai of old before Giantkind enlightened them. For this he doesn't quite fit in so well with his own kind or other cityfolk, though he's not really all that uncivilized. In fact, Vardagithan is quite kind to those in need, and even a bit educated despite his rural upbringing.
Concept: Healer and secondary melee warrior, only a little social and a little scholarly, mostly a bit shady and violent though. Likely to use some cold-themed magic, having some kind of affinity for winter, possibly a reflection of his cold ruthlessness toward enemies (Energy Mage - Cold as a feat). Might be something of a hunter or vagabond. Likely poor Dex and Cha, good Str and Wis, average or above average Con and Int.
Background: Vagabond.

Sareigor the Bold - Male Sibeccai, Truenamed, Warmain
A falchion-wielding brute of a sibeccai, but quite civilized when he isn't purposely trying to intimidate lesser folk. Sareigor is gifted with a tall frame and thick bones, and is very fit. A natural warrior, he's quite intimidating and exceptionally tough, lending him great bravado. However, Sareigor also has a civilized upbringing and demeanor, so he is reasonably smart and familiar with social matters, despite little experience in actual debate, diplomacy, or manipulation. His only social talents are in the art of intimidation, but he knows well enough when that isn't the right solution to any given task. He's always focused on combat training, and has good teamwork skills. He likes to fight, after all.
Concept: Meat shield and melee specialist, a damage sponge. High Intimidate skill (Affinity with Skill - Intimidate, as one of his feats). Likely poor Dex and Cha, great Con, above average Str, average or above average Int and Wis.
Background: Mercenary.

Azrik Vossh - Mojh, Truenamed, Magister
A reasonably fit and highly intelligent mojh, Azrik Vossh (he/it insists on using his/its full Draconic name since the transformation he underwent into a mojh) is resourceful and adventurous, bored with years of study in a stuffy tower with fellow mojh-aspirants. He would rather continue his pursuit of arcane power and secrets in the greater world outside that isolated tower. His exercise to avoid going stir-crazy has made him relatively strong and tough for a mojh, though still weaker than he had been in his former, human life. His motto is that any good opportunity deserves to be taken and exploited, though he does retain some human scruples.
Concept: Primary spellcaster, limited scholar, and minor to intermediate melee support (at least at low levels). Likely poor Cha, great Int, above average Str and Con, average Dex and Wis.
Background: Scholar.

Xikxos - Male Verrik, Truenamed, Akashic
A talented, scimitar-wielding verrik, Xikxos has a penchant for dabbling in both practical skills and scholastic pursuits, which consequently interferes with his mastering of swordsmanship. Nonetheless, he's fairly fit in both mind and body, skilled in various weapons, armors, and shields, with a knack for avoiding harm through cleverness, good armor, and modest agility. Xikxos has some minor problems with focusing one a single task or topic, but at least he's flexible and reasonably attentive when necessary. It doesn't help that he occasionally gets lost in deep, philosophical thoughts that probably wouldn't make rational sense to non-verrik.
Concept: Jack of many but not all trades, especially focused on swordsmanship (Natural Swordsman feat) and defense, not very fast with his armor and other gear. Capable but not exceptional rogue-type in skills. Likely good Int, above average Str and Dex, average or above average Con, Wis, and Cha.
Background: Rogue.

Qyrabi - Male Verrik, Truenamed, Wood Witch
A strong and straightforward verrik, Qyrabi likes to solve his problems through violence or other quick, simple means, despite being fairly rational and insightful otherwise. He just prefers to avoid wasting more time than necessary on any matter, and would rather avoid long, pointless arguments that are more likely to just frustrate people or favor whoever's most eloquent, deceptive, and manipulative. He's honest and wary of any deception or ulterior motives, though just as mysterious and dismissive as any other verrik when questions about his own people are brought up. Qyrabi enjoys the relative simplicity and stark qualities of living among nature to life among cities of noisy, selfish, scheming humanoid rabble. He has a particular affinity for trees and plants, in their simple, austure existence and seeming agelessness. Despite being somewhat abrasive, Qyrabi really doesn't mind dealing with other people if they're reasonable enough or just plain quiet.
Concept: Good secondary spellcaster, secondary melee warrior, and limited utility fellow. Defensive orientation initially but with some offensive skill, and will likely focus more on offense and utility later. Kind of tough, and inclined towards destroying offensive items or obstacles, so feats are probably Sturdy and Energy Mage (Acid). Likely poor Cha, good Str and Wis, average or above average Dex, Con, and Int.
Background: Ranger.

Rohkkath - Male Litorian, Truenamed, Snake Warrior
An agile litorian hunter, Rohkkath has an unusual affinity for snakes and the aspects they embody as a totem spirit. He is more of a loner than some of his kind, as a result, but naturally charismatic and better suited to traveling with non-litorians. Rohkkath is fit but not as muscular or tough as some of his kind, and he's fleet of foot. He has good skills as a hunter and scout, but lacks the instincts and deeper thought processes to be truly great at these things. Instead he's learned to fight well and be a good survivor, especially since his talents and affinities have caused him to be alienated from his clan.
Concept: Nimble melee warrior and throwing-weapon user, decent huntsman and scout. Wields a greater battle claw probably, as well as some javelins or the like. Likely good Dex, above average Str, Con, and Cha, roughly average Int and Wis.
Background: Hunter.

Toravha - Male Litorian, Truenamed, Unfettered
A spikestick-wielding litorian vagabond, Toravha was one of the smallest fellows in his clan and coped with that status by building up his agility and finesse. Toravha eventually left his clan and wandered among other folk for a time, never feeling quite at home amongst the clan and needing more practice with his techniques. He became even sneakier and a bit less scrupulous, but is still trying to find his place in the world.
Concept: Nimble melee warrior and ranged weapon user, good athlete and acrobat, capable scout and sneak. Essentially similar to Rohkkath but more combat-focused and sneaky, with different weapons, less social ability, more athleticism, and even more agility but less speed. Likely poor Cha, great Dex, above average Str and Int, average Con and Wis.
Background: Vagabond.

Akkhar Ul-Gorial - Male Human, Truenamed, Mage Blade
A rapier-wielding human warrior and dabbler in the arcane, Akkhar was recognized for his magical talents and natural finesse at an early age, and spent many years training to become a mage blade at a small academy of sorts. He studied and trained to improve his physique and raw toughness, while also improving his great agility and manual dexterity. Unfortunately he had poor muscle development and little inclination towards truly difficult physical training; pain and punishment he could endure and grow tougher from, but too much effort was anathema to his natural laziness. His short attention span only increased the amount of time he had to waste at academy to learn his skills, which really annoys him. Although energetic when he needs to be, Akkhar prefers to lounge about or wander at a relaxed pace. Akkhar is only energized when his future is on the line, though, so laziness rules him most of the time. Still, he gets bored with any place after a while and is stricken by wanderlust. Besides, while travel and daring adventures take a lot of effort, they can be pretty exciting and lucrative. Sometimes he's a bit too lackadaisical, though.
Concept: Secondary spellcaster, secondary melee warrior, and decent ranged combatant, with minor utility capacity. Likely poor Wis, great Dex, good Con and Cha, average Str and Int.
Background: Vagabond.[/sblock]

Cyincal Lurker

First Post
A few notes on some slightly alterations I'll be making ot the variant rules:

I'll either have Wound Points track below 0 or have some form of con damage after 0 WP (and scale the fort saves for stability/dying on that), since, at high levels at least, things with a good fort save can be a nussance to finish off. Which ever way I go, it'll be something with a minmal impact at low levels, since the problem only comes up at very high levels.

I once started a 20th level game, and the first fight was against a dragon. Even after the PCs had it down to 0 HP/WP, they just couldn't do enough damage with coup de graces to raise the fort save higher than it could easily make. So, I started to apply damage as con damage in order to finaly kill it and move on.

I'm just debating if using con damage would be too deadly for this setting at low levels.

Bell-Curve Rolls:
If we do wind up with these, I do two things differently. To start with, I don't incrase the default critcal threat range of weapons. The variant, RAW, keeps the odds of crits exactly the same, and I'd rather they be rare and as memerable as they are devistating, so I prefer to keep the default ranges the same on all weapons.

The other alteration has to do with action points. At higher levels, when you can rolls 2 or 3 dice from an action pont and pick the best, with bell curves you can add all the dice. Again, this is mostly something that affects high level play, but I find the results fitting with what high level characers aught to be able to pull off in a pinch.

All look like sound concepts to me.

In general, this AP favors the 'classic' part, pure fighter, pure cleric, pure wizard and pure rogue, so 'mixed archetype' characters can be at a disadvantage. However, that said, so long as you understands the the weakness and limitations of such a character, there is no reason it won't work, you just have to work a bit more to ensure you play to your strenghts, whatever they may be.


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I’m down with playing. My Exalted game is starting up and I’m still in Spycraft (though I haven’t posted in that game for a while now, hmmm.)

I don’t have time to post up a well made idea today, but I’ll start thinking on it. The thing about AU is that even though the classic Pure Fighter, Pure Divine, Pure Arcane, Pure Rogue is possible the classes are designed so that different combinations can do all the correct stuff.

Team 1: Warmain, Magister, Greenbond, Akashic (rogue)

Team 2: Unfettered, Runethane, Wood Witch, Mage Blade

In both teams you have dedicated and secondary fighters, a scout, a traps smith, offensive and defensive spells, and multiple healers. It just that in one team, the Akashic has to take care of traps, scouting, and be second fighter, where in the other the Unfettered would be sneaking and the Runethane would handle traps.

What’s more important for us, in terms of team balance is to know which major skills we should think about.

Cyincal Lurker

First Post
Yeah, that's one of the advantages AE has over core D&D.

So long as the party is 'balanced' internaly, it should be just fine, regardless of the specific classes used.

And one reason I like ot get concepts first, rather than stats, is that it's easier to adjust a concept to fit the needs of the group than it is to change a stat block for the same reason. Once we know what everyone is looking to be playing, it's pretty simple to figure out who may want to focus on certain skills and the like.

Cyincal Lurker

First Post
Diamond Lake is a small town of just over 1,000 perminate residence. Nestled in the Derenblack Hills on the litteral edge of the Lands of the Diamond Throne and the Southern Wastes, it's very litteraly the last outpost of civilization, some 300 miles north of the Verrik lands beyond the wastes.

As in the time of the dramojh, Diamond Lake is a pit at the end of the world, a place where folk only come to as a last resort. When the dramojh ruled, the place was something of a haven; too far for the dramojh to take an direct intrest. So long as the mines produced enough iron and copper, the dragon scions had plently of other things to focus on.

Little changed when the giants first arrived. Much as the dramojh, they were intrested in the metals produced and little else, as the location was of no stratigic value. Litorian tribes to the south were no threat, and no allies of the dramojh, so the giants left only enough sibeccai to make sure the mines kept running to supply the war elsewhere.

When the war finaly ended, and the giants took up the role of stewards, the demand for the metals dropped sharply, as the giants were more keen to build with stone than steel. Still, the mines produced some wealth, as well as the occasional veins of gold and silver, and so life continued.

As always, the distant lords remain concerened only with output from the mines, and slowly the town became dominated by corrupt officals and mine owners, the few decent folk were left facing a loosing battle agasnt increasingly ruthless foes, intrested only in how much coin they can squeeze from the town.

Diamond lake is predominatly a human town, with the only signifigant other race being the sibeccai, descended from those left to guard the place, now largly reduced to brute labor in the mines. Dracha and Mojh are little more than myth and rumor here, and the last time a Giant was seen was when govenor-mayor Neff was appointed. There are a few Litorians in the town, though there are a number of tribes that have always lived in the hills around the town, and are normaly only seen when they come to trade. A fair number of Loresong Faen serve as clerks and accounants, while a lesser number of quickling faen earn a living on the streets and allyways. A handfull of Verrik live in a small community not far from the city, in an issolated commune where they attempt to peer into the past of the civilzation that once thrived in the once-lush southern wastes. Much as the litorians, they come to town only to trade, always with a highly valued 'herb' that's always in demand.

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