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[AU] Siege on Ebonring Keep - Part 2


Erekose13 said:
As the door opens he sees Ys-Baddaden almost immediately, and who wouldnt he's even larger than Ys-Korros remembered. Hustling in his slower gate over to his brother he grips his hand firmly and draws him into a big hug.

"Little brother, I am glad to have caught up with you! I have been following your footsteps for days." Ys-Korros says in greeting. He is a little preoccupied at the moment to say his greetings to everyone else gathered in the room.

Ys-Baddaden looks on in shocked amazement as his older brother pulls him in for a tight hug. After a speechless moment, the giant regains his composure and answers Ys-Korros, "I ... was not expecting ... this. I am glad to see you too. What did father and mother say? However did you find me? I hope your journey was less eventful than ours."

As the questions and concerns come tumbling out of the younger brother, a grumble escapes his stomach, reminding him of his current situation. "I have so much more to talk with you about, brother, yet I have one more pressing concern." Leaning down, Ys-Baddaden whispers in Ys-Korros' ear, "Do you by any chance have some of that barkbread that mother makes?"

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Aurial sees the brothers embrace and tears well in her soft brown eyes. "Hello Danwyn, Forgive me my tears. I recently lost my sons. Seeing the brothers reunite causes my heart to break." She says and quickly walks away from the group for a moment. she takes out a small blanket and hugs it to herself in the corner.


First Post
While the introductions and family reunion continue, Yaren arrives and smartly salutes Iriana Truthspeaker. The sub-commander in charge of the scouts appears agitated.

"Permission to speak," she says.

"Of course, of course," Iriana replies with a dismissive wave. "You know I've asked you to dispense with the military formality with me."

"One of my scouts working the plains to the northeast met up with some local litorian hunters," she says. "The litorians spoke of a religious cult that has taken root in Grenveld. It's a small but noble litorian community some three days on foot from here. The hunters were deeply concerned by the rate at which this cult is collecting new followers."

Iriana's eyes narrow. "Grenveld? Isn't that your home town?"

Yaren's gaze flickers to the floor, but just as quickly returns to meet Iriana's. "Yes...hence my concern."

By now, everyone in the room is quiet and listening to the litorian's impassioned report. Osric, the human akashic and scholar of obscure religions, speaks up. "Pardon me, but did they mention the name of the cult?"

Yaren gives Osric a hard look, but answers evenly. "Yes. The cult refers to themselves as the Hopeful of Trythium."

Osric closes his eyes for a moment, digging deep into his well-trained memory. "Mmmm," he says, "I've heard about them. Until now, they've been believed to operate only west of the Bitter Peaks. Little is known about them as their new adherents don't speak to outsiders. Some scholars believe that the cult uses magical compulsion to recruit. They aren't known for violence, but 'infected' communities tend to stop having children. No outsiders have yet to understand their true motives."

Yaren looks even more concerned. "You see, Truthspeaker," she says, "I feel it is important that I go investigate this matter. I spoke with the Colonel, but he refused my request to take a leave of absence."

"His orders are final," Iriana says. "While I direct the general focus of the operation, the Colonel has complete control over how his force is run. I cannot intervene."

"No, I understand," Yaren says, deflated. She then looks pointedly into Khajom's eyes. While holding his gaze, she speaks to Iriana. "Perhaps if you had more adventurers answer your call for help than you need...some could be encouraged to investgate. The human seems to know quite a bit about the cult. And I believe Khajom here may have interests in that community's welfare."

"I'll take that under consideration," Iriana says. "Please leave us now. We have matters to discuss. Bring me word straight away should any of your scouts return with word on the whereabouts of the rhodin force." Yaren nods, gives Khajom another purposeful look, and then departs.

"I know nothing of this cult," Iriana says. "It may be harmless or it may grow to become a problem for this entire region. Such is the way of things. For now, I must keep my focus on recovering the Ebonring and secure this keep for the security of the region. Should a few of you wish to help, that's your choice to make."

"Cults and obscure religions are an area of interest of mine," Osric says. "I'd be interested in checking it out, and I could probably be very helpful in breaking it up if necessary."

Pyior looks up at Khajom. "You're from that area, aren't you?"

Khajom sighs. "Grenveld is just a short distance from where I grew up," he says. "I have some family and many friends who live there. I'll admit, honestly, that I'm distressed by what I hear. My oath, however, is to protect you, and I won't violate that."

Pyior looks a little glum. "Well, as a magister, I'm still interested in finding this Ebonring. It's magic could be very interesting. Plus, I'd probably get to learn more about the rhodin by tracking them down. I don't want to get in the way of you helping your family, though."

"As an oathsworn, my feelings and needs are irrelevant," Khajom replies. "Only fulfilling my oath."

"Didn't you tell me that if you undertake an oath that has no definitive end, you are only obligated for the span of one year?"

"Yes," Khajom says.

"Well, you swore your oath to protect me nearly two years ago," Pyior says. "I'm still alive and in one piece. And even though we're just now getting into some dangerous areas, I think you fulfilled your oath just fine. Consider it successfully discharged. In fact, I think you should swear a new oath - to go help the people of Grenveld against the intrusion of this cult."

Khajom's internal struggle is plainly obvious on his face. Pyior decides to prod just a little further. "Besides," he says, "once we get the Ebonring back, I'll just pop on over to Grenveld and help you discharge your new oath."

Khajom sighs and then grins broadly. "You, my little friend, are a fool. However, you're about as noble and kind as any I've ever met. Alright, I will accept your discharge and swear a new oath."

The litorian takes a deep breath and speaks in a voice that carries the strength of profound power. "I swear to determine the true nature of the Hopeful of Trythium cult. Should the cult have a subversive nature, I shall see that their presence is removed from the village of Grenveld. Such is my oath, so am I sworn and bound."

Khajom looks to Osric. "You are going to join me? I'm sure your knowledge of this subject would be invaluable."

"Absolutely," Osric says. "This sort of thing is what I set out on an adventuring career to discover and learn about."

Pyrithanis the Steadfast steps forward. "While I wouldn't mind trying my hand at a few more rhodin scum, my instincts tell me that the two of you may need some more muscle before your quest is over. If you'll have my sword, I would join you."

"Your presence will be welcome," Khajom says. "That should be enough, though. I wouldn't want to deplete Iriana of her entire supply of adventurers."

"Who has the wine that the caravan driver gave us?" Pyrithanis asks. "I think we should drink the rest of it tonight, to honor the brief time we were all together."


ooc: Let's assume that all of you spend the rest of the evening relaxing, getting acquainted, and saying farewells. Khajom, Osric, and Pyrithanis will depart early the next morning. I've got one more "cut-scene" to write for Ys-Baddaden's start down the path of the greenbond. If the rest of you wish to return to exploring, let's plan for that to start the following morning.
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First Post
After the informal celebration and dinner of rations, everyone settles in for some extended sleep. The sense of security offered by the small military force at the keep is not lost on anyone following several hard nights camping in dangerous territory.

Ys-Baddaden finds himself restless. Leaving the others to their sleep, he quietly slips up the stairs and onto the roof of the keep. Under a three-quarter moonlit sky, he can make out the pair of guards in the watchtower above. One waves at him, but they make no effort at conversation.

The giant walks to the west side of the keep, and is rewarded with a magnificent view of the Floating Forest. From the ground the forest is largely obscured by a line of low hills, but from the roof the mighty gassar trees extend to the limits of the moonlit horizon. Ys-Baddaden was told about the gassars when he was a youth. The mighty trees begin growing deep underground. Eventually, they erupt from the earth and carry large slabs of earth upwards in their branches. These become small ecosystems within the forest - floating islands in a sense. In the darkness, the illusion is even more convincing.

Ys-Baddaden is startled by the soundless arrival of an owl, landing within arm's reach on the railing. He knows instinctively that this is no ordinary owl. In any given moment it appears both tangible and ethereal. It's eyes show intelligence and wisdom. It speaks a single word, his truename, then takes to the air. Ys-Baddaden watches the spirit, the totem, fly a short distance away. The owl hoots several times, beckoning the giant to follow it toward the forest.

Ys-Baddaden hurries through the keep, not stopping to wake any of his companions or even grab his gear. He mumbles something to the gate guards about needing some fresh air. The distant hooting leads him around the keep, over the hills, and into the dark forest. Insects, frogs, and other critters of the night create a symphony over which the spirit guides his movements through the trees.

The owl leads him up the trunk of a gassar and onto a small island in the sky. Smaller trees and bushes grow out of the island, all surrounding a small pool of crystal water. A shaft of moonlight cuts through the islands of the surrounding gassars, fully illuminating this one spot in the forest. Other spirits are here - an elk, wolf, snake, and hawk. There are also spirits of the trees, the wind, the earth, and even the small pool of water. So many that it is almost overwhelming, yet Ys-Baddaden is infused with only a sense of rightness with the world.

The giant had left home to adventure, to find his purpose and calling in life. He hadn't expected that his calling would come find him.

Ys-Baddaden wakes the next morning beside his companions in the keep. He feels the connection to the Green and wonders how he was ever able to live without that warm, vibrant companion. The events of the night are quickly fading from his memory, but he recalls one of the last things the spirits told him: "You may not see us again for some time, but remember that we are always here. Follow your heart, and we will continue to guide your path."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Aurial is awake when Ys-Baddaden returns but does not bother him. She can see that he has spoken with the spirits just as she did when the Hawk came to her.
She sees the Giant fall into his bedroll and softly wanders over to his side. His heavy breathing blows her hair softly and she smiles and pulls his covers over him. kisses his exausted head and goes back to bed after making sure everyone else is covered and sleeping.

Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Jumping back in time a bit...

Aurial said:
I recently lost my sons. Seeing the brothers reunite causes my heart to break.
"I... I'm sorry to hear of your loss Hawksister."

Then back forward...
"Good morning! So, shall we search the lower levels of the keep as we were discussing earlier?"


"I too am sorry to hear your loss. I am on this adventure at the behest of my grandfather. Though our totems are normally predator and prey, I will be honored to call you friend." Danwyn replies.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Aurial smiles and holds her arms out to hug the Snake warrior. I thank you both for your concern. And as for our totems being preditor and prey, While this is true in nature this in not true in the spirit realms. We are friends you and I and share a bond that the others could not understand. we are more than just the body they see. we are bonded to spirits of great power. She says and starts making her rounds making sure the men are all up and getting something to eat.
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Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Ah well, ignored again. But I'm used to it... I guess I'll just patiently wait until they are ready to start exploring the keep.

Pyior shrugs and retrieves Of the Rhodin Beastmen from his backpack, and starts reading from it while mumbling under his breath. A minute or two into his reading, without looking up he says aloud, "Khajom! The author says clearly differentiating between the back-of-the-throat growl and the behind-the-teeth growl is critical in speaking clear Rhodin. Could you help me with..."

Pyior looks up, a slightly befuddled look on his face, "Oh. I, ah... forgot."

He returns to his reading, silent now, with a glum expression on his face.

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