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[AU] Siege on Ebonring Keep - Part 2


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Cordo said:
Pyior bows to Shaddek, adding, "Thank you, brother. At first I was mystified to see that you had addressed the envelope to Iriana, despite your warnings to think through the situation carefully before we returned the ring to her. But as we traveled back I came to realize you had placed the envelope within the heart of darkness prior to knowing it would not be Iriana who retrieved it.

I was also wondering, do you have any thoughts, brother to brother, on how we could go about finding out if Iriana's motiavations are truly noble or not?"

"Ah, yes," Shaddeck says. "I addressed the envelope to her, assuming either she or one of her agents would attempt to retrieve it. The room down there is used as something of a secure holding area for the Brotherhood. To date, I don't believe any of our membership has taken an item that did not belong to him. It's an honor system of security that has proven effective for a long time.

"As for judging Iriana's motives...I don't think I'll be of much help. When I knew her, Iriana was quite self-centered and very focused on her own studies and growth in magical power. I never had any reason to believe she would do anything to hurt others to get what she wanted, though. It was more that she was too focused on her progress as a magister to see the bigger picture.

"It's possible that she's changed. It has been many years since I last spoke with her. If she truly plans to use the ring for its intended purpose, to bolster the defenses of Ebonring Keep, then I wish her well. At least now I have confidence in the motives of you four, and I will rest easier knowing that someone will watch and judge Iriana's actions."

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Liminal Syzygy

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"I understand. Thank you. Now, about that lodging..."

Pyior is satisfied and ready to start travel back to the Ebonring Keep the next morning.


Ys-Korros nods as well, glad not to be drawn into a conversation on the merrits of their employer's motives. He is looking forward to bringing peace to the area around Ebonring Keep and feels that Iriana is the right one for the job.


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Ritsar just waits for the others to make the first move. He'll travel with them to meet this magister and kill her if he must but that will all happen some other day. Today he needs some food and some rest.

The last few days have been interesting.


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Shaddeck is happy to show the group to a private room in one of the smaller buildings in the enclave, mostly populated by students. The accomodations are comfortable, but perhaps a bit cramped.

Dinner is served in waves, as there isn't room in the main hall for more than a dozen folks at a time. Shaddeck introduces the group to other magisters and staff. Almost everyone is welcoming, though a couple of the magisters seem mostly disinterested.

Gritch, a middle-aged human magister dining with them, is particularly talkative and inquisitive. He's quick to tell stories and poke good fun at himself and fellow magisters. The other members of the Enclave seem to like him, even when they're the subject of his mirth.

"So, I hear you came here by way of the plains along the Floating Forest," he says while offering to refill wine glasses. "We've heard bits and pieces about a group calling themselves...oh, what was it? The Trythium? Some cult that seems to be spreading throughout the towns in the region, even among the litorian tribes. Can you shed any light upon this new phenomenon?"


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"I'm from one of the villages these shaman's have infested" Ritsar's voice growled out in an angry rumble.

"They throw away tradition like dust in the wind and laugh at honor. They are no better than rhodin."

Ritsar's voice had risen, his anger burning through the mannered demeanor of the meal. He sullenly played with his food as he seethed.


Having not run into the Trythium on his journey across the plains, Ys-Korros listens intently to Ritsar's tale. Bringing the ring to Ebonring Keep is all the more important as more factions threaten the peace of the surrounding area. He only hopes that they will not have any trouble crossing the border of the plains on their return.


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ooc - Actually, you guys did run into the Trythium while on the way from the Ebonring Keep. Well, all of you except for Ritsar. See middle of page 8 if you'd like a refresher on how that panned out. I know...it was quite a while ago and a fairly short encounter.


"We ran into a group of them on our way here." Ys-Korros adds in. "They seemed to think they ran the entire plains by what they said. A friend of ours had set off to find out more when last we saw him at Ebonring Keep. I wonder what happened to Khajom?" he says looking towards Pyior.

ooc: thanks for the reminder, all caught up now :)

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