[AU]Vale of Shadows [IC]


First Post
dead_radish said:
The first guard approaches Rupert. "I enjoyed your salute, boy. I have one of my own." Quicker than Rupert expects, the butt of the longspear flashes up, catching him firmly in the crotch. His runic armor cushions the blow slightly, but not nearly enough. He staggers, but remains on his feet (ooc: successful attack roll, successful fortitude save vs. pain), though his eyes water.
Ouch ... You'll pay for that bastard ! Rupert takes a step back and his right hand instinctively reaches for his sword. Realizing he's greatly outnumbered, he drops the idea of fighting back but looks at the guard with fury in his eyes. I'll get you some day, you Margrave lap dog !
dead_radish said:
The Margrave then steps in, accompanied by an attractive blond woman with a piercing gaze, and a leather bag in hand.
Rupert quickly changes his gaze toward the woman. Despite the pain, he tries to smile and regain some composure.
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"He is not my Margrave--his pallor is too faded and his tools too coarse," Haradoth replies while placing a bit of food to his mouth. With the last, he looks up and down the guard before him. "You may strike me as well, but might find my gender lacking. Though do not think yourself too low that I am not willing to extend any further breath upon you."

"But let us not be uncivil. I come here to eat, and have no ill will in my heart for you or your lord. Find me peaceful sitting here, and I will find you less appealing than this meal I have before me."

Haradoth continues to eat.


The guards survey the room again, nodding with satisfaction as nearly all the members of the Caravanserai rise, most without too much struggle. There is another, a human woman, that resists as well, but the guard masterfully twists her arm behind her back, and she grimaces, standing up.

The guard near Haradoth, blanches slightly, clearing having caught the reference to "breath." He looks around for support, and is relieved when the woman accompanying the Margrave steps up to him. She looks at the guard, and the mojh, and sighs. She mutters a few words, pulls a dropper of water from a bag at her hip, and drops it on the man's arm. "You need not fear his bluster, now."

The Litorians now lounge by the bar, technically in compliance with the orders.

The woman steps back to confer with the Margrave, and he then speaks to his guard captain. The captain calls out in a tired voice, "All you lot, line up against the wall here. We're not lookin' ta cause trouble, and this'll all be over faster iff'n ya comply. And the next round of drinks will be on ta house if things go well."

Ar-Pharos notices that the barkeeper blanches as this is said, but no one else seems to catch it.

As the guard gestures for the people to line up (which they do, for the most part - the promise of free drinks, combined with the threat of violence, seems to work), the woman steps forward and begins to examine people, starting with Rowlth.

She looks him over, almost as though she were looking at a horse, or a weapon. She nods, saying "This one to start" and steps to one of the other patrons. The guard captain steps up to Rowlth, and states "The Margrave would like to speak with you in the Pavillion outside."

(Paused at this point for actions from Rowlth and Haradoth, any reactions, and I'll continue).

Haradoth rises to his feet swinging the spear case over his left shoulder.

"Your tiny mother protects you well, ape, but it would not have been enough tp prevent a nasty scar." His gaze shifts to the faen woman for a moment before bringing a toothy grin, accompnaied by a shrug of his shoulder, to the guard. "She seems intent on finding better soldiers than you here. Best hope she succeeds."

Haradoth feints a thrust of his head akin to a viper strike at the guard. Laughs while picking up his tray of food and mug, and then joins the rest at the wall.

"Who am I to ruin free ale for all?"


dead_radish said:
The guards survey the room again, nodding with satisfaction as nearly all the members of the Caravanserai rise, most without too much struggle. There is another, a human woman, that resists as well, but the guard masterfully twists her arm behind her back, and she grimaces, standing up.

The guard near Haradoth, blanches slightly, clearing having caught the reference to "breath." He looks around for support, and is relieved when the woman accompanying the Margrave steps up to him. She looks at the guard, and the mojh, and sighs. She mutters a few words, pulls a dropper of water from a bag at her hip, and drops it on the man's arm. "You need not fear his bluster, now."

The Litorians now lounge by the bar, technically in compliance with the orders.

The woman steps back to confer with the Margrave, and he then speaks to his guard captain. The captain calls out in a tired voice, "All you lot, line up against the wall here. We're not lookin' ta cause trouble, and this'll all be over faster iff'n ya comply. And the next round of drinks will be on ta house if things go well."

Ar-Pharos notices that the barkeeper blanches as this is said, but no one else seems to catch it.

As the guard gestures for the people to line up (which they do, for the most part - the promise of free drinks, combined with the threat of violence, seems to work), the woman steps forward and begins to examine people, starting with Rowlth.

She looks him over, almost as though she were looking at a horse, or a weapon. She nods, saying "This one to start" and steps to one of the other patrons. The guard captain steps up to Rowlth, and states "The Margrave would like to speak with you in the Pavillion outside."

(Paused at this point for actions from Rowlth and Haradoth, any reactions, and I'll continue).

"Ice Cat where have I offended?" Rowlth seems to asks the heavens. He then retrieves his battle claw, secures it to his belt and turns to the guard.
"After you manling, perhaps we can get this over quickly so I can return to my meal."


The woman nods imperceptible as the Litorian walks out of the room, escorted by several guards. She then turns her eye to the Mojh, and peers into the blank pools. "You have spirit, Mojh. And something inside you, something growing. You will do admirably, I think." She calls out to the guards again. "This one. And be careful, lest he burn your fingers."

She continues around the room, slowly. Some people she examines for perhaps 5 seconds, some as long as a minute. Several people blanche under her continued scrutiny, and those she dismisses.

When all is told, she has earmarked the six of you, as well as one of the Litorians, and a Sibeccai magister. All of you are escorted (willingly or no) to the Margrave's pavillion.

Inside the hastily erected pavillion are laid 8 chairs in front of a inlaid desk. The Margrave sits at the desk, eating some sort of sumptuous fruit. The woman enters behind you and seats herself on the edge of the desk.

"Welcome, welcome all. I thank you for accepting my invitation. Won't you please have a seat?"


Amused by the pomposity of the situation, Xen quietly states, "Some of that fruit would be nice. I wasn't able to finish my dinner," before seating himself in one of the chairs.

OOC: Sorry about the lack of posts. Real life is kicking my arse right now.


Mirth said:
Amused by the pomposity of the situation, Xen quietly states, "Some of that fruit would be nice. I wasn't able to finish my dinner," before seating himself in one of the chairs.

OOC: Sorry about the lack of posts. Real life is kicking my arse right now.

Rowlth kneels on his haunches and awaits what the man has to say.


First Post
Crazy Rupert

Rupert smiles at the Margrave and sits on a chair. "My lord, I'm happy to see some that you and some of your retainers have an eye for talent and greatness." He says as he looks toward the lady and then back toward the Margrave. "She should review your guards too. The ones that serve you now are a bunch of brutes and ignorant that can't make the difference between humour and true danger."

Haradoth takes a seat. Brushing his claws against his creast, he looks over those assembled.

"I daresat we were not brought here simply because you wanted to offer us sweeter fruits than the others. What is it you wish of us? Certainly this woman has the sight, but whatever she has seen, it is clear that you must be desperate to turn to such as these."

He then shrugs as if having been reminded by a silent voice, "such as us, then."

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