3PP Release Available Now: Multiclasser's Manual, Volume 1


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Still working on it. Finally got the last few items out of balance review yesterday afternoon (balancing a greed warlock was tricky; what will be in the final book is something like version 4 or 5) so all I've got now is layout. So my hope is sometime in the next week to 10 days. We'll have to see how thorny the layout winds up being.

I don't do copyfitting because I prefer to give the individual elements whatever space they actually need (one of the advantages of doing one's own design work instead of needing to budget for freelancer pay) so I can sometimes wind up with weird layout situations that require some puzzle solving to look nice.
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The Oozemancer (if my WotBS campaign ever gets started) seems to intend to multiclass into fighter just to boost his defense... Would the Wizard/Fighter synergy chain be helpful for him?


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Really depends on what you want to do, honestly.

My personal take is that Oozemancer seems like it'd work better with the bladechanter synergy feat chain than the new one. The new one is more set up for a knight/spellguard or brute/warmage kind of character (heavy armor and lots of firepower), whereas the Oozemancer seems more like it'd want to stay lightly-armored and mobile to me.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Progress update: text for archetypes, synergy feats/build concepts, and profession feats is laid out. Still need to do combat traditions, spells, the magic item from Mortalist, and the reference tables, and it also needs art added. Up over 100 pages already, so this will be a big one!


Really depends on what you want to do, honestly.

My personal take is that Oozemancer seems like it'd work better with the bladechanter synergy feat chain than the new one. The new one is more set up for a knight/spellguard or brute/warmage kind of character (heavy armor and lots of firepower), whereas the Oozemancer seems more like it'd want to stay lightly-armored and mobile to me.
Actually, since his dex isn't that great (he might need to change his stats or use an ASI to Multiclass into fighter) he was going medium armor, staff and shield.

But the thought of an oozemancer/fighter (maybe with spirited steed) riding his ooze familiar into battle is terrifying.

Voidrunner's Codex

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