Back in Black Available for Free Online


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With thousands of new players acquiring their copies of the Karma Roleplaying System Core Rules Book for free as part of the massive Gamers Help Haiti drive at, Bards and Sages Publishing announces that it has released its new Karma supplement,Back in Black, as a free online series of articles.

The Back in Black series, originally planned as a single supplement, revisits the modern era lore and conspiracies surrounding UFOs and aliens and offers some surprising twists along the way. Uncover the secret organizations that police, hide, and do business with the various alien species found on Earth. Learn the secrets that stopped an alien invasion and turned Earth into an intergalactic resort and economic goldmine. Get your hands on the latest in alien-hunting equipment. Meet the various alien races that frequent the planet.

Though designed for use with the Karma Roleplaying System, much of the background information is system-neutral and can be used as an inspiration for almost any modern campaign.

Each installment will be posted at, where players can read and download for free the articles they want to use. For players new to Karma, they can also find additional free monsters, spells, advice, and ask questions regarding various aspects of the game.

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