Background Upgrades & Graz'zt Again! Plus Skeptical D&D!

Apologies for the slow-news tail end of this week. With all the background upgrading and patching, there hasn't been chance to post much news. Back to normal this weekend, I promise! In the meantime, Sacrosanct's Graz'zt conversion has gotten itself an awesome web comic at Greyhawkery. In that article, I mentioned that one of the signs of a healthy game is the amount of fan-created content...

Apologies for the slow-news tail end of this week. With all the background upgrading and patching, there hasn't been chance to post much news. Back to normal this weekend, I promise! In the meantime, Sacrosanct's Graz'zt conversion has gotten itself an awesome web comic at Greyhawkery.

In that article, I mentioned that one of the signs of a healthy game is the amount of fan-created content that appears for it. I take that back. The sign of a healthy game is the number of web-comics based on fan-created content that appears for the game. There's an extra level there!

[h=3]Skeptical Dungeons & Dragons[/h]
From The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe.



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