D&D General Bag of Holding in Bag of Holding(No) Large chest shrunken in Bag of Holding(?)

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Seems like Warlock, Genie patron, Pact of the Blade would cover a lot of the concept. Can’t quick swap armor, but at-will Disguise Self could cover the aesthetics.


We've always ruled that an extra-dimensional space inside an extra-dimensional space will cause issues. It doesn't matter how the extra-dimensional space is created or if it's permanent.

We have "cheated" in the past saying that there was a "drop box" you could store items in if you were entering an extra dimensional space created by Magnificent Mansion, not that it came up often.


I submit that the rope trick spell is not a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item. A bag of holding can be brought inside the extradimensional space it creates with no ill effect.

Sage Advice disagrees
Justin Sherwin 🇺🇸
@mikemearls If I cast rope trick and intentionally throw a bag of holding into it, can I get to the Astral Plane?
Mike Mearls
You do indeed purchase a gate to the astral with that move


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Sage Advice disagrees
Justin Sherwin 🇺🇸
@mikemearls If I cast rope trick and intentionally throw a bag of holding into it, can I get to the Astral Plane?
Mike Mearls
You do indeed purchase a gate to the astral with that move
That’s a surprisingly reasonable call for Sage Advice. I happen to agree with this ruling, but I don’t give Sage Advice any more credence than anyone else’s opinion. Also notably, it’s a Mike Mearls answer, not a Jeremy Crawford answer, which means it’s both quite old and also has never been considered official.


If you're already on a plane (Material Plane), aren't you already stacking a plane inside a plane? Wouldn't that make PH/BoH inherently unstable anyway? Why would travel to 'yet another plane' be a big difference? Can you open your PH/BoH while on another plane? What makes things like "leo's tiny hut" and "rope trick" unstable? aren't these just smaller planes?

Just tell players that in a pocket universe, the PH/BoH just doesn't allow you to open the other hole (gravitic forces inside the other hole/bag, some kind of treknobabble)... or maybe the BoH does work, but maybe it opens to someone else's PH/BoH... or because the PH/BoH is a 'link' to another dimension, you risk the losing that dimensional space.

Voidrunner's Codex

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