D&D (2024) Baldur's Gate 3: List of Mechanical Differences from 5e (need assistance to fill the list)


I've done the "Can drink a potion with a bonus action" houserule, but I am considering another one from BG3 ... when a character gets knocked out, they lose their next action after being healed or helped. I think it'll promote more proactive healing, less yo-yoing
Oh yeah, that's a pretty harsh rule. I'm not sure if I'm a fan as a player, but I can definitely see it discouraging yo-yoing as a DM... Then again, I'd much rather use the "You gain 1 level of exhaustion when dropped to 0 HP" rule instead.

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Oh yeah, that's a pretty harsh rule. I'm not sure if I'm a fan as a player, but I can definitely see it discouraging yo-yoing as a DM... Then again, I'd much rather use the "You gain 1 level of exhaustion when dropped to 0 HP" rule instead.
Might be too harsh. A lesser version is that the PC only gets one: their Action or Bonus Action after being revived.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Oh yeah, that's a pretty harsh rule. I'm not sure if I'm a fan as a player, but I can definitely see it discouraging yo-yoing as a DM... Then again, I'd much rather use the "You gain 1 level of exhaustion when dropped to 0 HP" rule instead.
I'm definitely a fan as a DM. And as a player, I like that rule in combination with the throw potions to heal plus the numerous magic items that give buffs when healing/being healed. Makes healing much more tactical rather than "spend bonus action on healing word when they drop".


B/X Known World
Oh yeah, that's a pretty harsh rule. I'm not sure if I'm a fan as a player, but I can definitely see it discouraging yo-yoing as a DM... Then again, I'd much rather use the "You gain 1 level of exhaustion when dropped to 0 HP" rule instead.
That's what I do. Along with the 2024 version of exhaustion with 10 levels.
Might be too harsh. A lesser version is that the PC only gets one: their Action or Bonus Action after being revived.
Use the 2024 exhaustion rules with 10 levels and it's smooth as silk and not overly harsh. The players will still learn to keep their fellow PCs up rather than pop-up healing them all the time.


Possibly a Idiot.
Using meters instead of feet is one convention chat popped out to me, but that is just a setting that can be toggled.

Jumping is totally overhauled:
  • There is no such thing as a running jump or a standing jump, just a singular jump.
  • There is no upper limit to jumping distance (making the Jump spell incredibly useful).
  • You don't roll for jumping unless there is a significant landing hazard, such as a patch of ice or grease, and that's only to stick the landing.
  • Jumping takes a bonus action, 2m of movement, and grants a minimum of 3m movement automatically, for a net gain on speed.
  • Having a positive STR mod improves this distance at 1.5m per +1. At 18 STR you are going a full 9m, breaking the world record for the long jump, even in full plate. Giving even mundane Fighters superhuman mobility options!
Edit: I forgot perhaps the most important change! When you jump down from a high point, you take less falling damage based on your jump distance! It's like a free "Feather Fall"
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Edit: I forgot perhaps the most important change! When you jump down from a high point, you take less falling damage based on your jump distance! It's like a free "Feather Fall"
That’s how I like falling rules to be; punishing when fall is unintentional, less so when jumping is voluntary

Voidrunner's Codex

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