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Balmortis - Setting


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Thanks for the comments guys, great that you enjoy the stuff so far.

Knightfall, I went back and read the posts again and I agree, they were a bit clunky so I broke them up in some paragraphs to make it easier to read. I appreciate the feedback, it can be hard wrapping your mind around another person setting, especially as the amount of material starts to build up. I've actually read quite a bit of your Kulan thread (very interesting read I might add, quite a big setting). Reading your description of the giant races, especially the forest trolls, made me reconsider my decision to not include trolls.

As you might notice, I'm sticking to a very few races, primarily the "core" races of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Haflings as well as a race called Cantankor. But after reading about the forest trolls, I actually got some ideas about how to introduce them in a meaningful way.

Anyways, the next couple of things that are comming is a description of the religious orders of Thakulion, a description of the dwarves and some additional informaion on the military of Laumakis.

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World of Kulan DM
Knightfall, I went back and read the posts again and I agree, they were a bit clunky so I broke them up in some paragraphs to make it easier to read. I appreciate the feedback, it can be hard wrapping your mind around another person setting, especially as the amount of material starts to build up.
Thanks, it made it a lot easier to read. And it is hard to "get" another person's setting. It took me ages to understand the Jester's setting, and I still get confused reading about Sep's campaign world. I think that as long as something is well thought out that it's worth reading about even if the core idea of the setting is elusive.

I must say that I really like the deity write-up, and it seemed pretty clear what Thakulion is all about. However, I am wondering, "what is his alignment?" I'm thinking he's Lawful Neutral yet there seems to be a strong leaning towards good for this church. I thought St. Cuthbert mixed with pagan Christianity as I read the text.

I must also say I really find your take on elves fascinating. One does not think slavers when one thinks elves but you've done a good job with your elves. Orcs as slaves to elves. That's just crazy, man! If I was an elf in this campaign world I wouldn't turn my back on my red hand orc slave. :uhoh:

I've actually read quite a bit of your Kulan thread (very interesting read I might add, quite a big setting). Reading your description of the giant races, especially the forest trolls, made me reconsider my decision to not include trolls.
Well I'm glad to hear that someone has been reading my Kulan thread(s). I've been updating my "Kulan: Lands of Harqual" thread off-an-on for many years now. I still post maps to my map thread, but lately I haven't been writing detailed descriptions for the new maps. (A bit of burnout.)

I'm in the process of updating my Races of Harqual Word document, which I'm posting on my own messageboards: Walk the Road >> World of Kulan >> Races of Harqual (I'm goingto be posting the giants section next.)
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Hiya Knightfall. About the alignment of Thakulion, I haven't decided between lawful-neutral or lawful-good. I'm actually trying to avoid alignments as far as possible in the setting, except for the creatures who "embody" an alignment, such as angels or devils. I'm not allowing spells or items that detect alignment.

Thanks for the comment on the deity by the way, sometimes a bit hard when you have a "concept" of a deity in your mind to make sure that those who reads the description get the nuances and full meaning. Glad you like the elves as well, I'm altering virtually all the base races in one way or another to make them fit better into a more gritty and sinister setting, and standard goodie elves running around in the forest with bows just didn't fit. And yeah, the orcs are a liability in addition to a boon, the biggest military defeat suffered throughout history by the elves was at the hands of a rebelling orc army (the rebellion occurred as a result of a conflict between the elves and the dwarves, a conflict the dwarves lost but only after they assassinated the majority of the elven nobles who led the slave army). The common orcs are still considered a liability amongst the elves, but the red hand orcs are fanatically loyal. The red hand orcs have virtually no reason to rebel, they are given lavish estates with their own slaves, having a quality of life that they would never achieve outside elven lands.

By the way Knightfall, do you paint your maps by hand? Or do you use some program to do them? I have recently acquired CC2, but I haven't quite mastered it yet, and I'm still wondering if its the best way to make maps. Could you possibly provide a link to where you have your maps posted? Thats actually one thing I'm missing at times in this forum, a thread about general setting design instead of the threads dedicated to specific settings, to share general ideas and concepts.

Anyways, next up is my description of the various orders of the Thakulion church.


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This is a continuation of the description of Thakulion, the Prince of Scars.


Within the Thakulion church itself there are a number of orders, including five different monk orders as well as the war-heralds.

Dolbartin: The Dolbartin order is an order of scholarly monks who have specialized in copying and printing books. Of the five monk orders, the Dolbartinians are considered not only the most peaceful and passive, but also the most restrictive. Members of the order are expected to be completely abstinent and to abandon all ties with their family when they join the order. They are also expected to abstain from eating spices, speaking after nightfall and reading any book that is not holy in nature. The order is primarily funded by its dominant position in the copying market, the seal of the Dolbartinians being a seal of approval on any copied book. The order is though restricted from copying any books that are not considered holy, so the only books which the Dolbartinians copy are the sacred books of the Thakulion church, most notably the Benedictem. The Dolbartin order has monasteries in Laumakis, Montelival, Cay Nogulh and Cay Adair.

Theutob: The Theutobites are an order of excellent bare-knuckle fighters. The monks train in a special combat style that mixes boxing with brawling. The Theutobites often travel the countryside, winning fist-fighting competitions wherever possible. The order is also considered to be the most effective debt collectors you can find. The Theutob order has often been criticized by the church for their amoral behavior and their tendency to collaborate with sinister elements of the criminal underworld. Some Theutobites are sometimes seen wearing the so-called "Theutob Ribbon", a pair of brass-knuckles adorned with holy symbols of Thakulion. The Theubites often adhere to a very strict diet, probably the strictest diet of any religious order. They have several large tomes detailing the exact composition of every meal that they eat, their food being planned to not only provide the best possible foundation for their martial training, but also to heighten their spirituality. The Theutobites run a number of large farms in Laumakis where they offed food and lodging to those who work there. While the workers are given no salary, the farms have no difficulty in finding people to work on them amongst the poor of Laumakis. The order even runs a number of mines in the Noregau mountains for poor people who suffer from diseases so contagious that they are not allowed inside the towns of Laumakis, such as leprosy, bubonic and pneumonic plague. Life working in these mines is extremely hard, but it is often the only option for the people working there. Part of the contract signed when a person is admitted into these mine towns makes the Theutobites responsible for providing food and lodging for the worker even when he becomes too sick to work anymore.

Adolfo: The Adolfo order of monks is sometimes called the "whirling monks" due to the special dance they perform. The special costume worn during the dance is a white dress with leather bands strapped around the waist and lower arms. Attached to the leather bands are a number of whips. The dance is performed by the monks holding their hands up high in the air and spinning around, causing the whips to connect with the nearby dancers. The whirling dance is very bloody and is said to put the Adolfo monks in a state of holy trance. While some rumors abound that the dance is also the fighting style of the monks, this is a mere rumor as the dance would be very inefficient in combat, it is a purely religious performance. When not engaged in one of their festivals, the Adolfo monks are zealous missionaries. While the Adolfo monks have set up missions in many countries in Balmortis, their newest and most prestigious endeavor are the settlements they have founded on the northern continent of Karazam. While these settlements allow access to any who worship Thakulion, they are governed and run by the Adolfo order.

Leonite: The Leonites are usually considered the most lenient of the monk orders devoted to Thakulion. The Leonites are master brewers, producing some of the finest ale and beer in Laumakis and several other countries where they have monasteries. In addition to their brewing, the Leonites have been appointed to be quality testers for the Laumakian court. The monks are responsible for testing the quality and taste of all fine wine and spirits that enters the country. The monks have a ranking system featuring either a gold, silver or iron star. If a wine or spirit is judged to be of undrinkable quality or it is directly hazardous, the monks will destroy the batch. Even though the Leonites are known to destroy tainted batches of spirits or wine, many merchants and wine brewers will still send their goods to be tested by the monks. The three symbols of approval given by the order are highly coveted by those who sell wine and spirits as they are recognized across the Tamara continent and it's isles. Since there are so extremely many different brands of wine and spirits on Tamara, it is impossible for people to know all brands. This makes the three ranks given by the Leonites an easy way for customers to recognize the quality of a wine or spirit even though they don't know the brand. The Leonites can be found in virtually all countries of Balmortis, except Cimakath and the elven empires.

Elbes: The Elbes monks are a strange order as they combine the worship of two deities, something quite uncommon in Balmortis. The order worships both Thakulion and Emanuel, the Whisperer. The monks have been rigorously trained in the arcane arts as part of their worship of Emanuel and they use this vast knowledge in arcane matters to identify and catalogue magic items. The order is renowned for its extremely strict doctrine of secrecy and abstinence. The Elber are the only monks who are founded completely by the Thakulion church. The funding is due to the special task given to the Elbes order. They are responsible for cataloging and storing all items and artifacts that are deemed to be tainted by evil by the church. Once an item has been deemed to be heretical by the church, it is immediately handed over to the Elbes to be studied. Sometimes they Elbes will destroy items they deem to be especially dangerous, but normally the item will merely be placed in the catacombs beneath their monastery in Castle Laumakis for safe-keeping. The monastery is guarded by not only the Elber monks, but also by a small detachment of Scarlet Robes from the war-heralds.

War-Heralds: The war-heralds is the military arm of the church, priests trained in a combination of melee combat and divine magic. The order is ruled by the immortal Saint Theowyn who resides in Castle Laumakis and the war-heralds are considered a vital part of the Laumakian army when it goes on a campaign. In addition to being very competent front line fighters, the war-heralds are also skilled healers and revered symbols of faith amongst the common soldiers. Their mere presence is often enough to motivate the troops in battle, as the war-heralds are said to bring good luck and fortune to those who fight by their side. In addition to assisting the army, the war-heralds are sometimes sent on special missions by the church to hunt down heretics or acquire holy items. While the war-heralds are officially a part of the church, they are very autonomous and self-governed, as Saint Theowyn is considered to be almost equal to Saint Neopaul in political and religious power. Even though they are considered an independent faction, there are extremely few cases in which the war-heralds have followed a different policy than that of the Thakulion church.

Vanquishers: The vanquishers are a branch of the war-heralds tasked with hunting down arcane magic-users inside Laumakis. The country has a very strict law against the use of arcane magic and only an extremely few wizards are given exempt from this law if they serve the church or the king. All other wizards are hunted down by the vanquishers and killed or exiled. In addition to chasing down arcane spellcasters, the vanquishers are sometimes sent along with the Laumakian army if the army is expected to meet enemy wizards on the battlefield. Consisting of veteran war-heralds who have been trained in a highly specialized type of combat that is very potent in combating spellcasters, the vanquishers are commonly considered the best wizard killers around. In addition to their combat training, the vanquishers are also indoctrinated far more rigorously than normal war-heralds to ensure that they are not tempted by bribes or promises of power by those that they hunt. When in pursuit of their prey, the vanquishers are given great liberties that sets them above the law of Laumakis.

Brothers of Herexia: The brothers of herexia are by far the most sinister and depraved members of the Thakulion church. The brotherhood was established several hundred years ago to conduct secret research into areas that would provide the church with potent weaponry against its opponents. The brotherhood consists of a very small number of hand-picked priests who have been found to posses some special skill or power that is beneficial to the brotherhood. The brothers of herexia constantly search for potent artifacts and technologies that they might one day use against the enemies of the church. The weapons possessed by the brotherhood are often of such a dubious and heretical nature that it would be political suicide for the church to admit their existence and the brothers are therefore forbidden to use their special items against the enemies of the church. Only in extreme cases are the brothers allowed to use their many sinister inventions and items against their foes. The general public is completely unaware of the existence of the brotherhood and many of its members have ranks and duties within the official Thakulion church.

The headquarters of the brotherhood is a series of abandoned service tunnels beneath Castle Laumakis. Built on the ruins of a subterranean goblin city, Castle Laumakis has a vast network of tunnels located underneath the city and the White River, tunnels which allow the brotherhood to move between safe houses in the city undetected. All of their laboratories and research facilities are located deep within the ground. The brotherhood has recently engaged in a conflict in these tunnels as an especially zealous group of priests from the cult of Eigil have set up a base of operations underneath Castle Laumakis. The cult of Eigil are worshipers of Tynn the Deceiver. The cult and the brothers of herexia fight for control of the tunnel system, a fight that has gone on for nearly ten years. Even though the brothers of herexia have a slight advantage in numbers and weapons, the cult of Eigil has proven to be an elusive and capable foe. The skirmishes are fought in complete secrecy, as both factions would suffer greatly if their operations became known to the public.

The existence of the brothers of herexia is a secret known only to a handful of high-ranking members of the Thakulion church. While the depravity and occasional insanity of the brotherhood makes them almost as big a liability as a benefit, their odd and zealous behavior is tolerated as a necessary evil. While few outside the brotherhood know about the weapons they possess, they are rumored to include a number of very potent psychics, various customized diseases, ancient and evil artifacts and several captured beasts and demons that are imprisoned reinforced cells located in highly guarded sections of the tunnel system


World of Kulan DM
By the way Knightfall, do you paint your maps by hand? Or do you use some program to do them? I have recently acquired CC2, but I haven't quite mastered it yet, and I'm still wondering if its the best way to make maps. Could you possibly provide a link to where you have your maps posted? Thats actually one thing I'm missing at times in this forum, a thread about general setting design instead of the threads dedicated to specific settings, to share general ideas and concepts.
I use CC2. I have my own thread in the Art Gallery, Cartography & Minitaures Painting forum. Here's a direct link to the thread...



First Post
A bit of introduction to the army of Laumakis, more comming. And thanks for the link Knightfall, been a bit away, but I looked over the maps and they're actually really, really good. Still have all my maps in normal paper format, want to get them done digitally, but will take ages to learn CC2.

Laumakis - Army

More than a dusin men were gathered around the immense, wooden table. Small stone figurines were spread out across the map on the table, representing the Laumakian divisions as well as allied and enemy barbarian formations. To the far north on the map was the border line and even further north lay Laumakis itself. The three enormous fortifications located along the border were plotted in as big, black squares. It was clear from the map that both the divisions of the Laumakian army as well as their barbarian foes were in the deep south of the Barbarian Plains.
Outside the command tent lay the enormous camp of the army, surrounded by wooden palisades. While the majority of the tents were meticulously erected in neat rows inside the palisade, a small cluster of tent at the outskirts of the camp lacked the uniformity and organization of the rest of the camp. Here, the barbarian auxiliaries were camped, a vital part of the military machine of the Laumakian army. Excellent scouts and skirmishers, the army had never waged a war in the Barbarian Plains without a brigade of these locals. A small section of the camp also held a park of light siege engines, mainly ballistas. Campaigns in the far south were often conducted without heavy siege engines as they had proven too cumbersome to transport around in the rough terrain. A small unit of engineers and sappers were often brought along to manufacture heavier siege engines should the army need them. In total, an entire corps had been sent to the Barbarian Plains, meaning that the total number of Laumakian troops in the area numbered just short of a quarter of a million. While this was a considerable military presence, the army was still outnumbered by their barbarian foes.
Even though the corps was outnumbered by its foes, this didn't seem to affect the men inside the command tent. At the end of the table, Field Commander Marcus Lanlier was surveying the map in front of him. Around him stood all the advisors and military officers responsible for devising the strategies of the army. The Herald-Bishop Reginald was there, representing not only the war-heralds that accompanied the army but the Thakulion church itself.
"So, if I understand you gentlemen correctly, it appears as if though this is our biggest and most immediate problem"
Marcus pointed to a small figurine located to the north of the Laumakian divisions. The Intelligence Officer, Elrik, coughed and nodded.
"Yes sir, it seems as if though they are taking advantage of the stalemate to circumvent us, they probably intend to disrupt our supply convoys. It is a typical tactic of the Kuntz tribe, an attempt to make us to spread our forces thin"
The other advisors nodded in agreement with Elrik. Reginald leaned over and pointed to a black circle on the map.
"The city of Kelm, sir. This is where the majority of the barbarians to the north are from. It is located in our vicinity, perhaps a day and a half away. If we send a division there, we could force the barbarians to the north to rally to its defence. It would open up the passage to the north again. I heard that.. the venerable brother Espen has a plan that might become viable if we are able to operate freely in the north"
Reginald was obviously uneasy about the cloaked figure answering to the name of Espen. While the army always brought along a representative from the Brothers of Herexia on major campaigns, the sinister order was still feared amongst the regular forces and the war-heralds. Only the highest ranking members of the church and army even knew about the order and no one had any interest in asking questions about their methods. To most, the Brothers of Herexia were a necessary evil. With a demeanor of endless patience, Espen pointed to a northern part of the map.
"Here.. here is the border to the Gries desert. If my brothers can move north we can infiltrate the settlements around the wells under barbarian control. We have ways to make the wells.. unusable, at least for a year or two. The barbarians in the northern settlements will be forced to either head south where we will be waiting in force, or north into the Gries desert. Some of my brothers are already at work inside the oasis camps in the desert, spreading the rumor that the barbarians have plans to invade the southern part of the Gries desert. If we are able to cut of the water supply of the barbarian settlements, we could be able to force them to head into the desert to find water. With the desert people on the warpath, it would lead to inevitable conflict, seriously reducing our need to spend troops protecting our logistics regiments to the north"
Marcus Lanlier had been silent while brother Espen explained his plan. As with most of the officers in the army, Marcus had no desire to know the exact details of how the Brothers of Herexia operated. Apparently, the geological officer had worked in unison with Espen on the plan, making estimates about the capacity of the wells to the north. Rainfall had been limited this year and it had created water scarcity problems in the entire region.
"Very well" noted Marcus.
"We will commence with your plan brother Espen and send a division to Kelm. We only have a month, two at the most, before our auxiliaries will be returning home to attend the harvest. I want to see the Kuntz tribe severely reduced by that time, to ensure that we will have peace from their raids on our southern lands as well as our allies amongst the Saloes-Kasai tribe. I will only march this army back through the gates of Courier Castle when my task has been completed"

The Laumakian army is not the largest army of northern Balmortis, but it is the most feared and respected. In the six hundred years that have passed since the crusaders of the Thakulion church conquered the majority of the Laumakis peninsula, the army has been in constant development. Initially, the crusaders relied solely on their rigid formations of heavy infantry to defeat their enemies with little support from neither archers nor siege engines. While their tactics and formations were capable of driving back the goblin tribes that inhabited Laumakis, the army proved to be less successful against other foes such as the more flexible and mobile forces of the Barbarian Plains. The current army of Laumakis is a prime example the power of combined arms and a resourceful use of intelligence and counter-intelligence.

Unit Types
The armed forces of Laumakis have adopted a number of specialized troops types that are typically fielded in regiment-sized units consisting of 2000 soldiers.

Heavy Infantry: Heavy infantry form the bulk of the Laumakian forces. Clad in banded mail and armed with a large shield and a warhammer, the heavy infantry is considered the most effective force in pitched battle than any army in northern Balmortis can field. The heavy infantry have a long and honorable tradition of discipline and devotion to the cause, making their morale virtually unrivalled by any of the foes they face. The heavy infantry consists solely of volunteers who are trained for three years at one of the two training camps in Laumakis, Ebescere Castle and Tousee Castle. The training focuses on building up unit cohesion as well as the martial skills of the volunteers. The ability to hold a line even during intense fighting is considered the biggest advantage of the infantry and a large part of their training consists of learning the many commands, tactics and formations used by the regiment. The regiments are considered fixed from the first day of training until they are decommissioned. From time to time, special reinforcement regiments are formed during training. These regiments are only together during training, after which they are broken up to reinforce other regiments in service that have suffered casualties. The common formation of a heavy infantry regiment during battle is a simple line 400 men wide and 5 men deep.

Archers: Archers are the most common type of support units for the heavy infantry and a typical army will usually consist of one archer for every two heavy infantrymen. Armed with a longbow and clad in simple leather armor, the archers are seldomly equipped with a melee weapon. Quite a considerable amount of the archers in the Laumakian army purchase a melee weapon with their own money to provide some protection in case they get involved in a skirmish, usually a dagger, a club or a short sword. While it is possible to volunteer to join the archers, a considerable amount of the men are people who settle their debt to either the throne or the church by serving as soldiers for a fixed amount of time. The archers only train for one year at Lanlier Castle before they are sent to the field. Unlike the heavy infantry, who serve until they reach an age of sixty, the archers typically serve for a much shorter time. It is a rare thing to see archers at an age above fourty. As with the heavy infantry, the archers are formed into regiments. Unlike the heavy infantry, these regiments see a lot of replacement during their service. A typical archer formation is a 100 men wide and 20 men deep box that commonly moves right behind the heavy infantry.

Heavy Cavalry: The heavy cavalry is a very small part of the Laumakian army, yet the fulfill an important role of protecting the flanks of the heavy infantry in battle, armed with a heavy lance, a longsword and clad in full plate armor. When the Thakulion crusaders first invaded Laumakis, they relied solely on heavy infantry and archers to provide the bulk of their forces and the tactic worked against the goblin tribes who also lacked mounted troops. When Laumakis became embroiled in wars against the Desert People of the Witlow desert, the barbarian tribes of the south and the minor invasion from Sayomore island, they learnt that the heavy infantry could not prevail on its own. More mobile foes were able to circumvent the heavy infantry regiments to attack them from the side or the rear, causing confusion amongst the heavy infantry and enabling the enemy to attack the more vulnerable archers in the back. As a counter-measure, the nobility from Montelival suggested that the army form a number of cavalry squadrons that would operate on flanks of the heavy infantry to engage any troops that would attempt to circumvent the main battle lines. The heavy cavalry consists solely of volunteers, just as the heavy infantry. Many of the volunteers come from the lower nobility, as a career in the cavalry is a proven way to rise in social status. The cavalry has one training camp near Ebescere Castle where they train in unison with the infantry. As with the heavy infantry, the cavalry train for three years before they are fielded and their training is considered to be even more intense than that of the infantry. The heavy cavalry are still a minority in the army, the forces of Laumakis usually field only one cavalryman for every twenty heavy infantrymen. A typical cavalry squadron consists of 100 cavalrymen who usually ride in a line only two men deep.


World of Kulan DM
And thanks for the link Knightfall, been a bit away, but I looked over the maps and they're actually really, really good. Still have all my maps in normal paper format, want to get them done digitally, but will take ages to learn CC2.
The key to learning CC2 is to do the tutorials. More than once if you have to. It really is a program you have to actively try to learn. There are things about it I still haven't mastered.


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Thanks a lot for the compliment arcanaman, glad you enjoy the fluff text. Will probably do a bit more on the religions and dwarves next.

And thanks for the suggestion Knightfall, at the moment its the lack of a map in digital format thats holding me from posting descriptions of Laumakis, since it would be hard to make sense of without a good map, I'll definitely try out the tutorials.


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Added the RTF files for the "crunchy" parts of the setting, which has also been posted in 3E house rules. Three races (Humans, Orc and Red Hand Orcs) and two PrC's (Glutton and Discarnate) are uploaded so far, will update the initial post as more comes along.

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