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Banning a Player from my Group. Am I Justified?


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Back when he played 2e did he argue and act like a jerk? I'm going to bet probably so. I think your dealing with a personality issue - he needs to grow up. If you show up at DM's game, you play the version the DM offers. DMing (all editions) takes effort and time. Good players, respect that and treat the DM accordingly.

This guy acted like a jerk. Don't let a jerk disrupt the game. Jerks get the idea they have power over the game if you let them do that. Your getting into a power struggle with him. Overall, your group will lose if you let that occur. Keep your cool if there is a next time. Get up go to the restroom etc. When your "cool" come back and address the issue etc, but don't walk out and let this guy ruin your game and the other players fun.

Talk to him in private. Listen, to him. Taking a few minutes to let him vent, might help. Ask him to listen, to your point of view on this just like you listened to his. Explain the issues. Tell him if he plays in the 3.5 group he has to be a team player not disrupting the game. If he doesn't have the 3.5 PHB, get him a copy of the core stuff that's in PDF format to read.

If he cops an attitude, kick him out.

If you know as player he isn't worth this sort of attention and time to keep in the game. Kick him out.

Three out four times, you'll be better off just to boot him from the game.

I do understand the struggle, with playing a version of the game you really don't like just so you can get to play D&D. I'm a die hard 1st edition AD&D, DM and player, but when I've played 3e, I play 3e. I will admit when we got our "magic powder" to make magic items, that just flew in the face of my 1st edition AD&D heart. I didn't make a fuss etc, I just gave my share of the magic powder to the cleric. The DM did ask why and I told him. I also pointed out my monk, really didn't need the powder but felt the whole group would probably benefit more if the cleric used it to make his item more powerful. DM was fine with that reasoning, no drama etc.

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First Post
The boot. He is not playing the game, he is looking for confrontation. Had he been willing to read the rules before rules lawyering there might have been some sympathy, but as is? No sympathy here.

I would have booted him pretty much as soon as he refused to learn the rules.

The Auld Grump
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