Bardic Knowledge DCs


My Divine Phoenix gets a +51 to Bardic Knowledge checks. Here are the DCs for Bardic Knowledge:

10 - Common, known by at least a substantial minority drinking; common legends of the local population.
20 - Uncommon but available, known by only a few people legends.
25 - Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
30 - Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don’t understand the significance of the knowledge.

She can't fail even the highest DC here. That's boring.

Fortunately, I'm thinking about how the Immortal's Handbook provides a WEALTH of new obscure things to know about. But the question is, where to set the DC?

For example, what's the DC to know about a legend that doesn't exist on your world, but in another world instead? For example, an earthing knowing martian legends? Or even more, how about for legends on a different plane?

Even on the same world how about legends forgotten a million years ago with no trace left over?

Legends about elder gods, sleeping for millenia?

How about Time Lords?

What would the DC to learn something about the Supreme Being?

In the case of circular histories, what about the DC to remember a legend about something that happens in the future, but then the big crunch or whatever happens, the universe ends, the universe is reborn, and everything repeats?

When it comes to dealing with those abilities that can remove people from history, or when dealing with Nexus Dragons or whatnot, how about a DC to remember these things <i>anyway</i>?


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Hey Fieari mate! :)

Well, the simple answer would be to parallel the ability prereqs in Ascension.

Epic 25
Divine 40 ~ Immortals
Cosmic 70 ~ Sidereals
Transcendental 130 ~ Eternals
Omnific 250 ~ Supernals

Those of course would be the 'Common' scores. Uncommon x2, Obscure x2.5, Extremely Obscure x3.

Hows that?

So if you want to know what GOD had for breakfast last Tuesday the DC is 750+.

Upper_Krust said:
Epic 25
Divine 40 ~ Immortals
Cosmic 70 ~ Sidereals
Transcendental 130 ~ Eternals
Omnific 250 ~ Supernals

Those of course would be the 'Common' scores. Uncommon x2, Obscure x2.5, Extremely Obscure x3.

Let's see, that gives us the following Bardic Knowledge DCs:

DC 25 == Common epic/mortal knowledge.
DC 40 == Common divine/immortal knowledge.
DC 50 == Uncommon epic/mortal knowledge.
DC 62 == Obscure epic/mortal knowledge.
DC 70 == Common cosmic/sidereal knowledge.
DC 75 == Extremely obscure epic/mortal knowledge.
DC 80 == Uncommon divine/immortal knowledge.
DC 100 = Obscure divine/immortal knowledge.
DC 120 = Extremely obscure divine/immortal knowledge.
DC 130 = Common transcendental/eternal knowledge.
DC 140 = Uncommon cosmic/sidereal knowledge.
DC 175 = Obscure cosmic/sidereal knowledge.
DC 210 = Extremely obscure cosmic/sidereal knowledge.
DC 250 = Common omnific/supernal knowledge.
DC 260 = Uncommon transcendental/eternal knowledge.
DC 325 = Obscure transcendental/eternal knowledge.
DC 390 = Extremely obscure transcendental/eternal knowledge.
DC 500 = Uncommon omnific/supernal knowledge.
DC 625 = Obscure omnific/supernal knowledge.
DC 750 = Extremely obscure omnific/supernal knowledge.

At first I thought, "Wow, it takes a DC 40 check to know that a deity exists." However, I then realized that a DC 40 check would get you information that is common knowledge FOR deities. So, there needs to be a multiplier for the DC for simply knowing that a particular entity exists.

Going by the Draconomicon's Draconic Knowledge feat (which is basically just Bardic Knowledge for dragons), it takes a DC 10 knowledge check to know about the existence of a particular deity. This presumably includes the deity's name and an extremely brief rundown of what he's all about. Therefore, the knowledge check DC multiplier for knowing that an entity exists should be x0.25, giving us the following knowledge DCs:

DC 6 == Knowledge of the existence of a particular epic being, including his name and a brief summary.
DC 10 = Knowledge of the existence of a particular divine being, including his name and a brief summary.
DC 17 = Knowledge of the existence of a particular cosmic/sidereal being, including his name and a brief summary.
DC 32 = Knowledge of the existence of a particular transcendental/eternal being, including his name and a brief summary.
DC 62 = Knowledge of the existence of a particular omnific/eternal being, including his name and a brief summary.

So knowing that Surtur is an elder one incarcerated in the para-elemental plane of magma would be DC 17, knowing that Metatron is the first one of Briah that happens to be an angel and an aspect of GOD is DC 32, and knowing that there's a supreme being (GOD) up in the Akashic Library with all of the lipika is DC 62. Does that sound good enough?

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