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Baseball discussion thread

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1st pick: My A's, FINALLY.

2nd pick: Anyone BUT the Yankees.
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Go Cubbies! I'd love to see them beat the Yankees in the series (beating the Yankees would just feel better).

If the Cubs don't make it, however, I'd like to see the Red Sox take it...or anyone besides the Yankees.


First Post
Now I understand the frustration of Cubs' fans, whose team hasn't won a Series since God was a baby, but dammit, I've been a Yankee fan since they sucked back in the 80's. I feel entitled to enjoy their success. Hehe.

But if they don't make it to the Series, it'd be nice to see the Cubs actually not blow a good thing for a change.

John Crichton

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I'm a Yankee fan. I also suffered through the 80's and never knew the 70's (I was born in '77) teams. Sure, they have won alot but they have earned it within the system. If the Yanks don't make it I would love to see a Sox/Cubs series with the Cubs winning as my grandfather was a huge Cubs fan.

None of the teams have a big advantage right now and they all have a weakness somewhere. Should be interesting...


First Post
Though I was raised in Louisiana I was born in New Haven, CT and my Dad's family are Yankee fans, thus I'm one too!

I've been to Yankee Stadium 3 times. The first was the Pine Tar Bat Game! Yes! I was there! :D


Life long Cubs fan here. I'd sacrifice my first born if I thought it would help them win. ;) :eek: I hope they do, but I'm not holding my breath. I refused to get too excited during the regular season until the day they clinched. I've been let down too many times to get my hopes up too much. :(

Go Cubbies! :cool:



I'm all for anyone but the Yankees.

But I'm with Jim Rome when he says it should be the Red Sox vs the Cubs in the WS, and then the losing team's fans can commit mass suicide :p

Mista Collins

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See, what you guys don't realize is the the Detroit Tigers are gonna win it. They have the best record out there..... opps wait a second. I forgot I have dyslexia. Too bad they were a loss short of tying the worst all-time baseball record. We can never do anything right :D

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