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Battlefront 2021:The war for America; general thoughts


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As I started to conceptualize Battlefront 2021:The war for America, I felt that in - many ways – the campaign model should be based (in part) on various geopolitical issues which dominate the current world we live in; global warming, immigration, racism, stem cell research, the war on terror, and especially the proliferation of nuclear weapons in nations such as India, Pakistan and (allegedly) Iran and North Korea. Yet, since Battlefront 2021:The war for America is a work of science fiction, this e-book needed to take a huge speculative leap, looking recent world history, looking at various technologies, looking at various conspiracy theories, all the while asking one simple question;
What if?

What if the cold war never ended? What direction would the arms race take in a world where emerging technologies facilitated the rapid development of robotics, cybernetics, bionics and advanced weaponry such as lasers, particle weapons or plasma beams?

More thoughts, more speculation regarding this project to come...

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What if the Soviet Union never collapsed? Indeed, what if democracy failed, and the United States dissolved into a myriad collection of nation-states reminiscent of present-day Russia?

What if Mexico and Canada embraced communism? How would that affect national boundaries as what’s left of a fractured U.S begins to close itself off from the rest of the world, walling itself in like a giantic Berlin as the red wolf comes pounding at the gates? How would this affect immigration?

What if alleged mind control and “Super Soldier” projects such as MKULTRA were real? More to the point, what if such experimentation led to genetic modification in humans, or the development of psychic powers. What would happen if some of these individuals managed to break out of super-secret military installations? What impact would they have on the general populace? Would these individuals breed? Would their genetic/psychic traits manifest in their children?


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What if the war on terror escalated to the point where many cities in the northern hemisphere came to resemble Beruit, Khandahar or Baghdad? Who would be responsible? Radical fundamentalist islamic groups such as the Taliban Al-qaeda or Hezbollah? White supremacists? Communist–funded insurgent groups operating within the country to further destabilize it? What if terrorism became so prevalent in this dystopic version of a fallen america that it pushed these fledgling nations into the abyss of war?

These and other questions formed the basis of Battlefront 2021:The war for America.


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Hello everyone,

Here's a bit more information about the world in 2021 as this exciting new campaign model.


Bankruptcy and Secession
The year 2021 finds the shattered United States in the throes of a second civil war. In 2018 the economic strife brought about by the escalation of the war on terror and years of over-spending in a vain attempt to keep pace with the military might of the Soviet Union devastated the nation’s economy. Consequently, the federal government shut down all non-essential services under the weight of massive debt. As more and more federal services began to disappear, state after state seceded, initially merging into two nation-states; The Reformed United States and the People’s Republic of Texas.

Backed by what remained of congress and the senate, the president declared the secessions unlawful and signed executive order 10235-A, requiring these rogue nation-states to return to the fold under threat of war. Undaunted, the fledgling nations seized all military assets within their respective borders, calling upon enlisted men and women serving on bases within the newly-annexed territories to choose a side.

The Reformation Army and The Texas Militia
Tired of performing their duties without pay for months on end, men and women from all branches and levels of the U.S military forces deserted the Union Army (as the Old-US government came to be called in memory of the first civil war), choosing to stay where they are rather than move to military bases in Union-held states. These men and women formed the core of the armies known as the Reformation Army and the Texas Militia.

Rogue Elements
Others left the military entirely, going home to be with their families in these chaotic times. Still others chose the route of the mercenary, selling their services to third world nations. Some would migrate to the newly-formed communist nations of Latin America and the Canadian Communist Republic.

Robotic units
Prior to the secessions of 2018, the bulk of the U.S robotic elements of the armed forces consisted of the 201st Heavy Mechanized Robotic Brigade and Air-mobile units stationed in Ft. Hood Texas, the 202nd Spec-Ops units in Ft. Bragg North Carolina and M3-Alpha “grunts” at Camp Pendleton, California. Additionally, Sector Patrol Robots were stationed in all military bases at home and in bases across the globe.


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I think I've reached my biggest hurdle with this project, the "division" of the United states.

Who stays and who secedes?

I'm not interested in a "North vs South" scenario. There are certainly more things to consider in the modern world. Politics must be taken into account, as well as the nations natural resources, military installations and geographic locations.

Any thoughts?
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This sounds like it would be a pretty cool game to get into.

As for who splits up where.... there probably would be mini-alliances of states in that region. Also you might want to look at thinks like border/legal disputes between states and between the government. Then there is the what makes for a good game side

I would say that California would try to succeed though.


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Yeah, california will definately try to leave and form their own nation.

I'm leaning towards multiple factions, rather than just two. Maybe it starts as two and then we see a splintering of smaller state-nations.

Thanks for your interest!


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Urizen said:
Yeah, california will definately try to leave and form their own nation.

And take everything within reach that's useful.

Hoover Dam, I'm looking at you.

Also, remember, initial success in a civil war will depend on what you have access to...and if you can hold it.

The Dakotas, for example, would be nuclear powers.



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cignus_pfaccari said:
And take everything within reach that's useful.

Hoover Dam, I'm looking at you.

Also, remember, initial success in a civil war will depend on what you have access to...and if you can hold it.

The Dakotas, for example, would be nuclear powers.


I agree 100%, which Is why I'm trying to be very careful about who takes what, and where. Using California as an example, there are major naval bases all along the coast, there's also Camp Pendleton.

Not every military leader is going to switch sides, so there's going to be intense fighting all over California in the early weeks and months, which will probably spill out into major cities as people begin rioting and choose their own sides. And that's just california.

The "old-US" will fight tooth and nail for the S.A.C in Nebraska and nuclear silos throughout the central US. FT Hood, TX is also a major Military base which will be hotly contested.

Then there are Geographic locations of tactical importance, such as the Mississippi river, Hoover Dam (as you pointed out), The Eerie canal, etc.

There's alot to consider.

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