"Beast of Burden" & "Into the Fire"

Silver Moon

Blasphemonkey said:
By the way, what is the attack roll on that pistol?
It varies based upon a lot of factors, his own dexterity and distance to the target being main ones. You'll notice he missed two of the three shots at the Wyvern. He got very lucky on his dice rolls this time, although the final shot at a stationary target from two inches away would have been hard to miss.
Blasphemonkey said:
How do they come across additional ammunition?
Back in 1994 I ran a long module titled "The K-Mart Kaper" where the party went through a portal for a short visit to Alton's world (circa 1975, Alton's player being glad that in his 8 years away he missed the entire Nixon administration). I had worked in retail, and had the full blueprint for a discount department store, which we used as the battlemap. At the end of the module they brought back the extra ammo, a box of 100 rounds. He uses the gun rather sparingly, but I think he is starting to get low now.

Well, with this blizzard outside it looks like we won't get to conclude this module tomorrow night as planned. A lot happened during last week's game, so I still have a few more chapters to log. It's also time to check in again with our old friend Rizah. I'll have another chapter posted by tomorrow.
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Silver Moon

Chapter 28, “Lieutenant Rizah Gains an Air Force”, September 13th, 1019, 7:30 P.M.

Rizah’s forces have been following the Kadtanach at a safe distance for a hour now. There has been minimal activity on the creature, the only thing of interest being the two wyverns now flying alongside the burning head howdah. They have finally left the forests and are now traveling through farmlands on the outskirts of the town. As they near each farmhouse or barn Rizah has one of his cavalry riders do a quick ride by the structure to confirm that they are unoccupied.

They now notice the two wyverns fly forward and engage two other flying creatures in combat. One of these appears to be a flying human, probably using some type of spell or other magic. The other is a human knight riding a winged lion. Rizah becomes angry at seeing this, as a few weeks earlier he had seen the traitorous gnoll heretic transform into such a beast. He tells the three Kegyai “This looks bad. That winged feline is Gnu-Dalcom. The Elvan deities must have resurrected him after Yeenoghu’s punishment, and he is now helping our enemies.” “What should we do?” the shaman apprentice Drej-Kron asks.

Rizah gestures to a nearby barn and then commands “Have everyone move to behind that structure. We may have to soon rescue our Chief and our God, which we will not be free to do if the flying enemies spot and attack us now.” The horses and wagons move behind the cover of the barn. Rizah sends four of the riders to move forward cautiously, using whatever they can find for cover. He tells them to observe the situation and have one to return with a report every quarter-hour.

The first returning rider reports that the Kadtanach has stopped moving. He says that the air battle is still going on, and that one of the gnoll archers was knocked from the sky by the knight’s lance. The gargoyle that had been stationed atop Yeenoghu’s Howdah has also moved, now at the Chief’s Howdah instead.

The next rider reports that a battle is taking place along the rear deck, with one of the wyverns having been incinerated. Rizah asks about the other wyvern, and is told that was last seen flying off in a southeast direction and appeared to have been wounded. Rizah decides leaves Gogol in command of the troops at the barn, giving him strict order to stay put and fight only in a situation of self-defense. The Lieutenant then orders Kegyai Wurgul to accompany him and the two ride off to the southeast.

They ride through the farms and fields, seeing the Kadtanach standing in the distance, fires now raging from at least two of the howdah’s. Rizah tells Wurgul to keep his eyes peeled for the other wyvern saying, “It might be the only means of rescuing our leaders.” In reality, Rizah has no intention of mounting such a mission, instead realizing the strategic value of adding a flying mount to his own forces. If they are indeed trapped on this world then an aerial assessment of the territory and its dangers will be invaluable to them.

They soon come upon the wounded beast, which has landed alongside a small duck pond near a farmhouse. Rizah orders Wurgul to investigate the building and the large barn adjacent to it, and to kill any occupants inside. Both of the gnolls alongside the wyvern are trying to tend to a wound in the creature’s side. He recognizes the two gnolls as being two of the four troops experienced in riding the flying winged lizard.

At the sound of Rizah’s horse approaching both gnolls stop tending the beast and draw weapons. Rizah commands in gnollish “Stand down. I am the commander of our ground forces. Report.” The senior lizard-rider gives a summary version of what he knows. Wurgul approaches, reporting that the house and barn look to be recently abandoned. Rizah orders Wurgul to return to the other troops and to bring them and their equipment to this location.

Rizah asks the lizard-riders the condition of the animal. They say that he has a puncture wound it his side and it no longer wishes to fly, although there is appears to be no damage to the wing. Rizah tells them that his group includes a shaman who can heal the creature. A short while later the wagons and riders arrive. Rizah orders the shaman to cast two of his remaining healing spells on the beast. The shaman reports, “The creature’s wound has now been healed over and is now moving its wings again. It still appears to be weakened, probably from blood loss.” Rizah orders the troops to help move the creature into the barn. He emphasizes that they all remain out of sight from the townsfolk and the flying enemies. He declares, “The wyvern will need to rest for several hours before we can even attempt to have it fly.”

The third and fourth riders report to Rizah that the Kadtanach has managed to scrape off the Head Howdah and that it is still standing in the same place. The fourth rider reports that the Kadtanach is also now acting differently although he does not know exactly why. The human knight atop the winged lion has returned and has been joined by a white dragon. Rizah thanks them and then orders the other cavalry quartet to go observe for the next two-hours, sending a rider back every half-hour with a report. He tells them to pay particular attention to the actions of the Kadtanach and to try to ascertain if it is still under Yeenoghu’s command.

Rizah decides to call for a Leaders Council, this group comprised of himself, the three Kegyai and the two lizard-riders. They head next door to the adjacent farmhouse, soon finding a kitchen table to meet at. They also find some fruit, cheese, bread and a few bottles of mead to consume during their meeting. He begins the meeting by having the two lizard-riders repeat everything that they have observed during the past several hours.

The meeting is interrupted by the return of the first cavalry observer. He reports that the Kadtanach appears to again be free of Yeenoghu’s control, raising up its head and looking around the area. The winged lion has returned to the center of town, but the white dragon remains, perched atop Yeenoghu’s Howdah. Fires are now raging on both the Wizardess’s Howdah and Chief’s Howdah. The observer is thanked for his report and given some of the fresh food found in the room to go share with the other troops.

The meeting is resumed, with Rizah going around the table and asking each of the others to speculate about what has occurred. All are very pessimistic, although the shaman apprentice Drej-Kron still holds hope that Yeenoghu is unharmed and will reassert himself before the enemy. Rizah says, “I truly hope that you are correct, however it would be prudent for us to proceed under the assumption that the Elvan deities have forced Yeenoghu to depart. We will keep observing the situation and I will make no final decisions until we can better ascertain what has occurred. If an opportunity to rescue our Chief or our God presents itself then we will do so, however I refuse to sacrifice your lives for a lost cause.”

Rizah then asks the two lizard-riders for their observations of the area from when they were flying towards the town prior to nightfall. Only one of them had flown that run and he reports seeing forests on all sides of the town, with a major road heading west beyond the town and smaller roads heading north and south. Far to the north, maybe some fifty miles away, he believes that they saw the presence of a great sea.

Rizah declares, “Large bodies of water and major roadways both lead to cities, and any city in this region will now be on full alert. We are too small in number to fight a prepared city guard, let alone an army that might be headquartered there. If the Kadtanach is lost to us then we should plan on being away from this town by sunrise and avoid contact with any large settlements. Kegyai Gogol, take two of the cavalry troops with you and find us the safest path to get to this south road unobserved. Look for open fields with tall trees behind them, so that a low-flying wyvern can travel without being silhouetted by the moon. This meeting is adjourned.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 29, “Where do we go from here?” September 13th, 1019, 8:45 P.M.

The gnoll repeats, “My name is Lieutenant Kajjan. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” Narg actually feels some pity for the creature as it lunges at him. The gnoll is so distraught that Narg is able to easily sidestep the attack. Narg then strikes the gnoll hard on the back of the head with the hilt of his sword, knocking the gnoll unconscious.

By this time Purge has now helped Mojo up into the room. “What’s going on?” Mojo asks. Narg replies, “I honestly don’t know. Something about me killing his father. I didn’t get any specifics.” Purge lowers a rope down and then pulls up the Bag of Holding with Cassie and Mark inside of it, Alton riding on the rope. They are emptied out and they then survey the room.

“Where’s that dog-faced leader?” Narg exclaims. Alton answers, “He was here when I left the room! He had just turned into a dog. I think I hurt him pretty bad.” “You can’t kill a god,” Mark comments. “I don’t think he was really a god,” Cassie states. “I don’t know, mortals don’t usually survive having half of their brains blown out” Alton replies. “Damn, he must have buggered off,” Mojo voices. Alton exclaims, “Hey, don’t blame me. I was up here fighting a god all by myself! What the hell took you guys so long?”

After a long pause Mark eventually answers, “We were fighting a gargoyle.” Alton responds, “All five of you!” Cassie mumbles, “Maybe if somebody would take a bow next time…” Narg snaps back at her with, “I travel light.” Narg then turns to the druid and says, “Sorry Alton, the gargoyle took quite a while. Good job, by the way. So what was all that yelling, shooting and fire earlier?” Alton gives them a very brief recap of what happened. Mojo points to the large gnoll with the hole in his chest and asks, “What’s with him?” Alton replies,” He was driving until I shot him.”

Narg says, “That god has to be around here somewhere and I’m going to get him. Give me some cover.” “Cover?” Mark asks. “Some type of hat I think,” Mojo interjects. Narg climbs into the windowsill and says, “Fine, don’t cover me. I’m going. Somebody hand me a rope.” “Maybe we should spend a minute and think about this first,” Alton comments. Mark adds, “That druid might be able to help.”

Cassie follows Mark’s suggestion, pulling the druid Nahmi from the other Bag of Holding. Nahmi confirms that they are in the top of the Chief’s Howdah. He confirms that that the body with the chest would was the Chief, the one with the head wound was a shaman apprentice, and that the unconscious one was a Lieutenant and also the Chief’s son. “Did you like any of them?” Alton asks. Nahmi replies, “Hell no. They were the ones who imprisoned me.” “The Lieutenant is tied up and put into the bag with the two humans.

Cassie picks up the two pieces of the bone helmet and casts a Detect Magic, confirming that they are no longer magical. “Uh guys, I think we have a bigger problem. The creature is no longer being controlled.” “Good,” Alton exclaims. Mojo comments, “Good? Yeah, sure, up until it decides to get these buildings off its back by rolling over. Let’s get out of here!” “No, hold on, I think that I might be able to communicate with it,” Alton exclaims.

Narg turns to Nahmi and says, “Okay Rover, what do you know about talking to this critter?” The gnoll druid replies, “As far as I know you needed the helmet to do that.” “You’re no help,” Mojo exclaims. Narg says, “Wait, he might be. I still want that leader! Do you know which building that god hung out in?” Nahmi says that he does, and points to the building on the front left side of the creature.

The party then debates the best way to get there. Cassie suggests using the Belt of Shape Change to polymorph into a flying creature. Narg states, “Fine, let’s do it. I’ll ride on your… whatever.” Purge mumbles, “I don’t think Aradyn would approve of you being on her whatever.” Cassie tells Narg “I’m not taking you anyway. You don’t have any distance weapons.” Mojo murmurs, “From what I hear he’s not real good up close either.”

Alton exclaims, “Fine, you guys stay here and argue. I’m going to go talk to this creature.” Cassie says, “Will you just wait a minute. I can fly you over there a lot faster than you can get there on your own.” Mojo says, “Okay. I’ll ride. I can use my hammer as a distance weapon. The rest of you into the bag.” Nahmi is sent back into the bag with the humans and gnoll and told to keep a close eye on the gnoll prisoner.

Purge and Mark climb into the other bag but Narg strongly objects to going back in it. Alton screams, “Enough already! Get in!” Cassie points out that the crow’s nest above them is now burning rather fast and the flaming wood will soon be falling down on them. Narg gives in, climbing into the bag while mumbling explicatives under his breath. His holy armor deactivates once he is inside. Before closing it up Cassie yells inside, “And why don’t you do something useful while you’re in there. Like archery practice.” Mark comments, “Oh no. I’ve had enough weapons flying at me in here for one day.”

Cassie climbs out the window and transforms into a white dragon, causing her glowing armor to disappear. She is out of invisibility spells for today, but Alton and Mojo both have magical devices that they activate before climbing onto her back. She flies forward, depositing Alton on the creature’s forehead.

Cassie flies back upward and then sees something flying swiftly towards her out of the corner of her eye. “Something’s coming,” she tells Mojo. “Fine, I have my hammer ready he replies.” She sees that it is Gellyath riding the dragonne and says “Hold on. It’s the Dragon Stalkers.” “Yeah, like you telling me that will really keep me from throwing this,” Mojo replies.

As the dragonne flies closer it picks up speed and Gellyath gets his lance ready to attack. Mojo says to Cassie “He might not know it’s us.” “Why not? He can see you, and a white animal has always been our polymorph code.” Mojo answers “But I’m invisible, and have we ever bothered to tell them any of our codes?” Cassie dives evasively to avoid being hit by the lance, then turns to come at them for another pass. “Told you I should have just thrown the hammer,” Mojo comments. Cassie dragon form loudly yells out “Silver Moon! We’re the Silver Moon!” The dragonne slows and cautiously moves in closer.

Narg’s player yells, “Take me out of the bag. I’ll talk to him!” Mojo’s player replies, “Do you realize how pathetic you’ve become? You’re begging to talk to the Dragon Stalkers!” Narg’s player replies, “Well I’m bored stiff sitting around with Mark and Purge. Neither of them will play craps or poker.” Alton’s player says, “Have you suggested either Old Maid or Crazy Eights.” Mojo’s player says, “Crazy Eights? This is Mark and Purge we’re talking about. You’d better make the Mild Eights instead.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 30, “Alton plays Dr. Doolittle”, September 13th, 1019, 9:15 P.M.

The Kadtanach has a long pointed nose-like snout, which Alton has walked out upon, figuring that this is the only place that the creature can see him but not eat him. He gets a firm grip onto both sides and then turns off his invisibility so that the creature will notice him. “Trying to make the thing go cross-eyed,” Mojo’s player comments.

The creature does notice the monkey on his nose, but has no major reaction. Alton casts a Speak with Animals spell, but the creature does not seem to comprehend what he is saying. Alton then pulls the Speak with Monster spell from the Ring of Spell Storing taken from Grelmak. The creature now appears to reacts to what Alton is telling him, but lacks the ability to respond verbally. Alton then activates the Amulet of ESP taken from Grelmak, which allows him to successfully probe the creature’s mind, and in conjunction with the other spell, understand them.

The creature begins to respond to Alton’s question. It’s thoughts are very slow and somewhat simple. (The DM uses a slow and deep voice to convey this. Mojo and Narg’s players decide it is similar to the Monty Python D.P. Gumby voice, and begin tossing out lines from that skit. The DM eventually gets them to stop so that the game can resume.) Alton discovers that the creature is not aware of exactly where it is. He starts to question the Kadtanach as to how it got there, discovering that the creature itself was responsible for the plane hopping. “Where is your home?” Alton asks. “Home. Yes…I can now go home now,” the creature thinks. Alton decides to communicate this up to Cassie and Mojo, but they are preoccupied with talking to Gellyath.

Cassie asks Gellyath, “Why did you try to attack us?” He says, “I though you were with the enemy. They used wyverns and might have had a dragon too.” “White dragons don’t work with evil creatures,” she replies. He answers, “I wouldn’t know.” She replies, “Well, given the name of your team you might want to take the time actually learn something about them.” Mojo voice sounds out “We’re doing fine here. Things are under control.”

Gellyath then says, “I’m still looking for my teammate Grelmak. Have you seen him?” Cassie replies, “I wouldn’t go looking for him if I were you.” “Why?” Gellyath replies. She answers, “He been incinerated. There’s nothing left.” The fighter’s face goes pale over hearing this, and his only comment is “Oh.”

In the silence that follows they hear Alton’s chimp voice yelling, and fly down closer to him, but still above the creature’s head, lest he decide to eat them. Alton yells up “I’m talking to it. It wants to go home.” Gellyath replies, “Just so it will get away from the town.” Alton explains to the Kadtanach how he would like for it to turn around and leave the way it had come. It does do, making a very sharp turn, which has its tail slam into a nearby house and reduce the building to splinters. “Oops, sorry about that,” Alton tells Gellyath. “Just get it to go,” the fighter replies.

The creature begins walking away. Alton asks it about the gnoll creatures and is told how they had mistreated the Kadtanach, and how the straps and buildings hurt. Alton says, “Well, maybe we can help you remove them.” The creature thinks, “Yes. They can be removed.” He then looks around the horizon, noticing a hill with a rocky sheer cliff on one side of it, about a half-mile away. Alton picks up that it is planning to go there and scrape off the buildings and straps, and yells this informatuon up to the others.

Gellyath says that he had better head back to town to communicate what is going on. Before departing he tells Alton “Please try to avoid destroying any more buildings.” Alton complies, as there are only a few structures between them and the hill, which he has the Kadtanach go around rather than through. Mojo opens up the bag telling those inside what is happening. Narg yells up, “Hey, I still want that god. Tell Alton to have the thing stop and wait until we’re through.”

Mojo conveys this and Alton is successful in explaining to the creature that “Before you scrape the buildings off could you please stop. That creature that controlled you might still be around, and we would like to find him make sure that he doesn’t do anything to harm you again.” Alton has to repeat and rephrase this a few more times before the Kadtanach actually comprehends, but it does come to a stop. Alton yells up, “Okay, he did that. But I don’t know how long he’ll stay like this. You’d better hurry.”

While the creature is stopped Alton continues to converse with it. When asked his name the creature says “Me.” In response Mojo’s player sings the verse, “Me, a name, I call myself.” Alton discovers that the extra-planar monster comes from a plane inhabited by other massive creatures, some even larger.

Cassie and Mojo circle the howdah that Nahmi indicated belonged to Yeenoghu. It is twenty-feet in diameter and has no visible windows or doors. The roof of the structure is the highest point on the creature, being a full 175 feet above the ground. The roof has no crow’s nest but Mojo notices a metal bar in the center that the gargoyle apparently used as a perch. He has Cassie fly down next to it and climbs off, grabbing the bar with his hand. He then helps take Narg out of the Bag of Holding, with both of them now grabbing onto the roof. Narg tells Cassie, “You’d better be ready to grab us fast if this monster starts shaking again.”

They look around for a way into the building, finding none. Cassie reminds them that she had taken five Reduce spells that day, originally planning to reduce the size of the straps. She flies over to a very large board comprising around a quarter of the roof and casts the spell, the boards reducing to a fraction of its regular size. Looking down, all that she and Narg see is a vast chamber filled with flames. “That’s one Hell of a place,” Narg comments.

Silver Moon

Chapter 31, “Robbing the Place Blind”, September 13th, 1019, 9:30 P.M.

“Out of the way, let me see” Mojo comments, sliding around Narg and peering down into the opening made by the missing board. His holy armor is still activated, giving True Sight through its visor, and he states, “There are no flames down there. It’s an illusion.” Both Narg and Cassie try to disbelieve, but they still see it. Narg holds his hand out above, feeling no heat, and says, “I think he’s right.” “I agree, there’s no smoke,” she replies.

Mojo ties a rope to the bar and slides down into the chamber. The other two have a hard time seeing him through the illusionary flames blending in with the light cast from his armor. He opens a trapdoor in the floor of the chamber and drops the remainder of the rope down then sides further down. Narg follows, sliding all the way down to the lowest room. The room is filled with multiple chest and the walls are lined with shelves of treasure.

Narg yells up “Cassie, it’s full of treasure. We’re going to need the Bags of Holding.” She yells back down “They’re full of people.” Mojo yells up “Well, get rid of them. I’d rather have this stuff than Mark or Purge.” She decides that’s actually is a pretty good idea, flying down to the ground to let the people out of the bags. The two middle-aged humans are happy to finally be free. The gnoll Lieutenant is still unconscious and Mark and Purge are instructed to turn it over to the local authorities. She decides that it might be too dangerous to drop off the druid Nahmi, as some of locals might try to kill him, so leaves him in the bag. She then flies back up, pulls up the rope, then lowers it back down with the bags.

During the time that she was away Mojo and Narg have had an opportunity to check everything in the room. They fill the first bag with scroll cases, jewelry, and other items from the shelves. All of the chests are opened up; most being filled with silver coins that they conclude aren’t worth lugging around. One has gold and platinum coins, and those are emptied into the bag. One bag is filled. Also in the room is an ornate statue with a water clock inside that is too big to fit into the bag. Cassie wants it, so they secure it to the rope and she flies it up, then lowers it to the ground.

“Anything else” she yells. “Just chests of silver. Hardly worth it,” Mojo yells. Cassie yells back “The townspeople could probably use it. Tie one onto the rope.” She flies up one-at-a-time with each silver chest, making the best use of the time by releasing each once they are clear of the Kadtanach, the chests falling some 150 feet to the ground. Most chests split open on contact, spilling the coins on the ground. Once the place is emptied she pulls Mojo and Narg back up.

Mojo reminds them “Hey, what about that other treasure room beneath the jail room?” “Good idea,” Narg replies, having Cassie fly the two of them over to it. The fire in the two adjacent howdahs has now spread to the upper level of the howdah, but the bottom is still clear, so the two fighters head in the door with the second bag. The treasure in this room is less elaborate than the other room, comprised mostly of copper and silver coins and various items made of silver and gold. They fill up the bag. The room then shakes and they notice the Kadtanach is moving again.

Cassie yells in to the guys “I’ll be right back,” and flies over the creature’s head to pick up Alton. “What happened?” she asks. The chimp climbs onto the dragon and says, “The spell ran out and the creature decided to get going.” She flies back over to pick up the other two. Narg very reluctantly gets back into the bag with the gnoll druid as there is not enough room on her back for both him and Mojo, Alton hanging on a little further forward. She then starts to fly away.

Alton spots the four draft horses used to haul up the steel basket with the winch along the lower deck. He says, “I’d feel bad if we just let them get killed.” Cassie replies, “Yeah, and the farms back on the island could probably use them.” As they fly close a gnoll holding a whip charges out from beside the horses. “Better check with Nahmi about this guy,” Cassie states. Mojo opens the bag and asks about this gnoll. Nahmi states, “That is the whip-master. He controls the horses.” “Friend of yours?” Mojo asks. Nahmi replies, “Absolutely not. He is cruel to the animals.” “That’s all I need to know,” Mojo states, letting his hammer fly.”

The whip-master is hit hard, knocking him down onto the deck. He then staggers to his feet and limps back to where the horses are between the upper and lower deck. Mojo has Cassie drop him off on the deck and he approaches that area. The wounded whip-master stands up and starts to raise his whip. Mojo yells over in gnollish “I’m not after you. We just want the horses.” “You won’t hurt me?” the gnoll replies. Mojo answers, “Not at all, you can stay right there. Just send out the horses.”

The gnoll ushers the horses out, the animals walking over to their usual places along the winch. The Kadtanach is now a lot closer to the hill now, and Alton asks, “How are we going to get them down?” Cassie says, “I still have four reduce spells!” She has Mojo hold the horses steady so that her dragon form does not spook them, but they are so accustomed to the wyverns that they are not fazed by her. She lands on the deck and casts Reduce on horses, making each small enough that Mojo can fit them into a large pocket on his tunic. Mojo climbs onto her back and she takes off from the deck. Mojo comments “I didn’t have the heart to tell the whip-master that he’s going to die a rather violent death in around twenty minutes.” Cassie tells Mojo that her reduce spell will last for around an hour-and-a-half. He says, “Well, please remember to remind me before we get to that point. I’d hate for them to grow while still in my pocket.”

They land a short distance away from the hill. The massive beast moves up to the cliffside and leans to the side, starting to scrape the buildings off. The burning structures are the first ones to disintegrate and the other ones then start to splinter and split. The straps take a considerably longer time to get off, but once they begin to snap it creates a domino effect.

Mark and Purge soon join them and Nahmi is let out of the Bag of Holding. None of the town’s residents venture any closer, although General Teakas from the Dragonstalkers flies in to join them in the vigil of watching the creature. She talks to Cassie and confirms that her teammate Grelmak has perished. Cassie does not volunteer any information about having taken his magical possessions and Alton was quick to hide the ring and amulet at the first sight of Teakas approaching Teakas express concern about what the creature will do next, as it is still very close to the town. Mojo remembers to take the horses out of his pocket.

Nearly two hours pass from the time that the creature began scraping until all evidence of the gnoll habitat is removed. The party realizes that searching through the debris for any other treasure will be a monumental task, as the scraping also brought down several tons of rocks and dirt from the hillside.

Shortly before midnight the Kadtanach walks away from the hillside. There are several noticeable wounds on its back from where it injured itself during the scraping. It also appears to now be rather tired, walking a few hundred feet and then stopping and sitting down in a field. It lowers its head to the ground. Alton approaches the beast from the side and casts his remaining healing spells on to it, with negligible effect. It remains unmoving, although its breathing is still noticeable, and the party concludes that it is asleep even though the eyes are still open.

Later edit: Tonight's game just got canned due to another blizzard (2nd week in a row). Looks like I may never get to finish this module! The "Story Hour" is now up to date so don't expect any more chapters for another week, although reader comments and questions are always welcomed.
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First Post
Looks like the adventure is almost done. The only thing it seems that is left for the group to do, is to get the townspeople their loot, and to figure out what to do with the Kadtanach. I take it that you have seen the little note in the module about what is to happen if the helmet is destroyed? ;)

The way you described the Kadtanach scraping off the buildings was particularly interesting. Good job, I could really picture it in my head.

So what is the next adventure? It's dawn is nigh. :)

- Blasphemonkey

Silver Moon

Several interesting questions and comments - I'll start with this one:

Blasphemonkey said:
The only thing it seems that is left for the group to do, is to get the townspeople their loot, and to figure out what to do with the Kadtanach.

Actually I still have quite a bit left to do.
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Silver Moon

Joshua Randall said:
What happened to "Yeenoghu"? Is he dead? Fled? Or planning revenge?
That question will be answered as part of the next game since the captured gnoll lieutenant was present in the same room with him. Narg knocked the gnoll out before he could be interrogated but they will have an opportunity to do so the following morning. Rest assured, the actions of "Yeenoghu" were consistent with the description of him and his personality (page #92 of the module). The senior gnoll druid Dalcom has also discovered some interesting information about this "god", which will be revealed at the next game.

Silver Moon

Blasphemonkey said:
So what is the next adventure? It's dawn is nigh.
We still have to finish two other modules that were started after “Beast of Burden” began. Both are with characters from a lower-level Silver Moon Adventurers spin-off team. Another DM began and ran two nights of one of these when I was had to travel out to the mid-west. It is from a pre-packed source and concerns finding an orc lair. The other was played during two nights when Narg and Mojo’s players were absent. It takes place at a local fair and I am using the excellent PDF “Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns” for that adventure.

After that I will be running a short module titled “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” using our other campaign setting, a Boot Hill/D&D hybrid world. I’ve run two short modules with this western setting that are logged as the following Story Hour: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28906

If you have been enjoyed the style and tone of this module (lots of role playing with an even mix of humor and action) then I think you’ll enjoy that story too. The team leader is a mysterious human stranger named Arcade played by Mojo’s player; Cassie’s player has a half-elf Native American druid/bard; Alton’s player has an oriental half-orc fighter/rogue; Narg and Mark’s players both have human gunslingers (fighters). So far they have had encounters with Geronomo, James West, Artimis Gordon, Jesse James and Billy the Kid. If you read the story please feel free to comment, as feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

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