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[BECMI] Paths of Legend: Origins


The calendar of Azgund is measured from the crowning of the first king, 1157 years ago. But, history stretches out like a long and twisting river before that event to times of turmoil and strife, of war and conquest.

Of Legend.

By the reckoning of the elves it is 5657. In the elven year 2375, the artifact known as the Dagger of Souls first made its presence known. The six elven nations were one people in those days and the Kingdom of Larent, a realm of bold humans seeking to tame a wilderness unknown to them, had come to the elven lands. But, rather than conquer, they made overtures of peace.

The elves, the dwarves, and the halflings of the continent of Telgar welcomed them. But, peace is fleeting. The Dagger of Souls has fallen in to the hands of the crown prince of Larent and it has driven him mad.

I have a desperate desire to run a full campaign in each edition of D&D plus Pathfinder. To that end, I've decided to explore the history of my oldest homebrew setting, Paths of Legend, and rewrite parts of it, with new players.

Paths of Legend has been around since the Red Box, when I first started playing D&D. I invite you to explore its origins and forge a Legend for yourself in the earliest days of the setting.

This first campaign will be using the Rules Cyclopedia version of D&D. If you've never played this version, don't sweat it, I will guide you through character creation. It explores the upheaval leading up to the first Dagger War, as well as the war itself, when the Serpent Queen, Azilyk, came to power for the first time.

We will be starting in the city of Mentlar, in the Duchy of Mentlar on the eastern frontier.

[sblock=Character Creation]Character Creation Step One: Ability Scores

A character's ability scores help define the character and what he can and cannot do. The six ability scores are:

Strength - Physical might. Your Strength modifier applies to attack rolls with hand-to-hand (melee) weapons, damage from hand-to-hand and thrown weapons, and rolls to perform feats of strength, such as breaking down a locked a door. Strength is the Prime Requisite for Fighters and Dwarves. It is one of the Prime Requisites for Elves and Halflings.

Intelligence - Mental might. Your Intelligence modifier determines the character's bonus languages (a negative modifier affects the character's ability to read and write). Intelligence is the Prime Requisite for Magic-Users. It is one of the Prime Requisites for Elves.

Wisdom - A character's ability to understand the world. Your Wisdom modifier applies to saving throws vs. spells of all sorts. Wisdom is the Prime Requisite for Clerics.

Dexterity - Nimbleness and grace. Your Dexterity modifier applies to attack rolls with thrown weapons and missile weapons, and affects Armor Class. Dexterity is the Prime Requisite for Thieves. It is one of the Prime Requisites for Halflings.

Constitution - Physical health and vigor. Your Constitution modifier applies to hit point rolls.

Charisma - Force of personality and presence. Your Charisma modifier applies to rolls affecting how NPCs react to your character. It also has a direct effect on the number of henchman you may recruit and their morale.

Prime Requisites

A Prime Requisite (PR) is an ability score that is especially important to a character class. Each class has one or more PRs. A high ability score in a class's PR will give the character more experience points every time XP is gained. A low PR will penalize experience points every time XP is gained.

For Clerics, Fighters, Magic-Users, Thieves and Dwarves, XP bonuses and penalties for XP are as follows:
PR 3-5: -20% XP
PR 6-8: -10% XP
PR 13-15: +5% XP
PR 16-18: +10% XP

Halfling XP bonuses and penalties are as follows:
Str 3-5: -20% XP
Str 6-8: -10% XP
Str or Dex 13-18: +5% XP
Str and Dex 13-18: +10% XP

House Rule Note: XP penalties are extrapolated as they do not appear in the book.

Elf XP bonuses and penalties are as follows:

Str 3-5: -20% XP
Str 6-8: -10% XP
Str 13-18 and Int 13-15: +5%
Str 13-18 and Int 16-18: +10%

House Rule Note: XP penalties are extrapolated as they do not appear in the book.

Ability Score Modifiers

Ability scores range in number from 3 to 18. The modifiers to various rolls associated with the ability scores are:

3: -3
4-5: -2
6-8: -1
9-12: None
13-15: +1
16-17: +2
18: +3

Other Notes Regarding Ability Scores

Some scores have other special considerations.


An Intelligence bonus adds to a character's languages known, but a low score can hinder the character's ability to communicate even in his native language.

3 - The character has trouble speaking and cannot read or write.
4-5 - The character cannot read or write Common.
6-8 - The character can read and write simple Common words.


Charisma affects the number of NPC retainers your character can hire and how loyal they are (measured by a Morale score), as follows:

3 - Max Retainers: 1, Retainer Morale: 4
4-5 - Max Retainers: 2, Retainer Morale: 5
6-8 - Max Retainers: 3, Retainer Morale: 6
9-12 - Max Retainers: 4, Retainer Morale: 7
13-15 - Max Retainers: 5, Retainer Morale: 8
16-17 - Max Retainers: 6, Retainer Morale: 9
18 - Max Retainers: 7, Retainer Morale: 10

Determining Ability Scores

Roll 3d6 for each ability score and place in order - Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma.

Character Creation Step Two: Character Class

In this version of the D&D game, there are four human character classes (Cleric, Fighter, Magic-User, Thief) and three demi-human character classes (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling).


Clerics are human characters dedicated to an immortal being or system of beliefs. The strength of their beliefs provides them with some special powers such as the ability to turn undead and cast spells.

Hit Dice: A cleric rolls a d6 for hit points (6 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: A cleric may wear any armor and use shields
Weapons: A cleric cannot use any weapon with a sharp edge or point. The cleric can use any non-edged weapon, i.e. weapons that are primarily bludgeons.
Turning Undead: A 1st level cleric can attempt to Turn Undead. Roll 2d6. The number rolled determines the most powerful type of undead affected. A roll of 7 or higher will turn a skeleton. A roll of 9 or higher will turn a zombie. A roll if 11 or higher will turn a ghoul. If the turning attempt is successful, the DM rolls 2d6 to determine how many Hit Dice of undead are turned. At least one undead creature is always turned, regardless of the DM's roll result.
Spells: A cleric doesn't gain the ability to cast spells until 2nd level.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 11
--Magic Wands: 12
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 14
--Dragon Breath: 16
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 1,500


Fighters are human characters skilled in combat.

Hit Dice: A fighter rolls d8 for hit points (8 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: A fighter may wear any armor and use shields.
Weapons: A fighter may use any weapon.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 12
--Magic Wands: 13
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 14
--Dragon Breath: 15
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 16
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 2,000


Magic-Users are human characters who study and wield magic.

Hit Dice: A magic-user rolls a d4 for hit points (4 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: None. A magic-user may not wear armor and cannot use shields.
Weapons: Dagger, Staff, Blowgun, Net, Sling, Whip.
Spells: A magic-user is able to cast one 1st level spell per day at level 1. This spell is memorized at the beginning of the day from the magic-user's spellbook. The spellbook contains two 1st level spells (Read Magic and one other spell, see below for a list of 1st level spells), though the magic-user can scribe more spells into his spellbook by acquiring them from scrolls, enemy spellbooks and through magical instruction by a teacher or mentor.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 13
--Magic Wands: 14
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 13
--Dragon Breath: 16
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 2,500

1st Level Magic-User Spells

Analyze - Identifies the magical properties of an item.
Charm Person - Magically convinces one humanoid that it is your friend.
Detect Magic - Detects magic objects, creatures, and places within 60'.
Floating Disc - Creates a horizontal platform capable of carrying up to 500 lbs.
Hold Portal - Magically seals a door or gate.
Light - Creates a magical light; can be reversed to create darkness.
Magic Missile - Creates a magical arrow that can strike a creature for 1d6+1 damage.
Protection from Evil - Creates a magical protective barrier around the caster.
Read Languages - Enables caster to read any written language.
Shield - Creates a deflective aura around the caster.
Sleep - Puts 2-16 hit dice worth of creatures to sleep.
Ventriloquism - Allows caster to make their voice emanate from a location up to 60' away.


Thieves are human characters who have a number of special skills that lend themselves to less than legal activities. Whether the thief uses those skills for those purposes is up to them.

Hit Dice: A thief rolls a d4 for hit points (4 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: Leather armor only and the thief may not use shields.
Weapons: Any missile weapon and any one-handed melee weapons.
Special Skills: A thief has a number of special skills they can attempt to use during the course of an adventure. Each is expressed as a percentage number which the thief has to roll at or under on 1d100 in order to use the skill successfully.
--Open Locks (OL): 15
--Find Traps (FT): 10
--Remove Traps (RT): 10
--Pick Pockets (PP): 20
--Move Silently (MS): 20
--Climb Walls (CW): 87
--Hide in Shadows (HS): 10
--Hear Noise (HN): 30
Backstab: If a thief can sneak up on an opponent, they can attempt a backstab with a one-handed melee weapon. If the thief goes unnoticed, they add +4 to their attack roll and deals double damage with the backstab attack (roll damage, multiply by 2, then add any modifiers).
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 13
--Magic Wands: 14
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 13
--Dragon Breath: 16
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 1,200


Dwarves are a demi-humans who are short and broad, standing about 4' tall and weighing about 150 pounds. Adventuring dwarves share many traits in common with fighters.

Hit Dice: A dwarf rolls a d8 for hit points (8 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: A dwarf can wear any armor and can use shields.
Weapons: Any small or medium melee weapon, any missile weapon except longbows.
Infravision: Dwarves have a limited ability to see in the dark by seeing heat and lack there-of. Infravision doesn't work if there are any light sources present. A dwarf can see up to 60' with infravision.
Languages: In addition to Common, dwarves know the languages of the dwarf, gnome, goblin and kobold races.
Detection: Dwarves can detect stonework traps, sliding walls, sloping corridors and new construction. A roll of 1 or 2 on 1d6 will successfully find these things if there are any to be found.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 8
--Magic Wands: 9
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 10
--Dragon Breath: 13
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 12
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 2,200


Elves are slender and graceful demi-humans. They stand about 5 to 5 1/2 feet tall and usually weigh 100 to 120 pounds.

Hit Dice: An elf rolls a d6 for hit points (6 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: An elf may wear any armor and can use shields.
Weapons: An elf can wield any weapon.
Infravision: This ability works just like dwarven infravision.
Languages: In addition to Common, elves know the languages of the elf, gnoll, hobgoblin and orc races.
Detection: An elf has a better chance of finding secret and hidden doors than other characters.
Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis: Elves are immune to the paralyzing touch of ghouls. Other forms of paralysis affect them normally.
Spells: An elf can cast one 1st level spell per day. This ability works just like the magic-user's ability to cast spells.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 12
--Magic Wands: 13
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 13
--Dragon Breath: 15
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 4,000


Halflings are short demi-humans with furry feet. They stand about 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 60 pounds.

Hit Dice: A halfling rolls a d6 for hit points (6 + Con modifier at 1st level)
Armor: Halfings can wear any armor and use shields, though their armor must be specially sized for them.
Weapons: Halflings can wield any small melee weapon, as well as shortbows and light crossbows.
Combat Bonuses: Halflings get a -2 bonus to Armor Class when fighting any creature larger than man-sized. Halflings get a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using missile weapons. Halflings get a +1 bonus to individual initiative (when used).
Hiding: A halfling who remains motionless has a chance to avoid being seen. In woodlands and underbrush this chance is 90%. Inside buildings and dungeons (as long as there are shadows or cover available) this chance is 33%.
Saving Throws (roll this number or better on 1d20 to negate or diminish the effects of a special attack):
--Death Ray/Poison: 8
--Magic Wands: 9
--Paralysis/Turn to Stone: 10
--Dragon Breath: 13
--Rod/Staff/Spell: 12
Experience Points needed for Level 2: 2,000

Character Creation Step Three: Adjust Ability Scores

Now that you've chosen a character class, you can tweak your ability scores to a bit to improve your Prime Requisite.

You can lower Strength, Intelligence or Wisdom by two points and then raise your Prime Requisite(s) by 1 point.
Constitution and Charisma cannot be raised or lowered.
Dexterity cannot be lowered, though it can be raised if it is a PR for your class.
A score cannot be lowered to less than 9. If it is already 10 or less, it cannot be lowered.

Character Creation Step Four: Hit Points

Hit points are a measure of how much damage your character can sustain before dying. Each character class has a type of die that is rolled to determine starting hit points.

Note that even if you have a Constitution penalty, you will always have at least 1 hit point at 1st level and will always gain at least 1 hit point every time you gain a level.

Hit Dice
1d4 = Magic-User, Thief
1d6 = Cleric, Elf, Halfling
1d8 = Fighter, Dwarf

House Rule Note: For the purposes of this game, we will be increasing our heroes' survivability a bit by giving them max hit points at 1st level.

Character Creation Step Six: Money and Equipment


Roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 10. This is your character's beginning gold, which they can spend on weapons, armor and equipment.

Money Conversions
1 silver piece (sp) = 10 copper pieces (cp)
1 electrum piece (ep) = 5 silver pieces (sp) = 50 copper pieces (cp)
1 gold piece (gp) = 2 electrum pieces (ep) = 10 silver pieces (sp) = 100 copper pieces (cp)
1 platinum piece (pp) = 5 gold pieces (gp) = 10 electrum pieces (ep) = 50 silver pieces (sp) = 500 copper pieces (cp)


2H indicates this weapon requires two hands to use.
S indicates a small weapon usable by a halfling.
c indicates a Cleric can use this weapon.

Axe, Battle - 7 gp, 1d8 damage, 60 cn, 2H
Axe, Hand - 4 gp, 1d6 damage, 10/20/30 (short/medium/long range), 30 cn, S

Bow, Short - 25 gp, 1d6, 50/100/150, 20 cn, 2H, S
Bow, Long - 40 gp, 1d6, 70/140/210, 30 cn, 2H
Crossbow, Light - 30 gp, 1d6, 60/120/180, 50, 2H, S
Crossbow, Heavy - 50 gp, 2d4, 80/160/240, 2H

Blackjack - 5 gp, 1d2, 5cn, S, c
Club - 3 gp, 1d4, 50 cn, c
Hammer, Throwing - 4 gp, 1d4, 10/20/30, 25 cn, c
Hammer, War - 5 gp, 1d6, 50 cn, c
Mace - 5 gp, 1d6, 30 cn, c
Staff - 5 gp, 1d6, 40 cn, c

Dagger - 3 gp, 1d4, 10/20/30, 10 cn, S
Silver Dagger - 30 gp, 1d4, 10/20/30, 10 cn, S

Halberd - 7 gp, 1d10, 150 cn, 2H
Javelin - 1 gp, 1d6, 30/60/90, 20 cn
Lance - 10 gp, 1d10, 180 cn
Pike - 3 gp, 1d10, 80 cn, 2H
Polearm - 7 gp, 1d10, 150 cn, 2H
Poleaxe - 5 gp, 1d10, 120 cn, 2H
Spear - 3 gp, 1d6, 20/40/60, 30 cn
Trident - 5 gp, 1d6, 10/20/30, 25 cn

Sword, Short - 7 gp, 1d6, 30 cn, S
Sword, Normal - 10 gp, 1d8, 60 cn
Sword, Bastard - 15 gp, 1d6+1 (one-handed), 1d8+1 (two-handed), 80 cn
Sword, Two-Handed - 15 gp, 1d10, 100 cn, 2H

Blowgun (Small) - 3 gp, nil damage (used to deliver poisons), 10/20/30, 6 cn, S
Blowgun (Medium) - 6 gp, nil damage (used to deliver poisons), 20/25/30, 15 cn
Net - 1 sp/sq ft, nil damage (used to entangle), 10/20/30, 1 cn/sq ft.
Sling - 2 gp, 1d4, 40/80/160, 20 cn
Whip - 1 gp/ft of length, 1d2, 10 cn/ft of length

Arrows (20) - 5 gp, 2 shots per cn
Arrow, Silver - 5 gp, 2 shots per cn
Crossbow Bolts (30) - 10 gp, 3 shots per cn
Crossbow Bolt, Silver - 5 gp, 3 shots per cn
Blowgun Darts (5) - 1 gp, 5 shots per cn
Sling Stones (30) - 1 gp, 5 shots per cn
Sling Stone, Silver (1) - 5 gp, 5 shots per cn


Shield - 10 gp, AC (-1), 100 cn
Leather Armor - 20 gp, AC 7, 200 cn
Scale Mail - 30 gp, AC 6, 300 cn
Chain Mail - 40 gp, AC 5, 400 cn
Banded Mail - 50 gp, AC 4, 450 cn
Plate Mail - 60 gp, AC 3, 500 cn
Suit Armor - 250 gp, AC 0, 750 cn

Adventuring Gear

* incidates weight when carried; the items weight doesn't count toward encumbrance when worn
** indicates that the item's weight is subsumed by the weight of its contents when full

Backpack - 5 gp, 20 cn (can carry up to 400 cn)
Belt - 2 sp, 5 cn*
Boots, Plain - 1 gp, 10 cn*
Boots, Riding - 5 gp, 15 cn*
Cloak, Short - 5 sp, 10 cn*
Cloak, Long - 1 gp, 15 cn*
Clothes, Plain - 5 sp, 20 cn*
Clothes, Middle Class - 5 gp, 20 cn*
Clothes, Fine - 20 gp, 20*
Clothes, Extravagant - 50+ gp, 30*
Garlic - 5 gp, 1 cn
Grappling Hook - 25 gp, 80 cn
Hammer - 2 gp, 10 cn
Hat or Cap - 2 sp, 3 cn*
Holy Symbol - 25 gp, 1 cn
Holy Water - 25 gp, 1 cn
Iron Spike - 1 sp, 5 cn
Iron Spikes (12) - 1 gp, 60 cn
Lantern - 10 gp, 30 cn
Mirror (hand held) - 5 gp, 5 cn
Oil (1 flask) - 2 gp, 10 cn
Pole (10 ft.) - 1 gp, 100 cn
Pouch, Belt - 5 sp, 2 cn (can carry up to 50 cn)
Quiver - 1 gp, 5 cn**
Rations, Iron (1 week) - 15 gp, 70 cn
Rations, Standard (1 week) - 5 gp, 200 cn
Rope (50 ft.) - 1 gp, 50 cn
Sack, Small - 1 gp, 1 cn (can carry up to 200 cn)
Sack, Large - 2 gp, 5 cn (can carry up to 600 cn)
Shoes - 8 sp, 8 cn*
Stakes (3) and Mallet - 3 gp, 10 cn
Thieves' Tools - 25 gp, 10 cn
Tinder Box - 3 gp, 5 cn
Torch - 2 sp, 20 cn
Torches (6) - 1 gp, 120 cn
Waterskin/Wineskin - 1 gp, 5 cn (30 cn when full)
Wine (1 quart) - 1 gp, 30 cn
Wolfsbane - 10 gp, 1 cn

Character Creation Step Seven: Finishing Touches

Determine your character's alignment by choosing from Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. Choose a name, a bit of background and personality, and your character's appearance. Ask the DM for any additional details.[/sblock]

I'd like a fair number of players, but will start with 3 and leave recruiting open to let more players filter in.


Human characters can be from the following locales within the Kingdom of Larent.

- The Duchy of Reltigar: Northwestern coastal duchy, center of trade, fishing, and other seafaring pursuits, home to the eccentric Spellbinder family, including Duke Erevan Spellbinder, ruler of Reltigar.

-Wyvernsbane Duchy: Southwestern duchy situated among the hills south of the elven land of Kae'Alet. Duke Havlan Wyvernsbane is a hard, military minded man, always planning for attacks from the south by goblins and worse.

-Mentlar Duchy: The border territory in the east, Mentlar Duchy was settled by pioneers looking for gold. They found it, but the trip back to the rest of the Kingdom takes weeks through hostile wilderness, leaving Mentlar to fend for itself a great deal of the time. The elven land of Kae'Aline, a vast and forbidding forest, lies even further east. Duke Dervin Mentlar rules this land with a balance of ambition and stoic resolve.

-Larent City: The capital city, nestled at the base of the Taernok Mountains and within the forest of Kae'Alet, built by elves, dwarves, and humans as a symbol of peace.

Dwarf characters can be from the following locales on the continent of Telgar.

-Taernok: Hillhome in the language of the humans, Taernok exists within the borders of Larent in the mountain range that separates Reltigar from the rest of the Kingdom. The dwarves of Taernok owe fealty to the High Thane of Dwaernok, though many clans grumble about their distant sovereign.

-Dwaernok: Mountainhome, in the language of the humans, Dwaernok is nestled in the mountains in the southeast of the continent, bordering the elven land of Kae'Alor. Secretive and insular, the dwarves of Dwaernok follow the High Thane without question.

Elf characters can be from the following locales on the continent of Telgar.

-Kae'Alet: The High Elves, Kae'Alet's forests surround the human capital of Larent, south of the Taernok mountains. The Elven Wizard-Lord of Kae'Alet is considered an honorary Duke of Larent by the treaty. The current Wizard-Lord, Moodrinthal, is still young by elven standards, only 250 years old.

-Kae'Aline: The Wood Elves, Kae'Aline clans occupy a vast and forest that spans most of the northeastern portion of Telgar. The forest is a dangerous place, even for the elves.

-Kae'Alor: The Grey Elves, Kae'Alor dwells in the ancient forests in the southeast, amid the mountains of Dwaernok. The Kae'Alor are secretive and claim direct descent from the Kae'Ari, The First Elves.

Halfling characters can be from the following locales on the continent of Telgar.

-White Shire: A modest town nestled in the hills within Mentlar Duchy. Though the humans of Mentlar consider themselves rugged frontier folk, the halflings were here first and live off the land comfortably, considering the humans to be a little not-right in the head.

-Red Shire: A bustling metropolis by halfling standards, sprawling through the southern foothills that mark the southern border of both the Kingdom of Larent and Wyvernsbane Duchy. The humans of Wyvernsbane and the halflings of Red Shire consider each other nuisances to be tolerated at best, harassed at worst, though violence has not yet broken out between them.

The southwestern portion of Telgar is an unexplored wilderness, teeming with monsters and mysteries.
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STR 10, DEX 11, CON 5, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 8

Not sure what to do with it, I have not played this version before. Looks like a Cleric to me though, maybe become a druid at 9th?

Welcome aboard! And yes, that definitely would make a good cleric, though magic-user could work, too (and might be a safer option in combat since that Con means you'll have low hit points).

You could also go with Fighter, Thief, or Elf, though those aren't optimal choices with those scores. Which would you prefer?


Groovy. Now you can mess with your ability score points a bit, if you like. You can raise your Prime Requisite (most important ability score for your class) by 1 for every two points you lower another score. Since scores can't be lowered below 9 this way, Wisdom is the only score you can cannibalize (Dexterity can't be lowered with these rules).

You current Intelligence of 14 will give a +5% bonus to experience points. If you bump it up to 16, you'll get +10%.

A high Wisdom, however, offers a bonus to saving throws vs. spells, which could come in handy. So, its up to you.


Hit Points - Normally, you would roll 1d4 for first level hit points (and then subtract 2 due to your low Con). However, I'm going to allow maximum first level hit points for this campaign. So, your character starts with 2 HP.

Your ability score adjustments (and what they apply to) are as follows... (assuming you are adjusting Int up to 16 and Wis down to 12)

Str: 10 (+0, attacks and damage with melee weapons and damage with thrown weapons, as well as checks to open doors)
Dex: 11 (+0, Armor Class, as well as attacks with ranged and thrown weapons)
Con: 5 (-2, Hit Points)
Int: 16 (+2, 2 extra languages beyond Common)
Wis: 12 (+0, Saving Throws vs. Spells)
Cha: 8 (-1, NPC reactions, 3 maximum retainers, retainers have a Morale of 6)

Roll 3d6 and multiply by 10 - this is your character's starting gold for weapons, armor, and supplies. As a magic-user, you are proficient with daggers, staffs, blowguns, nets, slings, and whips. You are not proficient with armor.


No, you start with a spellbook with two spells - Read Magic and one other spell.

Analyze - Identifies the magical properties of an item.
Charm Person - Magically convinces one humanoid that it is your friend.
Detect Magic - Detects magic objects, creatures, and places within 60'.
Floating Disc - Creates a horizontal platform capable of carrying up to 500 lbs.
Hold Portal - Magically seals a door or gate.
Light - Creates a magical light; can be reversed to create darkness.
Magic Missile - Creates a magical arrow that can strike a creature for 1d6+1 damage.
Protection from Evil - Creates a magical protective barrier around the caster.
Read Languages - Enables caster to read any written language.
Shield - Creates a deflective aura around the caster.
Sleep - Puts 2-16 hit dice worth of creatures to sleep.
Ventriloquism - Allows caster to make their voice emanate from a location up to 60' away.

I'll list out the available gear after you pick your spells.

Voidrunner's Codex

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