Beguiler Assistance


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I'm going to be starting a Beguiler in a game soon and would love some advice/assistance from those with experience in the class.

The game is 36-point buy, PHB races, and you get two 'non-core' books. Obviously, I need the PHB II to get the Beguiler class itself, but I'm still undecided on the second book. I was thinking about Complete Mage and the "Fey Heritage" feats for flavor -- the DR is nice and the flavor fits well with the trickster-nature of the Beguiler.

Still all those "Will Negates" spells worry me. I don't want to be useless as the saving throws of opponents scales upwards.

Are there any good Beguiler-friendly PRCs? Or do I pureclass?

And most importantly... do I go for Spell Focus/GSF for driving my spells home or will I be alright with the lower saves I will have by default?

Any input from those with Beguiler experience would be greatly appreciated.

NOTE: The party already has a rogue-type who will be dealing with the traps, so I'm focusing more on the interpersonal skills. I'm flexible on race, but no humans. I'm sick of humans. :)


Gnome Beguiler:
STR: 8 (after racial mods)
DEX: 14
CON: 16 (after racial mods)
INT: 16
WIS: 10
CHA: 16

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I wouldn't go for a PrC. The beguiler is a great class and you want to pick up all the beguiler abilities.

I'd take spell focus and eventually greater spell focus in both enchantment and illusion. Yeah, "will negates" looks bad but think of how many "save or die" spells you have...most not literally "save or die" but being held is basically death. You have lots of spells/day so don't worry if your first dominate person doesn't work...just try again!

the one spell I am most glad is on the beguiler list is solid fog. When you can cast it, make sure you do. It shores up a few of your weaknesses and lets you escape what you need to.

For Prestige Classes, take a look at (and check with your DM on) the Unseen Seer in Complete Mage. If he'll let you gain sneak attack from that class without having it previously, it makes a nice addition (by the wording of the class, it only adds to existing sneak attack damage). If you can go that route, it'll give you extra casting and sneak attack, not to mention plenty of skill points. Pick up Combat Expertise and Improved Feint, so you can sneak attack more often.

I recently played a Beguiler/Swashbuckler/Unseen Seer, and it went quite well. You wouldn't be able to get the Swashbuckler bit, since that'd require a third book.

FalcWP said:
Pick up Combat Expertise and Improved Feint, so you can sneak attack more often.

The beguiler actually gets the ability to surprise cast as a move action, so Improved Feint isn't even necessary.

The OP has the solution in his hands. Cloaked casting boosts the DC of those Will saves, and surprise casting lets you use cloacked casting often.

And how about good ol' Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus?

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