D&D General [+] Warlock Build Chat


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I was thinking straight warlock. Plenty of spells that don't require Cha, including summons, greater invisibility (arch fey), hex, armor of agythis...
Aaahh okay
But all that, and armor of shadows, would work with monk too.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking.

This stuff is why my Aethernaut class has an unarmored AC calculation of 10+proficiency+intelligence mod, or they can use armor and use Int instead of Dex. It allows them to use either Dex or Strength for attack and have them be fairly equal, and then it has solid damage mitigation as well, so that a middling Con won’t destroy you.

But this concept begs to be a warlock, and that class isn’t complete.

Ya know while I prefer AoA in general, fiendish vigor would pretty much balance out a middling con score at lower levels by being at-will 5-8 THP…

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
This stuff is why my Aethernaut class has an unarmored AC calculation of 10+proficiency+intelligence mod, or they can use armor and use Int instead of Dex. It allows them to use either Dex or Strength for attack and have them be fairly equal, and then it has solid damage mitigation as well, so that a middling Con won’t destroy you.

But this concept begs to be a warlock, and that class isn’t complete.
If your game is amenable to houseruling, why not just houserule that feature into warlock?

Generally as a DM, when a player comes to me with specific imagery as strong as your OP, we start with a class as a general framework and then flesh out the image with a bunch of bespoke abilities.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
If your game is amenable to houseruling, why not just houserule that feature into warlock?

Generally as a DM, when a player comes to me with specific imagery as strong as your OP, we start with a class as a general framework and then flesh out the image with a bunch of bespoke abilities.
The most likely DM isn’t keen on houserules if they aren’t needed.

Well, sometimes. He did let me have a wolf as a familiar, and in Star Wars Saga Edition he let me have a pretty heavily modified prosthetic arm using the tech mods from a later book, but even those aren’t really homebrew.

He did let me take a feat as a MC Wizard that let me treat my rogue levels as 1/3 caster levels, and learn wizard spells as long as I have slots of that level. Which is a big homebrew, but tbh I’d be more powerful just playing a flat Wizard or a Wizard/arcane trickster, which makes it easier to allow a little shenanigans.

So who knows.

Swapping some spells in a feat might be an easier sell lol

Voidrunner's Codex

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