D&D 5E Chill Touch vs Booming Blade as a backup cantrip on a Bard with a Warlock dip and a 14 Dex


Playing a Winter Elandrin Glamour Bard with a Feylock Warlock dip in a 1-20 (actually 3-20) campaign. We are starting at 3rd level after our 3rd-level party TPKed last week. She is currently a Warlock 1/Bard 2 and starts as a Warlock. The plan is to go to level 6 Bard, then take another Warlock Level then most of the rest of levels as a Bard. Maybe a 1-level Order Cleric dip in there somewhere, but at least 17 levels of Bard by level 20.

She currently has 14 Dex and 17 Charisma. Her first three ASIs are going to be Shadow Touched (Charisma), Charisma ASI and Warcaster. Not sure about her late game ASIs, maybe magic initiate Wizard, maybe a Wisdom ASI, maybe something else.

Here is her sheet at level 3, but it is subject to change until the first session:

Warlock spells are PEG and Hex.

Bard Cantrips pretty much suck for combat and I am debating her Warlock cantrips and I only get 2. Eldritch Blast is the no-brainer and she will eventually get Agonizing Blast too, although late around level 7. For her second Cantrip I am on the fence between Booming Blade and Chill Touch.

Chill Touch would be a back up when I wanted someone to not regenerate, which can be super useful, especially at high levels, but it will be rare that I use this over EB and it is entirely situational. That said it is on Charisma and when the situation is right it is awesome to have.

Booming Blade would be with a Rapier and a relatively poor attack bonus. This character is not designed to be in melee, but when she gets there she will often be able to cash in on the extra damage rider (assuming a hit) as an AOO with Warcaster and as something she can use before Fey stepping to safety. With her Fey Charm, Dissonant whispers and the 14th level Glamor Bard feature she is likely to get AOOs often when forced into melee.

Honorable mention - Toll The Dead. I am going to pass on this I think because I have VM as a save cantrip, and although damage sucks, I don't think I need 2 save Cantrips.

Rest of party is Barbarian, melee Cleric, Monk, Wizard

Thoughts ?

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Chill Touch won't come up often enough to be worth the investment.
Booming Blade gives you a melee option, as you note, but you are taking Vicious Mockery through Bard, so it's not needed.

Were it me, I would not be looking for another combat option, but something for other aspects of the game. Minor Illusion or Mage Hand are the obvious choices in the Warlock list. I wouldn't even carry a weapon.

Bacon Bits

Vicious Mockery and Eldritch Blast are two of the best cantrips in the game. They might be the two best cantrips in the game. Seriously, don't underrate VM. The only thing you're looking for is when the target is adjacent to you and has a high Wis save, or when the target has high AC and a high Wis save. Booming Blade, Chill Touch, and Toll the Dead don't help with that. And in the case when Booming Blade might help, using a rapier isn't that much worse at the levels when you'd actually care to do that (low levels).

If you insist on taking a third combat cantrip, I would favor Mind Sliver or maybe Lightning Lure. Frostbite makes more thematic sense, but Con saves are often high because the designers see it as a way to give free HP.

Although, personally, I would not be interested in any more combat cantrips. I'd be looking at Prestidigitation, Mending, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, or even Light first.


Chill Touch won't come up often enough to be worth the investment.

We are playing to level 20 and in high level games regeneration and spells like Heal and other massive healing options come up frequently and Chill Touch kills them. I know I will get use out of Chill Touch at high levels. I just don't know if it will be more than I would get from BB.


Vicious Mockery and Eldritch Blast are two of the best cantrips in the game. They might be the two best cantrips in the game.

EB is the best combat cantrip in the game. VM is pretty weak at high levels. It is very weak damage and disadvantage on only one attack and only then if the enemy fails its save.

Past level 6 most enemies are using multiattack and at high level a lot of them are not primarily attacking at all.

Seriously, don't underrate VM. The only thing you're looking for is when the target is adjacent to you and has a high Wis save, or when the target has high AC and a high Wis save. Booming Blade, Chill Touch, and Toll the Dead don't help with that. And in the case when Booming Blade might help, using a rapier isn't that much worse at the levels when you'd actually care to do that (low levels).

If you insist on taking a third combat cantrip, I would favor Mind Sliver or maybe Lightning Lure. Frostbite makes more thematic sense, but Con saves are often high because the designers see it as a way to give free HP.

When you have EB everything else is situational. I think Chill Touch is going to be wanted situationally more than Lightning Lure or Frostbite.

Mind Sliver is a good option though. I did not think of that. Especially when paired with the 6th level Glamor Bard feature. I could alternatively go with MS and then probably take a non-combat option with Bard instead of VM. I just don't see VM being good for very long.

THANKS! I think I am going to go with Mind Sliver and then maybe pick up Minor Illusion as a Bard or alternatively switch out VM at high level. :)

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
We are playing to level 20 and in high level games regeneration and spells like Heal and other massive healing options come up frequently and Chill Touch kills them. I know I will get use out of Chill Touch at high levels. I just don't know if it will be more than I would get from BB.

I'd still wait, but of course you do you. You can always substitute with another level: "Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots."

And you had suggested taking Magic Initiate later in the game. Enjoy!

VM is pretty weak at high levels. It is very weak damage and disadvantage on only one attack and only then if the enemy fails its save.

Past level 6 most enemies are using multiattack and at high level a lot of them are not primarily attacking at all.

Most cantrips see less use at higher levels (other than EB), but VM is still very useful.

It's effective on casters using spell attacks as (other than EB) they will only get 1 shot per round.

It is also a way to shut down a high level Rogue's sneak attack. We had a sniper do 85hp on our Warlock in a surprise round so I kept it VMd so he couldn't follow up on any of the targets in the rear. It still got SA against the front line types within 5ft of enemies but the sniper had to contend with their heavy armor, shields and high hit points.


I'd still wait, but of course you do you. You can always substitute with another level: "Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots."

And you had suggested taking Magic Initiate later in the game. Enjoy!

After consideration, I think Magic initiate late in the game is the key to getting Chill Touch as you alluded to. Also since I plan to take my second Warlock level at level 10, I could also change out Mind Sliver if that is not working. Thanks!

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