DarkLord Of DForce
First Post
Okay, so my 1st level fighter is standing beside a wooden door in a dungeon, that my Halfling Paladin
team mate has already kicked a hole in. He gets his leg back, after it was momentarily stuck and he
felt something try to grab it. Then what looks like a pincer comes through and tries to hit him. So on
my turn, I ready an action. I designate the trigger as anything that comes through that hole, I attack.
So...something comes through the hole. However, it's not the pincer but instead is a spear. My trigger
goes off and I swing at it.
Here's the question: Should we do a sunder, since its a weapon wielded by an opponent, or should it be
breaking an object? It's not part of the creature wielding it at all. We finally decided to use the rules for
breaking an object (with the object being a 2 handed hafted weapon), 5 hardness, 10 hit points.
So...was that the right call or should it have been a sunder? If it was breaking an object, what should
I have to roll to hit it with my attack? If it was supposed to be a sunder, and the creature was on the
other side of the door where it couldn't see me, can it still get an opportunity attack? I would think
Thanks for any suggestions, advice, or observations.
team mate has already kicked a hole in. He gets his leg back, after it was momentarily stuck and he
felt something try to grab it. Then what looks like a pincer comes through and tries to hit him. So on
my turn, I ready an action. I designate the trigger as anything that comes through that hole, I attack.
So...something comes through the hole. However, it's not the pincer but instead is a spear. My trigger
goes off and I swing at it.
Here's the question: Should we do a sunder, since its a weapon wielded by an opponent, or should it be
breaking an object? It's not part of the creature wielding it at all. We finally decided to use the rules for
breaking an object (with the object being a 2 handed hafted weapon), 5 hardness, 10 hit points.
So...was that the right call or should it have been a sunder? If it was breaking an object, what should
I have to roll to hit it with my attack? If it was supposed to be a sunder, and the creature was on the
other side of the door where it couldn't see me, can it still get an opportunity attack? I would think
Thanks for any suggestions, advice, or observations.