
Teflon Billy said:

What line of work are you in?

I do data entry for a large bank. I see all kinds of awesome names as a result.

Teflon Billy said:
And yes, Deathrage is an awesome name...but i'll bet you anything they pronounce it DETH-ridge :(

I'm sure it probably is. But I know how my next half-orc frenzied berserker will pronounce it :D .

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I knew a guy who would only speak in character in paragraphs he had written while others were interacting with NPCs. He listen and scribble and try to get finished writing before the other players wanted to move on. He called himself Mon O. Log. It was first... :p


Liquid Awesome
In our current campaign, one of the other players gave his elven Wizard/Cleric the rather grandiose moniker of Malhavoc Shadowlord. When my character (Halfling Rogue named Fim) met him, I said, "If you ever become a powerful wizard, people are going to tremble at the very sound of your name. In the mean time, it's just going to be a tremendous pain in the ass to chisel on your tombstone."

He got killed. We still haven't found the time (or money) to have that tombstone chiseled.

Djeta Thernadier

First Post
I had a doctor once, in real life, who, I kid you not, was named Dr. Vader.

She was scary woman with a really mean, raspy voice.
Perhaps she pronounced it differently , I don't know. All I know is
eventually I got a different doctor....



First Post
Ok, these aren't really character names, but weird real names.

Around the turn of the century, there were two doctors who had a partnership in SE Missouri named Dr Ketchum, and Dr Killem. And yes, the sign in front of their office said "Ketchum & Killem". My grandfather had a photo of their office as proof of this story. :D The good doctors have made several appearances in a Deadlands game I run.

I remember in high school doing a report on a Texas governor or mayor (I don't remember which now) named Hogg (kinda like Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazard I guess). Anyway, the best part of this story were the names of his two daughters, Ima and Ura. Lucky girls. :rolleyes:
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First Post
On the subject of interesting real names, there was a Chris Moneymaker on the Late Show with David Letterman who made 2.5 million dollars at some top-level poker tournament in Vegas, I think...

back in 1E days when I was learning the game (and PCs kept dying on me), I had a series of fighters and rangers named Falken (after the computer guy in Wargames) and Hawken (after the rifle). One guy in our campaign had a monk named Chip (Chip-monk, chipmunk, nyuck nyuck). I named a halfling thief Saab, after a car.
Way back in Dragon's early days, there was an April Fool article about playing PCs, part of which involved a 'random name generator' where you used dice to come up with vowels and consonants. I used it for an NPC, who got tagged with "Yb"...

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