D&D General Best dragon-related adventure (any edition)

Casimir Liber

Have adapted DL1 (Dragons of Despair) to 5e and really enjoyed it (having stripped the railroading aspect out of it). Have pondered what to do next and browsed through all 5e dragon-related adventures from WOTC and felt nonplussed. Throwing it out there (I got a great recommendation of Glacier Season (3.5e) for White Dragon boss when I last asked this...but that was for white dragons) for any other colour dragon...or draconian or even dragonlance-related theme, to see what people really enjoyed playing/DMing. I like dungeons with interesting environments for tactical battles, and have found alot of old-school stuff interesting for unusual ideas in this. So hit me with recommendations (even/especially if you've enjoyed a WOTC 5e one, let me know why and I can take another look).

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I really enjoyed playing in a 3.5 Red Hand of Doom game. I particularly liked having my fighter soulknife knight type character face off against a flying green dragon atop a bridge and resist getting knocked over the side when they clashed.

Lots of dragon queen theme, draconic monsters, and there were actual dragons is my memory of it.


No rule is inviolate
DLA1-3 (Dragon Dawn, Knight, Rest), set in Taladas. Find out who's killing baby dragons, pose as dragon hunters, ally with good dragons (these modules introduced the AD&D Dragon Knight kit), journey back and forth through time to retrieve gems to thwart the Dark Queen, and in an epic finale ride dragon friends into battle and/or use the gems for amazing powers including that of a dragon.

Enrico Poli1

Into the Wormcrawl Fissure for Dragotha
Hall of the Fire Giant King for Brazzemal the Burning
Kings of the Rift for Brazzemal the Burning & others
Rime of the Frostmaiden for Arveiaturace
Sabre River for Incendiarous
Die Vecna Die! for Rhule
Test of the Warlords for Old Smokynose
Tomb of the Lizard King for Autolicus
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, Rappan Athuk, Sword of Air, Geir Loe Cyn Rul for entire families of dragons


I really enjoyed playing in a 3.5 Red Hand of Doom game. I particularly liked having my fighter soulknife knight type character face off against a flying green dragon atop a bridge and resist getting knocked over the side when they clashed.

Lots of dragon queen theme, draconic monsters, and there were actual dragons is my memory of it.
I ran this for my group when it came out, and we played it all the way to the end. It's a really fun adventure with many memorable encounters.

I really enjoyed playing in a 3.5 Red Hand of Doom game. I particularly liked having my fighter soulknife knight type character face off against a flying green dragon atop a bridge and resist getting knocked over the side when they clashed.

Lots of dragon queen theme, draconic monsters, and there were actual dragons is my memory of it.
It was fun except that my GM had the jankiest of rulings for the final encounter. He said that the evil baddies could Unhallow their base, and put into effect a Silence spell that only affected non-believers, so our whole party couldn't cast spells, but the enemies could. Nonsense, but okay, fine:

I solved the issue by flinging my sorcerer into a 200-ft-deep chasm, and once I was out of the area of effect, I cast dispel magic mid-plummet.

I splatted quite dramatically, but the rest of the party was able to turn the tide.


Oh, and the fact that 3.5-era combat rules really weren't designed for dynamic dramatic combat. I remember one dragon fight literally involved a dragon landing amidst us and just making full attacks for three rounds, while all of us stood still too, because if we tried anything clever (or even moved), we'd get hit by attacks of opportunity.

That experience prompted me to come up with my own homebrew Dragon hunt in 4e, where mobility was key. I think 5e could do it even better, since now you can split attacks up throughout your turn.


Oh, and the fact that 3.5-era combat rules really weren't designed for dynamic dramatic combat. I remember one dragon fight literally involved a dragon landing amidst us and just making full attacks for three rounds, while all of us stood still too, because if we tried anything clever (or even moved), we'd get hit by attacks of opportunity.
Except all Chromatic Dragons in 3.5 had Dex 10, so at most it could do only one AoO per round. I think your group was being overly cautious

Casimir Liber

Into the Wormcrawl Fissure for Dragotha
Hall of the Fire Giant King for Brazzemal the Burning
Kings of the Rift for Brazzemal the Burning & others
Rime of the Frostmaiden for Arveiaturace
Sabre River for Incendiarous
Die Vecna Die! for Rhule
Test of the Warlords for Old Smokynose
Tomb of the Lizard King for Autolicus
Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, Rappan Athuk, Sword of Air, Geir Loe Cyn Rul for entire families of dragons
thanks but I meant adventures centred around the dragon rather than ones with a dragon tucked in a chamber somewhere. However, I had forgotten about some of these definitely and am looking at all options...

Voidrunner's Codex

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