D&D General Best dragon-related adventure (any edition)

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Casimir Liber

I really enjoyed playing in a 3.5 Red Hand of Doom game. I particularly liked having my fighter soulknife knight type character face off against a flying green dragon atop a bridge and resist getting knocked over the side when they clashed.

Lots of dragon queen theme, draconic monsters, and there were actual dragons is my memory of it.
Looking at it now - some interesting bits...some generic ones

Casimir Liber

It's actually part of a series: Out of the Fire (Dungeon 1), Out of the Ashes (Issue 17), Old Embers Never Die (Issue 100).

My personal opinion is that the first is the best. The resurrection of the dragon Flame gets increasingly convoluted and silly.
I've skimmed them now. Agree on summation of plots. I quite like the plot of the first one actually...really needs some battle maps though!

Enrico Poli1

thanks but I meant adventures centred around the dragon rather than ones with a dragon tucked in a chamber somewhere. However, I had forgotten about some of these definitely and am looking at all options...
I suggested some modules with memorable, epic dragon encounters.
On the contrary, there are some modules centered on a Dragon villain that are average at best. For example, IMO, Dragon Mountain and all the adventures about Flame. Or even Tyranny of Dragons.

Casimir Liber

I suggested some modules with memorable, epic dragon encounters.
On the contrary, there are some modules centered on a Dragon villain that are average at best. For example, IMO, Dragon Mountain and all the adventures about Flame. Or even Tyranny of Dragons.

Yeah..that's the problem as I agree with your opinion on ones I've looked at. I've re-looked at the first Flame adventure - "Into the Fire" - and there is more to like there than some others. Some of the combat layouts and the backstory are more interesting than elsewhere. I think this could do well with some nice battlemaps and tinkering.

However, "Into the Fire" has a problem in that the original hook ("Investigate where this circlet came from") is probably a Tier 2-type hook and an end battle with a crafty ancient red dragon in its lair might be a tier 3 (or even 4) type dungeon.

So straightaway for 5e I'd either keep the plot hook and make Flame an Adult red. Or make hook beefier for a tier 3 game (say, the person killed was one of the king's champions - the king wants his death kept hush-hush so seeks out the heroes as they are widely renowned and tough - and keep dungeon tier 3 or 4.

Voidrunner's Codex

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