Best recent campaign setting?


Whizbang Dustyboots said:
It is and it is, if it's the kind of thing you're looking for. It's very much not medieval Europe with some magic around the edges. I like it a lot, but I sometimes worry that it's too small of a setting. The civilized area is pretty much a single small continent, although it's surrounded by a ton of interesting areas to explore.
I'll just point out that the continent of Khorvaire (focus area in Eberron) is about as big as the subcontinent of Faerûn (focus area in FR). Khorvaire is about 4,500 x 2,500 miles, while the poster map in the FRCS is about 4,000 x 2,500 miles.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Staffan said:
I'll just point out that the continent of Khorvaire (focus area in Eberron) is about as big as the subcontinent of Faerûn (focus area in FR). Khorvaire is about 4,500 x 2,500 miles, while the poster map in the FRCS is about 4,000 x 2,500 miles.
It feels small in that there are relatively few nations in it (especially compared to Faerun, where every valley and wide spot in the road is its own nation ;) ).

While I think Oerth and Toril are too far in one direction, I worry Eberron may be an over-correction.


First Post
I think your should give Dawnforge a try. Its a wonderful setting published by Fantasy Flight Games that is self contained in three books. It is classic fantasy with some very, very nice twists that seperate it from FR or any others in the completely traditional fantasy camp. You can get all three books for $29.95 I think now from FFG.

I think Iron Kingdoms is cool thought I am not a Sword and Steam kind of guy. I think that I would go with IK before Eberron if only because Eberron feels like Sword and Steam to me but not quite. IK reminds me of the world of the Thief computer games. It isn't but it has a similar feel.

By the way I love Midnight and think that it and Dawnforge are the best 3rd party settings around. I like FR and Dragonalance quite a lot but their time for me is done. I don't like Eberron, not because it is a bad setting but because I don't like its assumptions and atmosphere, but that's just me.



First Post
A Game of Thrones, by Guardians of Order.

Low-magic, gritty, highly playable.

Ain't no Realms/Greyhawk/bleh. In other words, it's certainly not yer grandpappy's DnD. ;)


First Post
Also for a D&D like experience using a variation on those rules, Mongoose's Conan game is amazing. The mechanics are rock solid, the atmosphere is top notch and the sourcebooks are some of the best being created in the industry today. I never liked Mongoose Publishing until now. Prior to Conan I simply thought of them in regards to those Quintessential books that I wan't too great a fan of.

Conan is excellent if you want a gritty game where everyone and their mother isn't carrying around potions, scrolls and +1 swords at least. Its a setting where warriors are the movers and shakers. There is magic but it isn't like D&D's standard stuff.


Mystery Man

First Post
Beholder said:
Iron Kingdoms... yeah I think I saw that not long ago, I must look at this.
Eberon is the campaign setting that came out of the setting search a few years ago right?
Is it any good?

No. Just my opinion though.

Wilderlands is better. I've started to really enjoy Iron Kingdoms as well. Both are infinitely better.

Voidrunner's Codex

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