D&D 5E Best way to deal with greedy players and magic items in a fun game.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Usually magic item distribution is worked out either by the players or by the characters. It looks like in this case it's hasn't been discussed but has de facto been worked out in a "whomever speaks and gets it and keeps it forever".

That won't change unless you bring it up. But you need to go into it not in an accusing way that they did something wrong - they are following the system that the group has let come into being. Instead you need to approach it as from a different aspect, be it "I'm not having as much fun this way" or "can we work out something more fair", or even an in-character "hey, can I have some of those items, I really need some help".

And you may have to be assertive - it may be a part of that player's fun or how they envision their character to have all of those items and you will meet some resistance. So even though you are bringing it up in a non-confrontational way, that doesn't mean that you don't need to be firm when finding a solution that fits for everyone at the table.

Do you know how the other players feel about it? I wouldn't go asking all of them at this point - then it feels like you are trying to set up the one player with the items and talking behind their back. But knowing if this is something that others also see as unfair can help guide what comes next.

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talk out of game... if you have a group text or a FB group or a Roll20 board or what ever maybe give everyone the heads up on how you feel. if not then do so fight away at start of next session.

some suggestions (from a DM pov) would be "Hey guys I want to talk about treasure and how we split it" or "Hey I have been having some not so great feelings about how we divide treasure" make sure to keep it A) out of game and B) don't blamer/accuse.

Don't say "Hey HE gets everything" point out that "I think we should all divide more evenly" if they ASK for an example you can bring up the ring... BUT realize your POV may not be shared by everyone. Listen as well as talk, see if people think you ARE getting your fair share... then try not to react in emotion.

Yes that is harder done then said.


If that doesnt work as a group confront him in game when hes vulnerable, such as when hes sleeping, as long as he doesnt already have a magical item that prevents him from needing sleep or doesnt try and sleep in his portable hole. This is pretty funny to me, in all my years of gaming Ive never encountered anything like this, and Im very surprised the DM has let this go on for 10 levels. If this guy is hoarding items I can imagine he'd be the first one to either turn tail and run or betray the party at the first sign of certain doom.

This strikes me as VERY bad advice and would most likely end in PvP. Don't do this. At worst, if the player is problematic, get together with the rest of the group to deny them access to further magic items until they are willing to redistribute the other items or otherwise shape up - but don't bother with taking away what they already have. And for God's sake, don't bail on the PARTY because of this one individual. Taking away what was already "given" will just lead to justified reprisals from the offending character and betraying the party will just get YOU kicked from the group.


When I've had problem players (other issues) we basically did an intervention. Talk with the other members of the group, including the DM and see if they see the same pattern and have the same issues without the offending party present. Try to come up with either how you're going to handle magic items differently, whether that's retroactive or not. Then just have an open, honest and civil discussion with the player outside of the game.

I suggest this instead of handling it by yourself because you don't want to set up a dynamic where you're pitting yourself against one other player; in addition it helps to get other people's perspective on the issue. Yeah, the player might feel a bit ganged up on, and you have to be careful how you handle it. But sometimes you just have to let people know they're violating the social contract of the game, even if that social contract is unspoken.

As far as how you split things up? A round robin first pick works, I've also used roll-off. Our current group discusses it together and decides based on who can use it most. Calling "dibs" on something is a non-starter, someone can always explain why they need it more. On a pretty regular bases people will be advocates for some other person's PC getting an item.

Basically the group has to put their foot down and decide that the squeaky wheel doesn't always get the shiny.


And for God's sake, don't bail on the PARTY because of this one individual. Taking away what was already "given" will just lead to justified reprisals from the offending character and betraying the party will just get YOU kicked from the group.
Think you misread what I wrote. I said if this one player is hoarding items, then they are likely to turn tail on the party or sell them out. IDK just speculating. But I see no reason why this person shouldn't directly be called out for being greedy and trying to claim the majority of the party's loot.


This is a symptom of 5e's "optional" magic items. Nobody needs anything so there's no need more "alice needs that because Bob needs it because" to weigh a against b allowing pure greed to take over uess people start debating the merits of greed vrs greed.

With that said you probably have a solid reason to complain about this overly greedy player


This is a symptom of 5e's "optional" magic items. Nobody needs anything so there's no need more "alice needs that because Bob needs it because" to weigh a against b allowing pure greed to take over uess people start debating the merits of greed vrs greed.
I have been playing 5e since it was the Next Playtest, so however many years that is, and I have not come across any magic item hoarding as egregious as this. I highly doubt the rules are to blame for this player's antisocial behavior.

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