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[Black Company] outside sources of classes and PrC's


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This question pertains to including classes and PrC's outside the Black Company setting book.

I just got this book, great book, love it, but mainly for the combat system, classes and prestige classes, etc...not exactly for the world. I have my own world but I wanted this magic system, which works great and is so much better than the core magic system.

I will use my own world, but I want to use the Black Company book for all my game mechanic resolutions... so since this world isn't the BC world, what advice could you give to either convert over some PrC or core classes, and which ones would you recommend?

The only thing I am thinking is definately not allowing any class/PrC that promotes the core magic system...but some of those PrC could be adapted as neat ideas (I haven't really read all the rules in the BC book, just got it like 4 hours ago :) ) and as themes for converted PrC using the BC magic rules.

Anyone with any advice?

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The first PrC that comes to mind when I think of Glen Cook's The Black Company is the Explorer. I think it was detailed in some FR supplement and released on the WotC website.

Btw, do you think the book is worth getting for the magic system? How does it compare to Elements of Magic and Psychic's Handbook?


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Acid Crash,
I think you have to be careful adding existing prestige classes without modifiying them. Best of all, if it is your own world, then you should be able to design some prestige classes which fit your setting, as well as the BC feel. That's my thought anyway.

Check out the download GreenRonin has posted which are reference tables for the new magic system. If this looks like something you would be interested in then it might be worth it to purchase the whole book for that alone... it assumes completely replacing the current system and having only a single spellcasting class, which may or may not be what you are looking for.

The download page is here: http://www.greenronin.com/catalog/grr1409#related


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I think having a single spellcasting class and this magic system is almost worth it for the book alone, but having all the other classes and combat options blew me away. I really like all that.

I plan on adapting PrC and possibly other core classes to my own world, but I've never really done anything like that before so, as a beginner in this whole process, that's why I was asking if anybody could suggest what's the best way to go about doing it?


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The Akashic from Arcana Unearthed/Evolved would probably fit into this setting as some weird type of Southern clan.

The Explorer, Noble, Pirate, Fool and Knight from Mongoose's little Power Class books.


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I am thinking of working an alternative form of Thayan Knight (from Complete Warrior) to serve as a type of specialised mage guardian. Most up and coming wizards would almost require this type of protection in the North from the time of the Domination to the time of the Silver Spike. Said mage would have a tough time keeping Taken and wannabe Taken at bay, or angry mobs that claim the wayward wizards are Resurrectionists, or even for dodging treacherous sorceresses like Gossamer and Spidersilk.


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I just thought of one that would fit the grittiness of the world, any non magic using classes from Dark Sun 3 at athas.org, especially the Brute and Gladiator, and even the Bard (I think they have a non spellcasting variant, I could be wrong). Gladiator type events will be bigger in my world than they were in BC world, so that class will be perfect. A non spellcasting Assassin and Bounty Hunter type class will also work I think.

Is there a non-spellcasting Assassin class somewhere? All the ones I've seen use magic, and I never could figure out why.


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Yuan-Ti said:
Acid Crash,
... it assumes completely replacing the current system and having only a single spellcasting class, which may or may not be what you are looking for.

I'm currently playing with some ways of strapping the magic system into the Grim Tales class system and allowing all three of the Smart, Dedicated, and Charismatic classes to have access.

Of course this is entirely unplaytested and jury-rigged, on my part. I can't get a copy of the book where I am so I'm just reverse-engineering it. We'll be playing with a magic user on Sunday, hopefully, so we'll see how it works.

On the whole I think many of the rules and flavor of the BCCS will plug into GT smooooooove.



First Post
Acid_crash said:
Is there a non-spellcasting Assassin class somewhere? All the ones I've seen use magic, and I never could figure out why.

You mean other than the Nightstalker in the Black Company Campaign Setting? Thats a pretty good start :). There is also the Deceiver prestige class in there which also might work.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
[commence tooting of own horn]
If looking for a non-magical assassin, the "Practical Ones" from Librum Equitis have been touted by others on these boards (as well as myself, the author) as an excellent Prestige Class that captures the feel perfectly.
[end tooting of own horn]

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