Black Panther Trailer


A suffusion of yellow
It was hinted at that Shuri (or was it fan speculation?) would be the more likely to join the new young Avengers team, so a scene in which she is passed the mantle and gets to wear the Black Panther costume would work.

How they incorporate Tchalla whilst honouring Chadwick Boseman is going to be task for Coogler and the writers.

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I agree that we need to honor the legacy of this actor and the character he portrayed. I don't think they should cast another T'Challa, but they should (as respectfully as possible in due time) continue the character of Black Panther. I saw the impact of this character first hand to a community that needed the representation in this genre. (I work with kids regularly, and this is a character that's needed.)
I don't know how to do it tactfully or in keeping with the source material. I think that having Killmonger return, seeing the error in his ways, and picking up the mantle would be an interesting story arc.
I think that ignoring the character would be a disservice to the creators, the fans, and the legacy of Boseman.


5e Freelancer
Shuri has been Black Panther in the comics. No reasons she couldn't in the MCU.

But they sure hell better not recast the character.
I agree completely. I hope Shuri becomes the Black Panther if they continue making Black Panther films. There is the issue of the Heart-Shaped Herb, though.
(I guess with time travel, that's not really a problem anymore. Go back, steal a plant, and recreate the garden for it in the present.)


A suffusion of yellow
She has technology indistinguishible from magic. She doesn't need an herb. Or, she'll just gene sequence the stuff out of an old dried sample or something.
Ae, was going to say that too. With Tony gone they need to fill the technologist slot and Shuri with a Vibranium enhanced Hi-tec Panther Suit fills that role
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Golden Procrastinator
Talk of Black Panther 2 has probably been a polite fiction to protect Mr. Boseman's privacy. While perhaps contractual... it is still incredibly gracious and more than I'd expect from a major corporation.
I'm not sure that Marvel knew anything about Mr Boseman's illness. From what I've read, only his family and very close friends were aware of it.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I agree completely. I hope Shuri becomes the Black Panther if they continue making Black Panther films. There is the issue of the Heart-Shaped Herb, though.
(I guess with time travel, that's not really a problem anymore. Go back, steal a plant, and recreate the garden for it in the present.)
I mean, all it takes is for someone to have hid some. Or for it to be able to be grown from a cutting or root.

But yeah. Shuri Black Panther as the tech hero would be really cool.

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