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Black Sails Over Freeport Part 2 - Intrigue Inn (aka the Haunted Place)


Ummmm... any answer to my question? I wasn't actually going to jump into combat right off, hoping to find a way around to snipe from.

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Villard smiles as his opponent scimitar superficially cuts his left leg. Villard then turns towards the injured guard (One shot by BlackJack) and with an crazy smiles on his face adds "Leave and live, stay and die"

OOC Many possible action here. If Villard can use intimidate as a free action on the injured one he will (Intimidate -1) if succesfull he will full attack him (see my previous post for attack value.

If he fails or must take a standard action to Intimidate he will attack with his rapier the injured guard and tumble his way down the ramp and uses wathever movement left to position himself such that he could uses his bow on the rogues.

MW rapier +8 1d6+1 /tumble +11/ jump +11 to prevent damage from falling/ +10 spot to find a good spot if needed/


First Post
"Ah!" Torren shouts in surprise. "So you can dance after all," he observes. "Guess I'll have to do this the hard way."

He takes a cautious swipe at Fat Mic.

[OOC: Full Combat Expertise so AC 19. Attack +6, -2 for CE, +2 for Flanking is +6. If I hit, I get an extra 1d6 Sneak Attack damage. Note: rope still wrapped around my injured left arm (for future reference)]

Karl Green

First Post
Ferrix said:
Ummmm... any answer to my question? I wasn't actually going to jump into combat right off, hoping to find a way around to snipe from.

(occ sorry, I descriped the warehouse while you were on vacation I guess. Villar circled it and there were only three door that were not boarded up, no windows. The door they are going in now, the door at the front and the door where the man they tracked here would had killed the king-in-exile and family a bit ago
IF Kitsch would like to go to the roof that is the only place Villard did not check... but a place full of cutthroats and thieves may be a bit concerned about open windows etc just as an FYI

kirinke said:
what are we going to do about the OOC thread in talking the talk? tis closed.

(occ I started a new one of course :D but forgot to link it to here. Its black sails OCC 2 /occ)


First Post
Zoraster Surefoot HP 42/42

"Out of the way, bloodthirsty halfling coming through. Shall I cut you down as well?" Zoraster says to the guard barring his path.

OOC: Zoraster delays until after Torren's turn. Then, assuming the guard stayed, he'll stab away. If the guard runs or goes down, he'll close to melee with the noble. Tumbling the first 5' away from Mic, naturally.

AC 21, 22 vs Mic
rapier +11, 1d4+4 dmg

tumble +14

Karl Green

First Post
Initiative Round 3
24 - Noble Rogue
23 - Villard
22 - Kitsch
21 - Black Jack
17 - Guards
14 - Zoraster
13 - Torren
12 - Fat Mic

The Rogue at the end of the walkway, yells down below "Damn ye lads, gets yer aress up here now! and then waits for the halfling, his rapier at the ready (ready action)

Villard stabs at the injured guard with his rapier…
attack roll 14+8 =22 hit, chance to miss 10%, rolling 75, hit. Damage is 6+1=7 points!
…staggering the man back against the railing and causing him to cry out in pain. He does not fall but it badly hurt and curses loudly and colorfully. Villard then rolls back off the walkway, grabbing for a rope to slide down to the floor below…
Tumble 9+11=20, Jump check 16+11=27
…landing easily on the floor fifteen feet on the floor below, and disappearing into the darkness there.

Kitsch moves back outside and heads for the roof to see if he can find another way into the warehouse…

Black Jack takes a 5ft step back and shots an arrow into the man that Villard just stabbed…
Attack roll 6+10=16, hit. Damage is 6+2=8 points
…catching him in the stomach and causing him to fall back onto the walkway dead!

One guard rushes Black Jack with his cutlass and dagger, stabbing with the large blade only this round, while one other rushes Torrin to flank him with Fat Mic, and the other looks down to try and see Villard. When he can't he yells as some of the guards moving this way says "Ther' be a man down thar' boyos'! Bring torches!"
Attack roll against Black Jack 22, chance for a crit, follow up 21, confirmed! Damage is 2d6+2 =7 points.
The one flanking Torrin, attack roll is 25, chance for crit follow up 12 no. Damage is 3 points +1d6 sneak attack =1!, total of 4 points

…both Black Jack and Torrin get cut by the men attacking them.

The guard in front of Zoraster stabs at him with his cutlass…
Attack roll 23, chance for a critical, follow-up roll 17, no! Damage is 4 points
…slashing him slightly on his left shoulder.

Zoraster taunts the man in front of him, while delaying his action as he harasses Fat Mic, and tumbles by him to stab at their leader…
Tumble 15+14=29, makes it, tumbling 15ft. Their leader uses his Ready action to stab the halfling with a 14 :( a misses. Zoraster attack roll 3+11 =14 a miss
…and while he easily tumbles by the guard, both the rogue and the swashbuckler miss each other with their rapiers, blocking, thrusting and stabbing at each other, trying to get past the others defense.

Torren, trying to defend against both of the rogues now, stabs at Fat Mic…
Attack roll natural 20! follow up 2+4+2=8 no. Damage is 1d6+1d6 =8 points total
…stabbing the half-orc deep in the thigh. He grunts in pain and says "Dat hort, I'm agna kel' ya ye bugger"

And he slashes with both of his meat cleavers…
Attack roll 14, miss 16, miss! oh so close…
…but his aim is off from the pain and the wizard is saved by some fancy footwork and blocks both of the blades with his rapier.

Black Jack has taken 7 points of damage
Villard has taken 4 points of damage
Torrin has taken 11 points of damage
Zoraster has taken 4 points of damage

T - Torren
V - Villard (is under Guard number 6, 15ft below and in the dark)
B - Black Jack
K - Kitsch
Z - Zoraster
F - Fat Mic
1 thur 6 - Guards (6 is the last one to come from behind the curtain)
N - Noble Rogue
[+] -Walkway

+ [N] + + +
+ [Z] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [1] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [F] + + +
+ [T] + + +
B5 4] + + + 
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
[6+ + + +]+
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First Post
Villard who just sheated his rapier and dagger(OOC I assumed last round part of his move action), quickly grabs his bow (standard action) and shoots at the guard #4 who obviously can't see him. Villard makes a quick internal prayer before letting the arrow go. If he doesn't fall, things might look pretty grim for Torrin.

Villard keeps an eye on Black Jack, ready to intervene would his fight with the thug turns bad.

+11 (+8+2for being "invisible"+1 pbs) 1d8+2+1pbs ( +2d6 sneak attack less than 30feet) 20/x3
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First Post
"Too many partners," Torren notes. "Time to go." He topples over the railing, still holding the rope, and sliding down to join Villard below.

[OOC: At least, that's the theory :) Using the Withdraw action to avoid AoO and climb/tumble as necessary to avoid smacking my head on the floor.]


First Post
Zoraster Surefoot HP 38/42

Zoraster smiles cheerily at rogue in front of him, as he attacks with his rapier.

rapier +11, 1d4+4 dmg
AC 21, 22 vs noble rogue

Karl, last round I said I was delaying until after Torren's turn so he could get the flanking bonus. Not that it looks like we'll be beating these guys anyway at this rate...

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