D&D 3E/3.5 BoVD 3.5e: Hellbound!


First Post
Tiniest. Nitpick. Ever.

There's no 'greater oozy mind' to go with 'lesser oozy mind'.

"You are technically correct... the best kind of correct."

edit: I cannot spell.
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Penguin Herder
rkanodia said:
There's no 'greater oozy mind' to go with 'lesser oozy mind'.

"You are technically correct... the best kind of correct."

I gotta save something for the Epic progression! ;)

Greater Oozy Mind will give immunity to all mind-affecting effects and cause those who try to read the Thrall's thoughts to make a Will save (DC 10 + Thrall level + Wis bonus) or be confused for 3d6 rounds.

-- N


Penguin Herder
Azure Trance said:
Great updates. How come this isn't included on your website, Nifft? What other goodies are you hiding from us? We demand to know!

I need to make a special "DM Only" section of the web site... I want to keep stuff like this from my players, since rubbing their noses in such vile, secret, forbidden knowlege could encourage meta-game thinking.

Now that I've segmented my web-site into a Demon-Haunted Earth section and a Dino-Pirates of Ninja Island section, I've got some room for a "DM's Only" section... I'll start putting stuff like this up. It may take a little time, though.

-- N


Penguin Herder
Disciple of Mephisto

Ha-hah! Now that the XPH Pyro is out, I can safely say that granting Scorching Ray at will is NOT overpowered!

REVENGE IS MINE!!! (er... or Bruce R. Cordell's. Whichever, really.)

-- N


Penguin Herder
The Warrior of Darkness!

Warrior of Darkness

Role: Kensai of Slaughter

Alignment: Any Evil
Skill Ranks: Knowlege(Religion) 4+, Intimidate 8+
BAB: 5+
Feats: Evil Brand, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (any melee weapon)
Special: A prospective Dark Warrior must sacrifice two intelligent, good, living beings using a melee weapon for which he as the Weapon Focus feat. He must dedicate the kill to either a dark patron or an evil ideal.

HD: d10
BAB: Full (as Fighter)
Good Save: Fort
Skill Points: 4 + Int bonus
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowlege (Arcana, Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis).

Table DW-1: The Warrior of Darkness
[u]Level   BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special Abilities[/u]
1	+1	+2	+0	+0	Bloodstained Weapon
2	+2	+3	+0	+0	
3	+3	+3	+1	+1	Bloodstained Power
4	+4	+4	+1	+1	
5	+5	+4	+1	+1	Bloodstained Flesh (DR 5/magic)
6	+6	+5	+2	+2	
7	+7	+5	+2	+2	Annointment of Blood
8	+8	+6	+2	+2	Bloodstained Resistance
9	+9	+6	+3	+3	Bloodstained Flesh II
10      +10	+7	+3	+3	Bloodstained Warlord

Table DW-2: Bloodstained Weapon
[u]Class Level    Bonus   Sacrificial Victims[/u]
1		+1	2
2		+2*	8
3		+3*	18
4		+4*	32
5		+5*	50
6		+6*	72
7		+7*	98
8		+8*	128
9		+9*	162
10      	+10*	200

* The Warrior of Darkness may, at his option, choose special abilities instead of a straight enhancement bonus for each point of bonus after the first. The weapon's enhancement bonus must be at least +1, and may be at most +5. Thus, a 3rd level Warrior of Darkness could have a +3 greataxe, or a +1 keen thundering greataxe.

Special Abilities:
  • Bloodstained Weapon (Su): The Warrior of Darkness chooses one masterwork melee weapon for which he has the Weapon Focus feat. In an 8-hour cermony dedicated to whatever dark force he serves, he sacrifices a number of living beings, using his chosen weapon. His victims' blood permanently stains this weapon, which from now on becomes his bloodstained weapon.
    He may have only one Bloodstained Weapon at a time, and it is only magical in his hands.
    Depending on his class level and the number of victims available, he may enhance his bloodstained weapon according to table DW-2 (above).
    When enhancing a weapon that is already magical (through a previous sacrificial ceremony or other permanent magic), the Dark Warrior need only pay the difference in sacricicial victims.
    The Warrior may voluntarily reduce his Bloodstained Weapon's power at any time, and then re-enhance it through another sacrificial ritual. (If, for example, he wishes to change his +5 Flaming Burst great axe into a +4 Unholy Human-Bane great axe).
  • Bloodstained Power (Su): Whenever the Warrior of Darkness kills a living being using a coup de grace, he gains one of the following effects (caster level equals class level): Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Protection from Good, Resist Energy, or Shield of Faith.
  • Bloodstained Flesh (Su): The dark essence of murder has seeped into the Warrior's very flesh. Its dark power resists normal weapons.
  • Annointment of Blood (Sp): A Warrior of Darkness who has gained a benefit from his Bloodstained Power ability (above) may transfer that effect to an ally as a standard action requiring a touch and provoking an AoO.
  • Bloodstained Resistance (Su): In addition to the effect granted by Bloodstained Power, the Warrior of Darkness gains SR 20 for 10 minutes after performing a Coup de Grace.
  • Bloodstained Flesh II (Su): The Warrior's flesh becomes tougher, more like that of an actual fiend. He gains one of the following:
    - DR 5/magic and good
    - DR 5/magic and cold iron
    - DR 5/magic and alchemical silver
  • Bloodstained Warlord (Ex): The Warrior of Darkness exudes a palpable aura of evil. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Intimidate checks, and on Diplomacy checks towards evil creatures.
    All foes within 30 feet gain a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect. (Thus, Paladins and Constructs are immune.)
    Finally, once per week the Warrior of Darkness may generate a Gease/Quest effect on any other Warrior of Darkness with fewer total HD who has not yet attained the rank of Bloodstained Warlord.

-- N
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First Post
Very interesting! There's a couple different things though.

- Bloodstained weapon - the weapon should only be magic for the Warrior of Darkness. I would also make the weapon automatically...um, corrupt? (whatever the opposite of sanctified is). Also a certain number of people is probably not the best way to go. 200 commoners is nothing. Now 200 archmages...THAT'S something to brag about. I would do it based off of Hit Dice instead of number of lives taken.

- Bloodstained power - The spell list is probably too broad. I would exclude align weapon, entropic shield, shield of faith, and resist energy. They don't fit well with the sinister feel of the act. I would add in the blackguard spell Corrupt Weapon. This ability is also subject to much abuse. Say the WoD is leader of a cult who captures 10 commoners and systemically kills thems gaining spell after spell. I would limit it to a number of times per day that increases over the levels.

- Bloodstained flesh - Maybe instead of magic, align it with demons or devil. Meaning have their vulnerability be either silver or cold-iron. Just a thought; looks good otherwise.

- Annointment of Blood - Nah. He's evil and selfish (uh...probably). I'd just give him more changes to use the bloodstained power.

- Bloodstained Resistance - Doesn't really fit the mold. Besides, SR 20 becomes weak very fast, especially for 13th-level characters. Maybe demon/devil energy resistances for a time. Again, just a thought.

I actually love this PrC and I can see it having some uses in my own campaign world. Nice Nifft!


Penguin Herder
- B. Weapon only works for WarDark -- that's my intent. I'll edit the text.

- B. Power: The original BoVD WarDark had a wide array of powers that he could take depending on his combined level + Charisma. The array of spells -- all low-level buffs -- seems IMHO a better expression of that flexibility, and I really like the C-d-G mechanic.

- B. Flesh: The original BoVD WarDark gets DR 5/+3, and I'm trying to emulate that. Granting DR 5/magic and (good or cold iron or silver) would be very cool, too. I'll add that choice.

- A. of Blood: Here's the scene in my head -- this BBEG on a hill top with several hostages. He tells the PCs to throw down their weapons. His minions come down to collect the weapons. Then, he does a C-d-G on a hostage, and flicks the blood over one of his minions / lieutenants / pets, and his minion / lieutenant / pet grows stronger. His minions attack, and he starts killing hostages and buffing his other minions / lieutenants / pets. Basically, any time an evil guy can let someone else do his fighting, he's a happy evil guy.

- The original WarDark gets SR 20, so this one gets it, too. However, I've made an effort to give it a cool mechanic.

Thanks for looking at the class! Your feedback will be assimilated! :) -- N

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