There are a number of times in 5e products where high level NPCs (Jarlaxle Baenre, Strahd von Zarovich, Manshoon, Yeenoghu, Baphomet, The Xanathar etc etc) could come into contact with PCs that are substantially below their CR (1/2 to 1/3 their CR). I totally understand that PCs shouldn't be able to resort to combat in every encounter and should sometimes run away. We talk a lot about asymmetric fights and how that forces PCs to be more creative, sometimes run away and try to learn more about the world around them to prepare. However what happens when the foe is an intelligent, dynamic and has opposing goals to the PCs?
What impact does having these kind of NPCs interacting the PCs at low levels have on the player's enjoyment and the progress of the campaign? Does it give a sense of epicness or does it make the players feel weak and powerless? Or both? What are the risks
Similarly what happens when magic items far out of a players normal reach comes into the mix early on? A staff of Power, Vorpal Blade, or Holy Avenger at level 3 or 4? Does it cause resentment if every PC doesn't have one? Does it make player advancement less fun? Does it cheapen other magic items?
I'm intrigued by the idea of both and I'm really interesting in people's thoughts on the issue.
What impact does having these kind of NPCs interacting the PCs at low levels have on the player's enjoyment and the progress of the campaign? Does it give a sense of epicness or does it make the players feel weak and powerless? Or both? What are the risks
Similarly what happens when magic items far out of a players normal reach comes into the mix early on? A staff of Power, Vorpal Blade, or Holy Avenger at level 3 or 4? Does it cause resentment if every PC doesn't have one? Does it make player advancement less fun? Does it cheapen other magic items?
I'm intrigued by the idea of both and I'm really interesting in people's thoughts on the issue.