D&D 5E Bugsploration Campaign Idea


He / Him
The other day I came up with a quirky idea for a campaign setting using 5e D&D as a starting point. I'm going to use this thread as a way to collect my ideas. If you feel inspired, want to add some ideas, or have questions, feel free to post! I'm not interested in using other systems for this campaign, so please do not suggest other TTRPG's.

Bugsploration (Temporary Title)
Explore the Empty Earth from a bug's-eye view.

Campaign Elevator Pitch
Play as a sentient Bug exploring an Earth abandoned by humans. Defend the kingdoms of Bugkind from natural forces and invaders from magical realms. A Bug's life is short; make your mark so you can retire and pass on your legacy to the next generation of Bug Explorers!

Important Elements
  • Players play as sentient Bug adventurers (a Beetle Barbarian, a Grasshopper Ranger, a Moth Wizard, etc)
  • Adventurers take place in the "real world" without humans: sidewalks, parks, living rooms, garbage heaps, etc.
  • Bugs come from another universe; they are all about an inch tall, have hands, can speak, wear clothes and armor, use weapons and magic, etc.
  • Other malicious forces have invaded from other universes, and must be dealt with.
  • Bugs will battle small animals such as frogs, mice, and "wild bugs," as well as invaders from other realms: undead, oozes, constructs, etc.
  • During a campaign, players will be expected to retire their older bugs after a few years, and roll up new characters in the next generation.
  • Retired bug characters will be able to pass on feats, magic items, money, or proficiencies to the next generation.
Bug Characters

The Bugs that players play as are not ordinary bugs of Earth. Instead, they are from another universe where everything is "bug-sized" and all of Bugkind lives in fantasy-medieval-style kingdoms. In a strange magical accident, whole empires of Bugs have been transported to an Earth where humans have vanished. Bug characters will be exploring this abandoned world, defend villages and kingdoms, settle new territories, and fight other invading forces.

To keep things simple, all the Bug characters are around the same size: 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches tall. A 1-inch-tall Bug is considered "Medium Size" while a 1/2-inch-tall Bug is considered "Small Size." No matter how many arms and legs they have, they have at least two arms with hands and two legs they can walk with. Bugs can speak different languages, cast magic spells, wield swords and shield, and do the things that adventurers do!

Rather than have traditional races, each character will choose a few Abilities that make their bug unique. For example, a Spider character might be able to produce webs, climb walls, and have a venomous bite. A Grasshopper character might be able to leap very high, create music with their body, and blend in. A Butterfly character might be able to fly, have a powerful sense of smell, and dazzle with their colorful wings.

I'll be posting a list of character abilities later.

Character Classes
Bugsploration would use all the normal classes and subclasses of D&D. The Bugs originate from a world of fantasy-medievalism. The Empty Earth has many opportunities to create new technologies, and some invading forces, such as the Puppetmasters, can manipulate modern tech. However, most bugs still use swords, armor, shield, and magic wands!

Divine and Arcane Magic
Though the Empty Earth did not know of magic before, since humans have vanished magic has come to this world. Bugs are very experienced in magic; their world was full of wizards and druids and divinity. They brought some of that magic with them to the Empty Earth. Invaders from other realms have also brought their own magic, some of it beautiful and wild, some of it twisted and corrupting.

Arcane Magic: Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Bards work much as they do in basic D&D. Each has a source for their arcane power. Some Sorcerer Origins may have to be adjusted flavor-wise... what does a Bug-version of a dragon look like? Many of the Warlock patrons may come from other universes.

Divine Magic: The Gods the Bugs worship stayed in the other world. However, clerics who worship these gods can still access their power. Some clerics are working to bring their old gods to the Empty Earth.

The world the Bugs came from is a traditional Fantasy Medieval Setting. Bugs know how to smith with metal in order to forge armor and weapons.

I do like the idea that in the Empty Earth, many weapons, armors, and pieces of equipment have been modified with found objects. Maybe a character uses a dime as a shield, or a thimble as a helmet? Trash would play a big role in construction: plastic, glass, and metal from broken objects could easily be used as equipment.

The Empty World also has access to more modern technology! I could see characters wearing Battery Packs that allow them to channel lightning through their sword. Wind-up and remote-controlled toys could be repurposed as mounts or carriages. I don't think there are going to be computers in the world, but I like the idea of a once-medieval society experimenting with automation.

Short Lives
Bugs don't live very long! Most Bugs become adults after 3 seasons, and live for 8 to 12 seasons.

Most Bugsploration campaigns would include multiple generations of adventurers. If Bug adventurers survive to retirement age, they gain the option of training the next generation.

I like the idea of the first group of Bug Adventurers retiring around levels 5 - 8. Players would then create Bugs in the next generation, trained or inspired by the first adventurers, and starting at the level their previous characters retired at.

I also like the idea that, based on what a Bug did during their life, they can give a new character a proficiency, feat, magic item, etc.

Invaders from Other Realms
Bugs came to the Empty Earth from another realm, but so did other malicious forces. I like the idea of the abandoned Earth being influenced and transformed by intelligent beings from other realms.

For example, a force known as Greenfire could come from a realm of endlessly twisting roots and branches, animals thriving in the infinite green spaces. In the Empty Earth, the Greenfire warps plants and animals, transforming them into intelligent beings who wish to dismantle society and replace it with anarchic nature. Bugs might be facing Bullywugs, Twig Blights, or Angry Acorns who do not want to see yet another civilization take over the world.

Sample Adventure

The adventurers come upon a Butterfly Village in an overgrown Empty Earth garden. Citizens have been vanishing, and strange empty cocoons discovered in basements, attics, and alleyways. It turns out the local Baron has made a deal with a powerful Greenfire Bullywug Sorcerer, who has promised him metamorphosis into a more powerful being. The Baron has been testing metamorphic spells on Butterflies, forcing them to transform into strange hybrid creatures enthralled to the Bullywug Sorcerer. The characters must explore the Froghole, a dungeon beneath the Birdbath Falls, in order to either slay the metamorphosized monsters and their master, or find a spell that can reverse the process!

More to come!

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How long have humans not been around? If it has only been a couple years, then most things are the same and things like paper may still be around. I was thinking of an obstacle course inside an egg carton.

Could be interesting. Everything is relative. A common rat to us is a giant rat to them, or more like a dragon. A cockroach is more an ankheg to them.


He / Him
How long have humans not been around? If it has only been a couple years, then most things are the same and things like paper may still be around. I was thinking of an obstacle course inside an egg carton.

Could be interesting. Everything is relative. A common rat to us is a giant rat to them, or more like a dragon. A cockroach is more an ankheg to them.
I don't plan on having solid answers to what happened to people or where they went. If something needs to still be around, it's still around?

It's been fun coming up with enemy equivalents for a 1 inch = 5 foot scale. For example, I was thinking of frog people, and realized I could do something like:

Tadpole: Goblin
Frog: Hobgoblin
Toad: Bugbear

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I don't plan on having solid answers to what happened to people or where they went. If something needs to still be around, it's still around?

It's been fun coming up with enemy equivalents for a 1 inch = 5 foot scale. For example, I was thinking of frog people, and realized I could do something like:

Tadpole: Goblin
Frog: Hobgoblin
Toad: Bugbear

bull frog being an ogre? Or maybe an hill giant? Those things eat like crazy!


A suffusion of yellow
I did something similar where every PC tiny sized and the adventure entirely in and under the floor ofa large warehouse. Rats, Lizards, Spiders and cats were all deadly but the real fun came from imagining how to navigate the world when a puddle becomes a drowning risk and the thing you need is up on a shelf and the only way to reach it is by climbing up a broom handle

theres lots of climbing, jumping and swinging involved

and lots of lying on the ground irl so the players could see what things looked like from the characters perspective...


He / Him
Bigger than that- those things would have the swallow whole property.
That's why I think there need to be more magical forces at work... If all the Bug characters are 1 inch tall, there could also be Frog, Mouse, and Plant creatures that are also 1 inch tall

Voidrunner's Codex

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