D&D 5E Bugsploration Campaign Idea

I was gonna post that you must of course have some pubs/inns in this world, but then I realized that:
  • Some bugs eat poop
  • Some bugs eat rotting meat & vegetables
  • Some bugs eat other insects
  • Some bugs don't eat at all
  • Some bugs eat nectar
  • Some bugs eat everything and everyone
Gonna be an interesting night life in this world.

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A suffusion of yellow
I was gonna post that you must of course have some pubs/inns in this world, but then I realized that:
  • Some bugs eat poop
  • Some bugs eat rotting meat & vegetables
  • Some bugs eat other insects
  • Some bugs don't eat at all
  • Some bugs eat nectar
  • Some bugs eat everything and everyone
Gonna be an interesting night life in this world.
Imagine the termites and borer beetles turn up and want to eat the pub

OP. Excellent idea btw.

You could keep the game to end at low level. Effectively when you level you shed that " stage ", and get quite a jump in cool stuff, but then die when you reach say level 6 or 7 ( i.e your adult stage ends)


OP. Excellent idea btw.

You could keep the game to end at low level. Effectively when you level you shed that " stage ", and get quite a jump in cool stuff, but then die when you reach say level 6 or 7 ( i.e your adult stage ends)
Is there an e6 version of 5e out there?


He / Him
Bugkind Traits

Your Bug is an anthropomorphic insect, arachnid, or other creature commonly referred to as a "bug." It has at least two arms ending in hands, and at least two legs it can use to walk. Most bugs have six to eight limbs (though some can have dozens). In these cases, two limbs are still the dominant "arms," and two the dominant "legs."

When you create your Bug, use the following steps:

1) Ability Score Improvement: choose ability scores to improve.
2) Size: Choose a size for your Bug.
3) Bugkind Abilities: Choose three Abilities for your Bug.

You might have a Bug in mind already, which will influence which Abilities you pick (for example, someone who wants to play as a Goliath Beetle might pick Armored Exoskeleton, Natural Weapon, and Natural Resistance). On the other hand, you might pick out abilities first, then find a Bug that matches your selections!

Finally, keep in mind that two of the same kind of Bugs don't need to have the same abilities. Maybe your Millipede has Many Legged, Multiple Arms, and Extraordinary Appendages, while another Millipede has Stalker, Regenerative, and Magical Origins. Have fun, be creative, and build your Bug!

(For those feeling bold, roll 3d20 to generate your Bug!)

1) Ability Score Improvement
Choose two ability scores to add +1 to, or one ability score to add +2.

2) Size
Choose one of the following sizes.
  • Big: Your size is Medium. You stand between 1.25 and 1.5 inches tall. You gain advantage on Athletics checks made to grapple or shove, and your carrying capacity is doubled. Your may ignore the Strength requirements of armor. However, you must eat double the usual amount of rations per day to prevent exhaustion, and all armor costs 1.5 as much as normal. You suffer disadvantage when making attacks with light weapons.
  • Medium: Your size is Medium. You stand between .75 and 1.25 inches tall.
  • Small: Your size is Small. You stand between .5 and .75 inches tall. Your walking speed is 25 feet. You suffer disadvantage when making attacks with a heavy weapon. You require half the normal amount of rations per day to prevent exhaustion. You may pass through the space of any creature larger than you. Furthermore, you may take the hide action when obscured by a creature that is larger than you.
3) Bugkind Abilities
Choose three abilities for your Bug. Some abilities may be taken more than once.

  1. Wings: Your jump distance is doubled. When moving, you may choose to fly up to your walking speed, though you must be on the ground at the end of your turn or fall prone.
    1. If you chose Wings twice, gain the following benefits: You gain a Flying Speed equal to your Walking Speed.
  2. Armored Exoskeleton: When unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 13 + Dexterity Modifier. When wearing armor, you gain +1 to Armor Class due to your thick exoskeleton.
    1. If you choose Armored Exoskeleton twice, you gain the following benefits: when unarmored, your Armor Class is 17.
  3. Multiple Arms: You can carry up to four objects at a time. You may use your extra arms to wield one more weapon with the light property. If you carry an extra shield, you gain no additional benefit to your Armor Class.
  4. Magical Origins: You have magic in your blood, granting you certain proficiencies and abilities. Each time you take this ability, choose one of the following benefits:
    1. Elemental Animus: Your being is suffused with the magic of the elements. You gain proficiency in either Nature or the Herbalist Kit. You learn one cantrip from the Druid spell list. Your casting ability for this cantrip is either Constitution or Wisdom.
    2. Divine Destiny: Your people are blessed (or burdened) with the divine will of the gods. You gain proficiency in either Medicine or Religion. You learn one cantrip from the Cleric spell list. Your casting ability for this cantrip is either Wisdom or Charisma.
    3. Arcane Ancestry: You trace your ancestry to beings of immense magical power. You gain proficiency in either Arcana or an Instrument. You learn one cantrip from the Wizard spell list. Your casting ability for this cantrip is either Intelligence or Charisma.
  5. Extraordinary Senses: Your large antennae, multiple eyes, or sensitive spines allow you to stay aware of all that happens around you. You gain proficiency in Investigation or Perception. When you are blinded or deafened, you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against enemies you are aware of. Finally, when sleeping, you are still somewhat aware of your surroundings, and may make Perception checks against sneaking opponents.
  6. Natural Weapon: You have powerful mandibles, large claws, a long stinger, or other natural weapon. When making an unarmed attack, you may use your natural weapon to deal 1d6 + Strength or Dexterity Modifier bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (choose one damage type when you gain this ability). Your natural weapon counts as a light weapon.
    1. If you take this ability more than once, choose one of the following benefits:
      1. Poisonous: When you strike an opponent with your natural weapon, it must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC 8 + Proficiency + Constitution Modifier or suffer the Poisoned Condition until the start of your next turn.
      2. Grasping: When you strike with your natural weapon, you may use a bonus action to attempt to grapple your opponent. If you succeed, you may not use your natural weapon again until the grapple ends.
      3. Reach: Your natural weapon is now a reach weapon. You deal 1d8 damage when attacking an opponent 10 feet away, or 1d4 damage when attacking an adjacent opponent.
  7. Web: You naturally produce web from your mouth, spinarrets, or another appropriate source. As an action, you may create one of the following objects out of webbing: 50 feet of rope (the equivalent of hempen rope), a bedroll, a blanket, a grappling hook, a net, a sack, or a torch (if a handle is available). You may produce a number of items equal to your proficiency bonus each day. The item lasts 24 hours before dissolving.
  8. Camouflage: Your carapace can change colors, allowing you to blend in with your surroundings. Gain proficiency in Stealth or Survival. You may take the hide action when lightly obscured by natural phenomena, such as mist, rain, or heavy foliage.
  9. Vaulter: Your powerful legs allow you to leap far. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics, and your jump distance is doubled. Furthermore, you may take the Dash Action as a bonus action if you jump for the entire movement.
  10. Many-Legged: You have more legs than the usual bug, granting you a number of benefits. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet. Standing up from prone requires no movement. When using the Dash Action, rough terrain does not halve your movement.
  11. Hiveminder: You are used to crowded hives in which teamwork and empathy are highly valued. You may even have the extrasensory ability to read or share surface emotions. You gain proficiency in Insight or Persuasion. When you are adjacent to an ally, you may take the Help action as a Bonus Action.
  12. Pheromonal: You are able to produce and interpret pheromones, which communicate emotions and simple messages. You gain proficiency in Animal Handling or Insight. As a bonus action, you may produce pheromones to communicate a silent one-word message to allies or trained animals within 60 feet.
  13. Extraordinary Appendages:Your body is adapted to move in extraordinary ways. Each time you take this ability, choose one of the following benefits:
    1. Burrower: You are able to dig through the ground, using your powerful hands, feet, or other body parts. You gain a burrowing speed of 10 feet when traveling through soil, sand, or other diggable terrain.
    2. Waterbug: Your body is adapted to move easily through water. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. You may hold your breath for double the usual time. Furthermore, when you use the Dash Action, you may walk on the surface of the water as if it were rough terrain. If you end your movement on top of the water, you fall beneath the surface.
    3. Climber: You have powerful climbing limbs, adhesive pads, or clinging spines that allow you to ascend vertical surfaces. You gain a climb speed equal to half your walking speed when climbing a vertical surface, and a climb speed of 5 feet when moving across a ceiling.
  14. Nocturnal: You are most awake at night. You gain Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. You do no sleep; instead, you fall into a trance for 4 hours. After resting this way, you gain the same benefits most creatures do after resting for 8 hours.
  15. Prismatic: Your prismatic carapace, wings, or spines have both social and magical benefits. You gain proficiency in Intimidation or Performance. Furthermore, you gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws versus magic.
  16. Natural Resistance: Your body is adapted to survive certain harmful forces. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. You gain advantage on saving throws against that damage type. You also gain resistance against that damage type.
  17. Elemental Blast: Once per round, as an attack, you launch elemental energy from your mouth, antennae, or stinger. When you take this ability, choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. Choose the shape of your blast: a 30-foot line, or a 15-foot cone. Creatures caught in the effect must make a Dexterity Saving Throw versus a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Constitution Modifier, or take 2d6 damage (half on a successful save). The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. You may use the elemental blast a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
  18. Stalker: You are naturally stealthy. You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Furthermore, as a bonus action, you may take the disengage or hide actions.
  19. Regenerative: Through shedding your exoskeleton, drinking blood, or other means, you are able to regenerate your lost health. As an action, you may heal a number of hit points equal to twice your level. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
  20. Unwavering Awareness: Your large eyes, big brain, or extrasensory abilities grant you an awareness more keen than the average bug. You gain proficiency in History or Perception. You may add your proficiency bonus to Initiative rolls.
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He / Him
Here are some sample Bugs:

Butterfly Bard: +1 Charisma, +1 Dexterity. Medium-Size. Wings x 2, Prismatic.

Grasshopper Ranger: +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom. Medium-Size. Vaulter, Stalker, Camouflage.

Snail Wizard: +1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence. Small-Size. Armored Exoskeleton, Extraordinary Appendages (Climber), Extraordinary Senses.

Tarantula Barbarian: +2 Strength. Big-Size. Multiple Arms, Natural Weapon, Regenerative.


I'd suggest googling instectopia 5e. The creators have made a compendium of different insects as well as a subclass for each class. Though technically sized similar to standard races, I figure size is relative anyway so they should be able to be slotted in, or at least provide inspiration for your own creations.

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