Burning Questions: What Do New DMs Need to Know?

This week’s burning question: What are some basics to remember as a first time DM when starting up a new D&D campaign? DMing for the first time can be scary so here are a few tips to make DMing your first D&D (or any kind) of campaign easier.

This week’s burning question: What are some basics to remember as a first time DM when starting up a new D&D campaign? DMing for the first time can be scary so here are a few tips to make DMing your first D&D (or any kind) of campaign easier.

Remember that it's YOUR game. You can change it.

Mike Mearls, co-lead designer of 5th Edition D&D and Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Franchise Director, is constantly mentioning this. Flexibility is good – and empowering DMs to make their own stories is why the setting books for the current edition are more of a toolbox than explicit directions.

The corollary to this tip is that if the players don't yet know a plot point, changing it is even easier so give yourself a break. Did you have an important encounter planned for a location, only to have the players completely bypass that location? Then move it to a location in their new path. Even if you're running one of the official adventures, you can change it as needed for your players' interests, circumstances or to adapt to curve-balls from the players. Which leads to...

Remember that RPGs are collaborative storytelling, not a book

Some DMs are actually secret, wannabe novelists. Don't be that person. A rigid story where players have to do A and then B and C, etc. to resolve the plot will make them unhappy.

The whole point of an RPG is to take a story – created by the DM or a pre-written adventure – and see what happens when the players interact with that story. Embrace the interactivity and collaboration. For original stories, it's better to plan the villain's actions and an outline or a series of encounters/scenes that can be flexible and change because...

Players will rarely do what you expect so relax about it

“Expect the unexpected” is an understatement when it comes to players. It's easy for new DMs to stress out about that and try to railroad players to compensate. Don't. Sometimes the best story bits come from player unpredictability. Try to roll with the change and adapt it into your plot.

For example, while running Storm King's Thunder, a player decided he wanted a rival – another bard who was his older brother. He talked in-game about his brother being a terrible person and regularly derailed the plot in weird ways to “show up” his off-screen brother so I substituted his brother for one of the Kraken Society henchmen. That tied the player's digressions back to the story without forcing his actions onto a particular path – and eventually gave him the showdown he craved.

As with tip #2, generally the best long-term solution to player unpredictability is to plan an outline and encounters instead of a strict linear plotline. This way if they do things in an order you don't expect or skip certain parts altogether you can adapt. Or just be prepared to rewrite parts of the adventure to adapt to the player changes.

You don't have to have every rule memorized

Yes, you need a good grasp of the basic game rules, but you don't have to memorize every spell, feat, magic item, etc. It's OK to look things up if needed.

Also, players can feel more engaged and empowered if they can tell you how a spell works so it emphasizes collaboration. If you do need to pause to look something up, that can provide an opportunity for the players to take a quick bathroom break, so it's not necessarily bad. Or, just use common sense to make a ruling for now and look it for the long term. Matt Mercer has recommended this several times.

Above all, relax, have fun and DM. You'll get better with practice.

This article was contributed by Beth Rimmels (brimmels) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!!

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


Run a game that *you* (the DM) find fun, *as the DM* - if you are running games that only the players find fun you'll burn out faster and resent things more. Some players may not like your game/campaign/style and that is fine, you're also not obligated to be ok with every single player and their style/choices - none of you have to play RPG's together.


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I'd say it is probably a good idea to start out with a module or two. Something fairly easy to run like Lost Mines of Phandelver, rather than an Adventure Path. Don't worry about things like "campaign" and "setting" too much. Focus on learning how to run the game - what causes slow downs at the table, what goes smoothly, that sort of thing.

Let the bigger picture stuff come later on down the road.

Gavin O.

First Post
My biggest piece of advice is to stop thinking like a player. The player mentality is counterproductive to being a DM

A player puts great emotional investment in the character they play. If that character is hurt or killed, the player usually feels as if they failed. You as a DM cannot feel the same way towards your monsters. You can't feel upset when your BBEG or carefully designed and balanced encounter is killed, that's the point. All the characters you run are supposed to be defeated.

Likewise, a player often feels like their job is to defeat the challenges the DM presents. You as a DM must not feel like your job is to defeat the players.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
You don't have to be a professional voice actor or author to run a game.

Advice for the current generation of new DMs. I envy all the resources and example you have to learn to run a game. There are lots of great streams run by excellent GMs. At the same time, I am fortunate that I was able to blindly experiment my way into it as a kid without having to compare myself to Matt Mercer, Chris Perkins, and the increasing number of accomplished professional voice actors, TV/movie actors, and authors who are streaming games.

Keep in mind that these streams are run for an audience. You are running your game for yourself and your players. While Critical Roll; Dice, Camera, Action!; and their ilk are great ways to get inspired and to improve your game, when you are just getting started, more relatable examples are going to be found at your local game store or convention. If you are completely new to the game but already have an itch to DM, try to play in a few Adventurer's League or Pathfinder/Starfinder Society games. You'll learn a lot but while not being overwhelmed by the professional polish of the popular streams.

Li Shenron

To a new DM I would give an extra suggestion: keep in mind that the MAIN premise of the game is cooperation, not competition. It is what sets it apart from 99% of the games out there.

With that, don't let your players go against each other. Overrule any decision of PCs harming each other. Do not accept "my character would do so" as an excuse.


First Post
Read several issues of Knights of the Dinner Table : https://www.kenzerco.com/index.php?cPath=22_23

Concentrate on issues that have the players at the table. Amazingly accurate on how real players can rapidly get off track or misunderstand a simple clue.

Try to eliminate all non-game distractions. Some experienced DMs can juggle family interruptions, barking dogs, etc. Very likely to cause a beginning DM to loose track and then loose the players.

Require that all players and yourself at least put your phones on silent mode if not turned off. You don't need to be competing with devices going beep and otherwise making distracting noises or sucking players attention away from the game.


Doors and Corners
You don't have to be a professional voice actor or author to run a game.

Caveat: The following is not a dig at Matt Mercer. He seems like a very nice, likable guy who is obviously skilled at his craft.

Many people have stated what a great GM Matt Mercer is. He is and isn't. For the most part, he's a good DM, of that there is little doubt. Personally, I wouldn't want to be in his game long term, because he's not GMing in a style that I wouldn't enjoy over a long period of time (I find the voice acting really distracting at times, for example. He allows intraparty conflict, which I don't enjoy or allow in my games, as another).

He's a great GM for that particular group and environment. And that is the major lesson that new DMs should take away from him (and I think I recall him saying the same thing): The best GMs tailor their game to their players and environment. That's a very hard GM skill to learn.

I find, for the style of play I like, that Chris Perkins is a much better DM than Mr. Mercer. But that's only because he runs games in a style I'd enjoy more (very, very little voice acting or funny accents, much more comical/lighthearted, etc.).

TLDR: Structure your game aimed at what your players want; not what other GMs are doing.


Don't think about things too much!! Be honest with your players, let them know you are new at DMing and that you are nervous. Ask for their feedback in advance and as others have stated keep things small and easy. Matt Mercer and the gang rock socks but it can make it hard for new DM's if that is what they think is expected of them.

This is a game. Let me state that again, this is a game. If you are not having fun then maybe...


Chris Perkins sucked as a GM, once upon a time

Actually, even in high school Chris Perkins was a pretty amazing DM (and writer) he did after all get published in Dungeon magazine while still in high school too. So if he "sucked" it was a very minute period of time. Damn I missed his DM'ing.

As for advice for first time DM, everything mention so far is great, maybe when you read through the adventure you are planning try and imagine as many ways the players might try and approach things especially if you are nervous about how you will react to the players antics. Having a few ways to respond to the players ready will help you keep the game going.
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Jay Verkuilen

Grand Master of Artificial Flowers
I'd say it is probably a good idea to start out with a module or two. Something fairly easy to run like Lost Mines of Phandelver, rather than an Adventure Path. Don't worry about things like "campaign" and "setting" too much. Focus on learning how to run the game - what causes slow downs at the table, what goes smoothly, that sort of thing.

Let the bigger picture stuff come later on down the road.

Absolutely, a really complicated, very story-heavy adventure path is not a good place to start out. Run a lower level game with three or four encounters or a simple dungeon crawl.

It's a real pity IMO that there hasn't been a lower price point conversion of the classic Keep on the Borderlands. Goodman Games did this huge hardcover book version but didn't make a pared down 5E version available. (If I'm wrong and there is one, let me know!)

It's a "new DM" classic for a reason. It gives a new DM enough room to move in without being overwhelmed or overwhelming. It's mostly dungeon crawl, has a bit of wilderness, opportunities for interaction with NPCs, and so on.
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