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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


howandwhy99 said:
Fatcoin runs up to Norgim nonchalantly. Looking around he says with a lowered voice, "The village looks locked for the night. Perhaps it would be wise to find a hayloft to rest the eve away with say a one person watch?. Or if the dwarf Pugh is here, maybe he would share whatever his own sleeping fortune is with us? As a fellow dwarf I think you stand at least a chance of convincing him. It would do mite bit better than sleeping outdoors with those stormclouds coming." Fatcoin points towards the horizon.​

Norgim looks towards the horizon, snickers a bit, and then stares at the ground, digesting Fatcoins words. “Well me friend, I’m doubtin’ we’ll find a barn big enough for us nor the hospitality to stay in it.” he says with some noticeable frustration.”Up there,” he continues while pointing up the road, “I’m seeing a small road that heads north but to the east, all I see is more of the same; wee thatched homes with boards for windows. I'm doubtin' we'll find our dwarf friend this night, me friend"

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"I'm for this church, if it's not too far," Yondo says. "we can sort out our plans once we have a roof over our heads.

"Or better yet, in the morning."


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Reluctantly , you each start off to the east along the road. Silence again falls over the village as you leave.

To the north past what appears to be the dark shape of a wood you see a fire burning atop a high place- a tower of some kind. Darkness and the trees block this view, but you estimate the dark silhouette to be a little over a mile away.

Some two miles down the straight level road, and a weary hour later you arrive at another darkened village. A large stone sets beside the road. In common are etched the words: CAPENDU.

The structures here are stone, loosely gathered around a crossroads. To the north of this small hamlet, you see a large two story building, a structure that dwarfs anything else in the village. Large square, and utilitarian looking it would easily be mistaken for a barracks or meeting hall, were it not for the darkened stained glass window over its great wooden door- a church.

Slowly it begins to rain. As you approach you pass a fountain , a worn iron lion standing in a pool of stone. As cold raindrops patter on your cloaks and armor you can see the faces of grey stone gargoyles peering down upon you from the church's roof.

Then, lightning flashes silently across the night sky, revealing a robed figure standing in the churches doorway.

"Who goes there?" the figure asks. "Who comes here this time of night? Speak your business, in the name of Saint Cuthbert, and Lord Giles, what can I do for you?"
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driver8 said:
"Who goes there?" the figure asks. "Who comes here this time of night? Speak your business, in the name of Saint Cuthbert, and Lord Giles, what can I do for you?"

Pulling his hat up and giving the man a bedraggled look, "We are weary travellers who seek rest and shelter from the storm. Do ye have space within for all of us perhaps? Even a spare patch of covered ground would do us well."

Fatcoin drags his feet forward moving his legs slowly. He steps into the puddles rather than over them.



Norgim secures his axe to his belt loop and follows Fatcoin towards the priest. He watches his friend and wonders why the poor lad is so stricken with fatigue. Now suddenly concerned with the welfare of all his companions, he prays silently that they might find refuge here with the human church. A dry place and some food in their guts may do’em some good.


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James Ferdinand III

"Oh, ayuh, it's been quite a few miles we've come today. Everyone around here seems too paranoid to give a few wandering heroes a place to rest. We thought that perhaps your church could be our sanctuary from the storm." James shifts his axe to his other shoulder, making sure the bloodstains on it are clearly visible. "As I said, we've had a busy day."


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"A church to Cuthbert the avenger. How quiant.
Truly, We have seen more than our share of miles this day and the weather seems to threatening. 'Any port in a storm' or so they say."


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The robed man's eyes rest on Vergart for a bit at his remark. Then a smile comes across his young face, still round with baby fat. "All are welcome here, friends. Hospitality is a rare thing in this domain as of late, but St Cuthbert is more than an avenger, he is a bulwark as well."

"I am Brother Martin,acolyte of St Cuthbert," he says as he opens the heavy wooden door. It creaks loudly as the young man bids you to enter. A single light from a lantern beckons from inside the doorway.

The young man wears a simple rough brown robe. His head is shaved though you spy brown stubble on his scalp. He walks you each through the inner room, the vestibule. Pausing to pick up his lantern, he enters the nave of the church.

"Please take off your wet outer clothes before entering, friends. I shall be glad to fetch food. You may sleep upon these pews tonight, our small dormitory is quite full Im afraid."

Martin and the lantern enter into the wall of darkness beyond the vestibule. Two pools of light bloom as the young man alights two lanterns hanging from stone columns. Now you are able to see rows of wooden pews flanking two lines of thick marble columns that march away down the center of the church. Above you can make out the high darkened vault of the ceiling.

"I was awaiting the return of one of my brothers, gone to tend to a sickwoman of the village. Tis not safe to be out so late..." his voice trails off.

His footsteps echo on the stone floor of the church as he walks to a room to the right of the vestibule. As you attempt to dry yoursleves, he returns shortly with blankets, three loaves of bread and a few flagons of ale.

"I hope you may be comfortable this night. Twas not always like this in Lord Giles land. Not long ago our folk were friendly. Marlowes tavern stayed open late in the night. But that was before the murders... now the poor souls hide in their homes as soon as darkness falls." Martin sighs heavily.

"But please, sit and be at ease. So few travel the road nowadays."

Lighting flashes, illuminating the church for a split second, causing Martin to jump. Colors from large stained glass windows on the side walls fill the nave for a brief second, than just as quickly fade. No thunder follows but the rain begins to increase, but for a moment you think Martin is shivering.
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First Post
Vergart takes a loaf of bread and rips off a chunk and, passing the rest to others, Sits heavily on the nearest pew. "Well, Martin, it is good to sit and sup with godly men again, even if our God differs. I thank you for your kindness and your willingness to share your meager repast is heartening, especially on a night such as this.

"A brother is tending a villagewoman. That is very kind of him, I am sure he will do what he can for her, as I would were it me.

Vergart looks shocked at the mention of murders. "Murders? This is dark news indeed. Are there suspects? What is being done to try to find the villan?"


"Aye,"Norgim says, continuing from Vergarts words, "instead of boarding up yer village shouldn't ye be out huntin' a murderer?" He nods his thanks for the blanket and ale and continues, "Me own kin wouldn't rest til the evil is...uh, captured in the least"

Voidrunner's Codex

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