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C&C: Lion in Ropes (party 2-James)


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James leaves the church into the crisp, cool sunlight of a bright morning. A quick look of the village shows it be quite clean and orderly. The cottages are all stone with green tile roofs. Marlowes is easy to find, just north of the church and the iron lion fountain. So after a quick short paces, takigncare to avoid a few puddles from the previous nights storm, he approaches the establishment.

The tavern itself looks very much like the other cottages, just a little bigger perhaps, but very close. A faded sign above the door bears the image of a lion and a beer mug anf the the words Marlowes.

Inside, the bar is a small place holding just three tables. The place is empty except for a young tawny haired man behind the bar, and standing on the other side of the counter, a female elf dressed in brown leather armor. A shortbow sits upon the bar.

The young man pasues from his sweeping and looks up at James. Motes of dust dance in the morning light as he studies James.

The female elf looks at you with a skeptic look from large eyes beneath long silvered hair. The look is a glance, then she turns away to take a drink from her mug.

The young man continues sweeping."Good morning friend. Have a seat. Were not quite open, but welcome."
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James Ferdinand III

"Aye, it's a bit early yet for serious drinking, though a spot of ale would help my dusty throat to no end, if you could be so kind." James steps further into the tavern, but pauses for a second before taking a seat at a table. "Actually, I arrived in town last night. I must say I was very disappointed to find no taverns or inns open for business, though the hour was none too late. I believe the pious brother who gave us shelter last night mentioned something about a curfew? I didn't really catch all that was said, but it sounded as though the area is suffering from... some strange happenings."

ooc: James is merely trying to draw the proprietor out, so there is no need for him to repeat the story if he has no new info- just trying to help :)


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The barkeep nods, continuing his sweeping "Aye indeed. Ive heard from one of the acolytes that Brother Martin had come across some strangers in the night. If you are here to help, the townsfolk would no doubt be cheered, though I doubt there is little anyone can do."

The female elf puts her mug down sharply on the bar counter, and turns toward you. Her dark eyes and her sharp beautiful features contort in irritation. "You waste your time stranger," she says haughtily,"..these townsfolk cower over nothing but old wives tales. There is no Fiend. Perhaps a wild animal stalks the area, but Lord Giles has allowed his people's fears to cloud his judgment."

The elf lifts her mug. "There are other things in the Gnarley Forest that these folk should be on guard against. But their fear makes them hide, and who knows what may come of their lack of vigilance."

"But you, I suppose, shall save these poor souls stranger?"


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James Ferdinand III

"My lady, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to lift the pall of fear that covers this land. We shall see if I am capable, though. To that end, what things are there in the Gnarley Forest that the townsfolk should fear? And furthur, what sort of animal could account for the stories that I have heard?" James is courteous in tone, but there is a twinkle in his eye.


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The barkeep quickly pours a mug of ale, and quickly coming out from behind the bar, sets the mug on your table. He leans forward and in a low voice says, "Mind yourself friend. That theres called Bailey, shes a ranger of the Gnarley Wood. Her kinds helped us out a few times in the past, but shes in a foul mood..and not to be trifled with." With a nod he returns to his broom.

The elf turns to face you, leaning back against the bar. "There are many things deep in the forest folk should fear. But what should be of concern to them presently is a band of bandits we of the Wood have become aware of. Goblins and worgs, likely up from the south..the Pomarj perhaps."

The female takes a step toward you her face darkening. "This band is small and has yet to strike, but we've tracked their movement and they may head this way. In the past, Lord Giles name and reputation kept most bandits away. But now who nows? And Ive come here to warn his Lordship of the danger of the goblin band, and he only talks of this Fiend."

Bailey places her hands on your table and leans forward. "That, stranger, is what the townsfolk should fear."
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James Ferdinand III

James does not so much as bat an eye as she leans in, instead grinning cheerfully. "Really? Well, there's a thing. Hah, my friends and I were attacked by a few of those selfsame beasts not more than a day's travel from here. We slew two goblins and a worg, but on of the wolf-kin got away. This is interesting news, indeed, that their friends and brothers may be headed this way. I am a woodsman, as you are a woodswoman, and I intend this day to go out into the forest and see where those foul creatures may be hiding. Have you any knowledge which could help me locate them? Or, if you have no other pressing engagements, perhaps you would accompany me? Have no fear, I slew a worg and a goblin both at our last meeting, so I have no doubt I am capable of handling any sentries or patrols we might encounter." James finishes with his most charming smile. If she doesn't answer right away, He'll ask the proprietor something while she considers. "You say that Brother Martin ran across something at night? What have you heard of this encounter?"


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"One goblin? One worg? Bah!" Bailey scoffs, "you are a boastful boy, and cannot compare yourself to me. I am a ranger. And where I go you, you are not welcome." She turns back to the bar and retrieves her bow.

"I go into the Forest to meet my fellows, my consul to his Lordship fell on deaf ears, but perhaps you will follow it. If you did indeed slay these goblins, and they bore the sign of the orange hand, then the bandits may be in the area. Keep your eye open. If I have any information I shall return." Bailey looks hard at you, then turns to leave.

Near the doorway she pauses, and turning back with a wicked smile adds, "And boy, you shouldnt head into the forest alone...I doubt you are ready for what dwells there. Stay and guard the helpless farmers. That is a task more suited to you, Id wager."

The barkeep smiles nervously, then stammers, " Um no friend, rumor was that Brother Martin met a group of travelers late last night; they slept in the church as well. I only assumed you were part of the group...you are arent you?" He smiles at you but his eyes follow Bailey as she begins to leave the tavern.


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James Ferdinand III

James follows Bailey out of the tavern immediately, stopping only to pay his tab. "Ha, you think that I am naught but a boastful boy? I am a ranger of the woods as much as you, milady, though you have churlish ways about you while I have a civilized tongue. I will come to meet this conclave of rangers, and perhaps I will meet one there who is more inclined to help a stranger such as myself who has the good of the land at heart. No, you cannot say anything to dissuade me, so lead on." Fortin has given up, temporarily, on his attempts to charm the elf. Now he attempts to put a note of command in his voice.
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Bailey spins on a dime to face you, her bow in her left hand, her right hand a tightly balled fist. She flashes a look of anger at you.

The barkeep fumbles and drops the coins given by James on the floor and nimbley steps next to you. "Ahh friend why not come back in," he says his eyes imploring you to return, "Ive got some nice Twilight apple cider, got quite a kick. Im sure you'd enjoy it."

"Why are humans so hard headed?" Bailey hisses. "Too foolish to follow the word of their betters, those who have walked the land longer than they and know more than they."

She takes a step forward, her face reddeing. "GO BACK.. last chance. I invited you to no 'conclave'. I work alone. Go back or I shall pound some sense into that head of yours."

Baileys body tenses like a coiled spring. You can clearly see she is holding herself back, awaiting you to make the first move.


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James Ferdinand III

James takes up a defensive stance (if C&C has an equilvalent for fighting defensively, he uses it) with his axe at the ready, but he does not back down. "I have no more fear of you than I have of the wolf-beasts. If you hope to cow me, think again. And if you think you're so superior to me, well, I invite you to prove it. Best me, and I'll leave you in peace. But if I win, you must agree to escort me to Gnarley Woods and help me find this encampment of which you speak." He then charges her and attempts to trip her.

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