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C&C: Lion in Ropes (party 2-James)


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James Ferdinand III

"Hmm, I see. Well, that explains quite a bit, really. You seem like a well-informed man, Marlowe. Was there anything else about the bandits that I didn't get to hear about yet?"

OOC: if there's nothing else from Marlowe, James heads into the woods as described before, although he is definitely less ticked- and more thoughtful- than I described. However, he makes sure to give Marlowe a sizable tip first :D

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After handing a tip to the surprised but gratful Marlowe, James heads east toward the forest. Passing by the stream, he spies the steams sources, a natural spring just outside of Capendu. Small fields, barren from the years harvest dot the land between the woods and Capendu; but as James walks he desnt see another soul about.

After an hour, the woodsman arrives at the southern end of Flytrap Ridge, a series of connected hills that rise sharply from the landscape about 40 feet. To the east the Forest lies thick and dark.

From the position of the sun, James gathers he was unconcious about an hour. After pausing to reflect on the days events, the woodsman heads into the Gnarely Forest.

Perhaps 30 minutes pass, as James makes his way through the trees. Just when the trip seems to be a waste of energy, the woodsman spies a set of tracks on the forest floor.

Here the ground has been disturbed, by a four legged animal-one with hooves and large. It looks to be a small horse, and the tracks lead to the north, out of view.

James also spots something else on the ground near the tracks...a small patch of blood.


First Post
James Ferdinand III

James stops and thinks for a moment: <I've no idea what has left those tracks, so I should probably be careful following them. After all, I don't want to come unprepared upon something of which I have no knowledge. Then again, a horse would indicate a traveler, and the blood indicates that help may well be needed, so I should be quick. Which way to do this- slow and careful, or quickly, but leaving myself open?>
After considering the matter for a moment, James decides that someone being hurt trumps his other thought and begins following the tracks as quickly as he can, though he makes sure to have his weapon out and ready for action.


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James follows the tracks as quickly as he can. They are easy to follow, and meander away to the east. A few drops of blood are evident at points along the trail..blood that is still damp.

Finally, after about a mile, the trail turns again to the west and north. As it does, you find evidence of other tracks-booted feet- at least two pair.

Following through the trees, you eventually come back into sight of Flytrap Ridge.About 100 yards from the ridge, you can see the eastern slope, covered in trees, and full of folds and draws on the steep incline of the hillside.

The tracks of the booted feet and the hooves, however, are all but gone. Here the ground seems drier than it was to the south. The trail is now too faint , and you have no way to know in which direction it went.

The forest around you is thinner. You estimate youve been trudging in the woods for almost two hours.

It is then that you hear a sound of something moving through the brush, to the north, to your right. You also see the head of a goblin, and the point of its long spear, walking slowly toward you about 100 feet away.
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James Ferdinand III

OOC: if I understand the situation correctly, the rustling I heard was to my right, but the goblin was straight ahead, but looked to be heading directly for James' position. If this is correct, cool. If not, the following actions may not apply
IC: James quickly looks around for a hiding place, intending to ambush the goblin (and his worg companion, if he has one). Assuming he can find such a place, he'll hide away as best he can with drawn axe. <Come on, just a little closer. Finally, something to redeem myself on!> he thinks as he waits. He watches for the goblin to walk by, but he pays more attention to the area from which the rustling came, trying to spot what else might be out there.


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OOC_ Sorry for not being clear enough. The sound you heard was the goblin coming from the right.

James hides in the only cover available, the largest tree trunk he can find, with his axe drawn.

The goblin strides along, and passes within 40 feet of James. Dressed in ragged leather armor it carries a large nearly 10 foor long spear. It pauses for a moment, looks in James direction, then yawning, heads toward the ridge.

As James watches it approaches the base of the ridge. It chatters something in goblin that James cant make out then waits.

Within a few moments, four more goblins appear from the foliage and shadows at the ridges base. The five goblins jabber at each other then all disappear into the hillside.


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James Ferdinand III

James sees the goblins disappear and knows that he has to find out more. Since there are obviously creatures on watch at that point, however, he decides to try to cut around to the back and creep down on them from atop the hill. He moves slowly and carefully, always trying to remain silent and out of sight, as he skirts the hill. When he estimates that he can climb the hill without being visible to what he assumes is the goblin encampment, he sneaks up the ridge until he is directly above where he saw the goblins before. As he goes, he keeps a sharp eye out for both living creatures and any tracks that may tell him the story of events on the hill.


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James carefully makes his way back and when satisfied he is out of view, attempts to ascend the ridge to aproach from the opposite slope.

The ridge is steep, and the hillsides are lightly covered with young trees and high grasses. The woodsman progress is hampered by rocky terrain and the thick undergrowth of brambles that covers the hillside beneath the high grass but eventually James is atop the ridge, some 30 feet above his last position.

As quietly as he can James moves toward the last position of the goblins, in order to observe from above. As he moves through the trees, brambles, and grass he looks for any tracks or creatures. The area seems clear and now tracks can be found.

Despite his vigilance, James sees too late the trap set amongst the trees. His foot brushes against a hidden rope, triggering the bent whip made of bent sapling branches cleverly concealed amongst the trees.

The sapling whip flies out toward James at head level. He dives to avoid but branch strikes him. It strikes him in the face, but apart from the sting of impact, does no appreciable damage.

It is then that James feels a slight burn on his cheek. Feeling his face, he finds two thorns that have scratched his skin. The thorns appear to be covered in a green, sickly smelling, paste of some kind.


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OOC: ok, I still don't have the book (I had to buy the Dragonlance book for a realtime game I play in, sucked up my book allowance for a bit). But from the cheatsheet, rangers have the class ability to delay/neutralize poison. Is James of sufficient level to use this ability? And if so, what kind of good will it do him?
As an aside, from where in Indiana do you hail? I live on the south side of Indianapolis, myself.


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OOC: With a successful delay/neutralize poison (wis) check you can (obviously) delay or stop the effects of the poison. You have to be familiar with the poison type, and have bandages and the correct herbs and antidotes. The ranger can olny attempt to counteract natural based posions.

Also, I live in a small town called Huntingburg,about 2- 2 and half hours southish of Indy.

James suspects the trap was laced with poison. From the smell and look of the thorn, he believes it is based on the Deathsbloom forest mushroom, and if it is, would need to find a herb known as Unicorns Horn to counter it. In James experience, it is a small white plant that sometimes grows wild in dark unlit areas of the deep forest.

However, the speed and toxicity of the poison is unknown to James. And a quick glance at the ridge reveals no sign of Unicorn's horn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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