CA: Craft (Poisonmaking) [No votes]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'd be against that as it adds an unnecessary complication and does not fit w/ current crafting rules (if you botch a Craft (alchemy) check, your alchemist's fire does not blow up in your face and damage you).

Just because you make something, does not mean you have to be able to us it. The making of it takes its own precautions that may have nothing to do w/ the use (think the padding/heat shielding for sword making, for example).

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True. I am unsure which way to go with this one. I guess the costs are generally the balancing factor for poisons. Is mine the only objection?


First Post
I had in mind a poison user too, so hopefully this gets voted on at some point. I'd like to put in my 2nd level character at some point. ;)

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