Cabin in the Woods

Go see it. I went in with high expectations, and they were exceeded.

It might have helped that I saw it with an audience full of people talking at the screen or commenting to their friends in disbelief. It added to the experience.

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My only concern is that trailers make it seem who/whatever was menacing the campers was using an unnecessarily excessive amount of technological prowess.

Using a
force field
to keep your victims from getting away kinda like hunting dear with a howitzer. :]
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I'm not clear from the trailers what it is exactly. It looks like a horror flick, though the trailers have cool looking technology in them. Comments say it's good and not what you expect.

Thing is, I don't like slasher horror flicks. The "not what you expect" tempts me, but not enough without knowing more.

Care to spoiler it for me? Might lessen the enjoyment a little, but the chances of me seeing it at all without knowing exactly what it is that makes this different are zero.

I am unlikely to get to see it for a long time, but everyone's being scrupulously careful about giving spoilers. I'm not asking to be spoiled here, but I just wish someone would point me to a site that summarizes the plot, since I don't care if I know in advance what happens.

Cabin in the Woods. (Warning: complete spoilers!)

Some people go to do something, while other people are doing something else that affects the first group of people. What the second group is doing appears to be one thing, but is actually another. Rocks fall and everyone dies.

Clear enough?

Okay, this is a spoiler of the premise, but not the whole plot.

[sblock]Do not read it if you do not want to be spoiled.

[sblock]Seriously, don't do it. Last chance.

[sblock]The premise is that an ancient evil god will awaken if he does not receive an annual tribute of five youngsters, following certain specific ritual traditions. The organization is responsible for ensuring things occur as prescribed, which just so happens to match the classic horror movie tropes we know and love. And the people in that organization treat their work like any other boring job, which is ironically amusing.

Yes, people get chopped up, but the movie's only about 50% horror. The rest is comedy. If you ever liked anything by Joss Whedon, you'll probably like this.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]

Here I didn't even think to check Wikipedia. Thanks! I think I'll still enjoy the movie once I finally get around to seeing it. Spoilers generally don't bother me.

I am tempted by this movie, and I am generally extremely averse to anything genuinely spooky-scary (never "grew out" of that overactive imagination). But this looks really interesting, because it looks smart, not just scary. I will probably see it once it comes out on the Movie Network.

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