CAL2 "On Wings of Darkness" Gazetteer

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Azure Admiral

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5 out of 5 rating for CAL2 "On Wings of Darkness" Gazetteer

With a strong tone and direction, the much awaited Magiocracy of Caldwen confirms itself as a solid installment in the Word of Calidar setting.

A work of fine craftmanship and attention to details, CAL2 On Wings of Darkness push the quality bar even higher.

Maybe the old fans of the legacy world have been curious about a new author's take on a magic kingdom eventually. Now the time has finally come, and I must say that I'm impressed with this present work which, in my opinion, has nothing to fear from the former, almost perfect, gaz.

5/5 stars, and kudos to the whole team!

Voidrunner's Codex

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