Campaign Cartogrpaher 3

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Wonko the Sane

First Post
Hand of Evil said:
looks like it only imports PNG or Bitmaps!

Fortunately, programs like Irfanview exist. Just open the jpeg/other image file with it, select File-->Save As and pick png or bmp. I'm not sure if you can set transparent areas with it, though. I just use it to make spiffy icons :)

Michael Morris

First Post
I found it. File format is meaningless, I have Macromedia Fireworks and the full version of Adobe Photoshop to handle image types :)

Well, I'm at the end of my first day with CC3. I think I'm in love. Here's a before and after shot of Dabrinia. The before is CC2 doctored up in Fireworks.


  • Before.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 94
  • After.jpg
    111.7 KB · Views: 96


First Post
Is CC3 as much as a resource-hog as Dunjinni?

I've totally given up on Dundjinni as my PC basically stops working when I use it (and my PC has 1GB of RAM etc... and still this happens).

Michael Morris

First Post
The map I'm working on is rendering much faster in CC3 than it did in CC2 - but I don't know if my computer is a good measuring stick - it's a 3Ghz Pent 4 with a dual core processor, 4GB of RAM and an NVidia card with 64 MB video RAM -- pretty much bleeding edge for either program.


Imruphel said:
Is CC3 as much as a resource-hog as Dunjinni?

I've totally given up on Dundjinni as my PC basically stops working when I use it (and my PC has 1GB of RAM etc... and still this happens).

The display routines for CC3 are custom written in assembly language, and I'm pretty sure that there is no other PC software which displays large bitmap images more quickly. It has no restriction on canvas size, and will make use of any resources you give it (for example, loading png images into memory). It swaps between four image sizes depending on the zoom so that it can maintain speed without losing resolution. With effects on too it starts to slow down, but the idea is your create your map with effects on, then add effects and turn them on when you need them. For slow systems you can switch to losing lower resolution images until you need more detail.

The price for this great speed is lack of system portability.


Voidrunner's Codex

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