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Campaign Choices You've Made On Races


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What it says on the thread title.

With a particular interest in "Which races have you chosen to disallow as player characters in previous and current campaigns you have run or are currently running?"

Oh, and why?

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I haven't and wouldn't disallow anything, unless it were larger than medium-sized. My table is more of a fun game and the "reality" of different races adventuring together isn't an issue. Someone even played a customized race/class (built with Monster Builder) one time, but they decided that they didn't like it after all (though I might use it as a baddie at one point) -- it was kinda neat, as it had primal control over rocks which it could "summon" and then use to attack and defend in various defined ways.


I have a long running game world where Elves are evil and considered the enemy of the region where the games take place. So there have been no PC Elves or half-elves. I just wanted to shake things up a bit and do something to make the world unusual. I think it worked out pretty well.

As a general rule I run pretty open games. I have lots of books, so I have some sense of even fairly exotic races. I would hesitate to allow something I don't have the rules for, but I can't remember the last time that happened.


A player rather than a DM, but in the setting of the campaign I'm currently in eladrin have very little presence in the mortal world, halflings are now something else (unplayable for balance and plot reasons) and are apparently extinct in their non-modified form, deva don't fit into the cosmology of the world. On the other hand, we have a very accommodating DM, and the setting may have been put together differently had someone (for example) wanted to play a halfling starting out.


Our current 4e setting is very inclusive. However, I do want to do a less inclusive setting at some point.

A world of empires, where the PCs are from a mountainous region.

Dwarves, half-dwarves, raptorans, goliaths, humans, gnomes, halflings and some Genasi will be common. (oh and shardminds+warforged)

Half-elves (also known as el-taint) and some others, rare but possible.

Elves, also known as half-el, would be common in the enemy kingdom, which is ruled by Eladrin.
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In the campaign world I'm building right now, the only race that is forbidden are Gnomes. Because they will be the BBEGs for most of the epic-level campaigns.

Their story is that hundreds of years ago, the faked their own xenocide to avoid a global conflict that plunged the world into a relative dark age. (the campaign world still has a high level of magitechnology though, previously it was like spelljammer level technology)

And they've used that time to refine their mastery over all 5 power sources in order to achieve immortality, reanimate their creators (dragons created most of the races in this world), and bind them to their will to conquer the stars.

The Weregamer

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I don't outright forbid anything, but some things are extremely rare or unique as the setting dictates. In my current homebrew elves and humans are mortal enemies, so when my player wanted to be a half-elf I said that was fine but she was probably the only one in the world and neither race would truly accept her. Has made for some great RP experiences so far.

Likewise Tieflings are not a proper race per se, but rather just any individual who has bargained their soul away to a demon in exchange for something else. Our Tiefling Rogue's backstory says she wanted to be a wizard so she made a deal with a demon to be good at magic but he duped her. She's really good at card tricks now.


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I actually don't really care anymore. I will be running Dark Sun by "RAW" though, but otherwise I allow whatever the PC wants to play if they can give me a good reason for it. Of course my main campaign settings are Eberron and POL at the moment, so it's pretty easy to write almost anything into it.


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No outright banning.

Warforged in my campaign, however, are not a 'race' as such. They are humanoids who have been 'forged' with metal upon entering a renowned mercenary company called, funnily enough 'the Warforged'. So they are few and far between, not unheard of, but certainly not as common as in Eberron. So players can player them if desired.

Shardminds... I have a certain dislike to them. Psionic warforged really aren't they? But if a player had their heart set on them I guess we could work on a story... but as an entire race... nah, not going there.

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