D&D 5E Can a spell be cast to cause non lethal damage?


First Post
For shocking grasp I could see a creative DM allowing that to work very much like a Taser. So might be a safe way to knock someone out, unless the target has a heart condition ;)

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Officially, no.

Unofficially, I'd allow it... but require a higher level slot to be burned. A nonlethal fireball could create a blast of superheated air that's not hot enough to cause burns but has similar effects to heat stroke.


Oofta, I think the rules call out melee weapon attacks the way you're doing for melee spell attacks, which should mean melee attack includes longsword and shocking grasp. I think. I don't trust my rules knowledge anymore.

Nope. The rules specifically state melee attack. See my other response though to yunru


I hate to correct you but a melee spell attack is indeed a melee attack, and I'm unsure how you could possibly say otherwise. It's literally in the name. It'd be like saying a melee spell attack isn't a spell, or isn't an attack.

After reading back through my handy-dandy basic rules (I don't have my book), I've changed my mind. :blush:

Page 7 of the basic rules
Melee Attacks​
Used in hand-to-hand combat, a melee attack allows you to attack a foe within your reach. A melee attack typically uses a handheld weapon such as a sword, a warhammer, or an axe. A typical monster makes a melee attack when it strikes with its claws, horns, teeth, tentacles, or other body part. A few spells also involve making a melee attack.
Instead of using a weapon to make a melee weapon attack, you can use an unarmed strike...​

So ... hmmm ... I would rule that you can taze someone with a shocking grasp. Since it specifically calls out that melee attacks are considered those with weapons, claws, spells or unarmed attacks.


Rules Monkey
Nope. The rules specifically state melee attack. See my other response though to yunru

Sorry, you are incorrect. A melee attack is just that - any melee attack. It could be a melee weapon attack or a melee spell attack.

By your logic, you couldn't knock someone out with a melee weapon attack, since it is obviously different than a melee attack. :hmm:

The closest you can come to a non-lethal ranged spell would be the sleep spell. You can use it to "finish them off" - but you'll still need follow up with a melee attack to take them to zero HP or they'll wake up in a minute.
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Sorry, you are incorrect. A melee attack is just that - any melee attack. It could be a melee weapon attack or a melee spell attack.

By your logic, you couldn't knock someone out with a melee weapon attack, since it is obviously different than a melee attack. :hmm:

Which ... if you look at post #14 you will note that I agreed that I was incorrect.


Rules Monkey
Which ... if you look at post #14 you will note that I agreed that I was incorrect.

Which....if you check the timestamps (my post is 3 minutes after yours) you'll realize I was writing my post at the same time as you and there was no way I could have known what you were writing unless I happened to be psychic. Alas, I am not.


Victoria Rules
I had this scenario just happen to the group I run on Saturday nights. They encountered a group of baddies with a hostage (being mind controlled and attacking as well) in tow, and the wizard wanted to cast a fireball that deals non lethal damage to protect the controlled hostage.
Reading your words literally, if the hostage was "in tow" and thus slightly behind his/her/its captors, all that's needed is some very careful aiming by the fireball's caster, to hit the captors and miss the hostage...this would absolutely IMO require an aiming roll, with a poor roll possibly either hitting the hostage as well or missing some (or all?) of the captors.

Lan-"it's rare when fireball isn't the best tool for the job at hand, but this might be such a time"-efan


Generally: sure, why not? The entire concept of "knocking someone out" like it doesn't cause long-term damage to them is fantasy anyway so why not do it with a spell? :)

This exact situation: I like the suggestion about using a higher slot or otherwise making it a little more difficult, just because of the drama of the situation and the completely illogical nature of using a fireball spell to knock someone out. :) But sure, I'd say anything can be reasonably explained: like the blast is more concussive instead of fiery, or whatever. For something like shocking grasp, it's a lot more straightforward.

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