D&D 5E Can an unseen servant fly?

greg kaye

D&D magic does not conform to logic or physics, so extrapolation should be minimized.
D&D magic does as D&D magic does. Perhaps it conforms to logic and/or physics, perhaps not. But I see no reason why, say, a magical fire might not share various properties with a natural physical fire. In their games, GMs and players can extrapolate to the extent that gives them satisfaction.

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He / Him
The Unseen Servant can accomplish tasks a servant could. So it depends on what kinds of servants the caster knows. An aaracokra caster who is used to flying servants would assume their Unseen Servant could fly. A gnome's Unseen Servant probably couldn't reach the jars on the top shelf.

greg kaye

The Unseen Servant can accomplish tasks a servant could. So it depends on what kinds of servants the caster knows. An aaracokra caster who is used to flying servants would assume their Unseen Servant could fly. A gnome's Unseen Servant probably couldn't reach the jars on the top shelf.
Would they? Even if they did they can cast the spell and the GM will dictate what happens. The rules say that "The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine."


He / Him
Would they? Even if they did they can cast the spell and the GM will dictate what happens. The rules say that "The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine."
I was definitely posting with tongue in cheek. 😁

Though it is funny that an inhuman wizard is still bound by what human servants can do. I bet that causes a lot of frustration in the wizarding schools of aaracokra, tritons, and plasmoids!

greg kaye

I was definitely posting with tongue in cheek. 😁

Though it is funny that an inhuman wizard is still bound by what human servants can do. I bet that causes a lot of frustration in the wizarding schools of aaracokra, tritons, and plasmoids!
A human spell caster is bound by what human servants can do. Most casters will be hampered by the servants' dawdling speeds of 20 ft. It's just that they might not be able to keep up with aarakocra and tritons in additional ways.

Voidrunner's Codex

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