D&D 5E Can ki-fueled attack be triggered by step of the wind

No, Step of the Wind is a bonus action, and ki fueled attack only works when you spend ki on actions. If it worked on bonus actions, Patent Defense would be a better choice. Stunning Strike works, as does Touch of the Long Death at level 17 and Empty Body at level 18.

I think Ki Fuelled Attack was mostly intended to buff Four Elements monks.
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A free Bonus action dodge every single turn from PD would be extremely OP I think.

Free step of the wind less so, but overall I think it is fine as is. Once you get into tier 2 the bonus action is more valuable than the Ki anyway .... and as far as this discussion goes, if I am not spending ki I definitely can't use KI Fueled attack. :p
A Rogue can use Cunning Action to Dodge as a bonus action. I have not seen it be OP but respect to the opinion. On topic, correct, if you are not spending the Ki, then Ki Fueled attack will not work. Remember if you're using your bonus action to dodge, you aren't using it for more attacks. One of the better feature of a monk. It isn't free.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
A Rogue can use Cunning Action to Dodge as a bonus action. I have not seen it be OP but respect to the opinion. On topic, correct, if you are not spending the Ki, then Ki Fueled attack will not work. Remember if you're using your bonus action to dodge, you aren't using it for more attacks. One of the better feature of a monk. It isn't free.
Wait, this Cunning Action? Or did something change in the playtest?

Cunning Action​

Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.


A Rogue can use Cunning Action to Dodge as a bonus action. I have not seen it be OP but respect to the opinion.

No a Rogue can not use Dodge as a bonus action. Cunning action allows for Dash, Disengage and Hide. Allowing those without Ki would be fine powerwise I think. Dodge is a different story though.


No a Rogue can not use Dodge as a bonus action. Cunning action allows for Dash, Disengage and Hide. Allowing those without Ki would be fine powerwise I think. Dodge is a different story though.
Ah, you are correct. It's Disengage, Dash or Hide. Still doesn't seem to be OP use of a Ki point compared to a flurry or a stunning Strike.


A Rogue can use Cunning Action to Dodge as a bonus action. I have not seen it be OP but respect to the opinion. On topic, correct, if you are not spending the Ki, then Ki Fueled attack will not work. Remember if you're using your bonus action to dodge, you aren't using it for more attacks. One of the better feature of a monk. It isn't free.
Oops, you are correct. It's Hide. Still doesn't seem like Dodge is worth a Ki Point though.


I do agree the wording is unclear. I go with this, I think everyone and their mother thinks monks could use a little push. This seems a pretty reasonable way to give them a little push with a pretty reasonable interpretation. It seems fun, I say go for it.


A free Bonus action dodge every single turn from PD would be extremely OP I think.

Free step of the wind less so, but overall I think it is fine as is. Once you get into tier 2 the bonus action is more valuable than the Ki anyway .... and as far as this discussion goes, if I am not spending ki I definitely can't use KI Fueled attack. :p
If a monk uses their bonus action to dodge instead of flurry, they've just traded half their offence for, on average, +2.5 to their AC. I think this is severely underpowered and almost always the wrong call, which is why you seldom see patient defence being used.

A monk could spam PD every turn and would just play more or less like a fighter/barbarian with a smaller health pool and worse offence.


If a monk uses their bonus action to dodge instead of flurry, they've just traded half their offence for, on average, +2.5 to their AC. I think this is severely underpowered and almost always the wrong call, which is why you seldom see patient defence being used.

I think it is more like on average the equivalent of 4 to 6 to their AC but it does depend on attack bonus and ability scores. This ultimately depends on their ability score rolls and whether they take an ASI. But if you assume an 18 AC at 8th level against a CR 8 creature with a +7 attack bonus the chance to hit will go from 50% not dodging to 25% dodging. This is the equivalent of AC 23 (which is +5), however it is actually better than a +5 because in addition to reducing chance to hit 25% it also reduces chance to crit by a factor of 20 and gives a boost to the Monks saves. Such a character will take less than half the damage from attacks than she otherwise woud.

A monk could spam PD every turn and would just play more or less like a fighter/barbarian with a smaller health pool and worse offence.

And the ability to a absorb ton more attacks. A Monk has over 80% of the hps of a fighter and over 70% of the hit points of a Barbarian and would take much fewer hits than either (about 60% of what a fighter would take with plate and shield and about 40% of what a Barbarian would take in a breastplate while getting far fewer crits). A Monk with average or better ability scores dodging every turn will tank much better than a fighter and better than a Barbarian not getting resistance. It will be roughly on par with a raging Barbarian who does have resistance to the enemies damage (assuming the Barbarian does not use reckless attack).

Dodge is an extremely powerful defense, with magic those numbers get better and mathematically it is generally a far better use of ki than FOB. FOB is largely a waste of Ki unless you are doing some kind of other effect with a hit (and then it is a waste unless there is a good chance of it landing).

FOB is what is extremely underpowered and people spamming it are the same people who generally complain Monks are weak. Stunning Strike against enemies not close to death and not likely to save and Patient Defense are mathematically generally the best class uses of Ki.
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