Can my character have a pump action composite bow?

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Plus for ingenuity and creativity. but as an archer I must say that he is WAY too casual of the possible legal repercussions of those changes, and I do NOT under any circumstance want to see that thing on the market.

Here in Sweden, it is not legal to hunt with a bow. They have been debating legalizing it under certain conditions for like 12 years now or so. Bows are considered sport equipment and does not require licenses or special storage. Crossbows above anything that is a toygun with suction cup, requires a licence to own, and they are difficult to get (unsure of the requirements for storage, but think the mechanism has to be stored separetely). Pistols for example must be stored in locked safes weighing 150 kgs or more (or be bolted to the floor/wall so it cannot be removed)

That modification changes the compund-bow from something classified as a sporting equipment to a weapon, and with that come way more regulations.


Ugh. Well, the materials used to make that bow so efficient wouldn't even exist in a medieval fantasy world. But magic DOES exist, so sure, you can have your +2 pump crossbow of agonizing death. :)


Well, part if depends on the setting and the style of game. In a modern or sci-fi game, if it exists in the real world, there's no reason it shouldn't exist in game. In a fantasy game that's more laid back, I could see a DM doing stuff like this. In a serious medieval setting, I'd argue that your character doesn't know the technique to create such a thing, nor does anyone else (but allow them to spend time away from adventuring to research it with a check).

Oh, and sometimes fluff can be a thing. In a jungle campaign, one of our players created a crossbow ranger based on Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park. When he got the extra attack feature at level 5, he referred to his weapon as a pump action crossbow.


I saw a show on the Chinese repeating crossbow a few years ago and it shot around 2 bolts/second. I forget how many bolts it held and the range was less than a regular crossbow. A few guys with these on a wall were amazing.

In reality, a pump action croasbow is what 5e d&d characters already have.

No one should be able to reload a crossbow and shoot within 6 seconds while dodging attacks.

I imagine the average person couldn't do that but a powerful adventurer with 6+ levels and 16+ Dex and the right feats could pull stuff like that off.

I also imagine that a pump bow would be the type of thing a Dwarf would make. "O you elves think your so fancy with your longbow?!? Well get a load of this beauty!"

Argyle King

I imagine the average person couldn't do that but a powerful adventurer with 6+ levels and 16+ Dex and the right feats could pull stuff like that off.

I also imagine that a pump bow would be the type of thing a Dwarf would make. "O you elves think your so fancy with your longbow?!? Well get a load of this beauty!"

"Let me show you its features!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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