D&D 5E Can you twin spells like spiritual weapon, telekinesis, etc?


In other words, spells that target one creature at a time, but can target different creatures over their duration.

This has come up in our recent games (Favoured Soul in one game, 9th level Sorcerer in another). I've had a search on the forums but didn't find much.

We've ruled "No you cannot" as twinning spells that move from creature to creature doesn't seem like the spirit of the rule, but I am happy to hear other peoples thoughts on the matter.

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First Post
I don't think it is broken to allow people to twin telekinesis, also seems very cool as you can slam the two people together.
Telekinesis does only target one creature like twin requires, however on later turns you can change you who target. I can see why one would rule you can't twin telekinesis but it seems so cool that I want to try it either with an npc or making a sorcerer.
I prefer rulings that are cool and fun rather than strict raw, can't see it being broken so should be fine.

Twinning is expensive though so would have to be a special case to twin telekinesis, phantasimal force would be more fun to twin, make the guards both see a problem that makes them want to kill each other.


The criteria isn't if it does...its if it can target more than one creature. Both of those can easily target more than two creatures.


First Post
Twinned is weird because the "can only target one creature" isn't consistent with the way the PHB outlines spells (a "target" line would have been helpful in this regard). The text isn't always clear (enough) sometimes on the order of operations, spiritual weapon is a great example - does it conjure, then target; or is the conjure weapon and target, all part of the 'targeting action'? Hmmm.

And some seem like they fulfill the "can only" part, but also fail to fulfill it as well - scorching ray being the best example - is it OK to twin if you only target one creature with the 3 rays, or does the ability to spread out the 3 rays rule out twinning? I've seen it ruled both ways...

I've always interpreted the "target one creature" to be for spells that specifically target one creature with an effect on casting (e.g., disintegration), but not spells that create an effect that then can target one creature, as with mordenkainen's sword.

I'd rule that telekinesis is in the former, since you cast the spell on the creature initially; I'd rule spiritual weapon to to be the latter, as it's not targeting one creature, but creating a force weapon that can then target a creature.

Overall, I don't think ruling one way or the other is that big of a deal.


Twinned is weird because the "can only target one creature" isn't consistent with the way the PHB outlines spells (a "target" line would have been helpful in this regard). The text isn't always clear (enough) sometimes on the order of operations, spiritual weapon is a great example - does it conjure, then target; or is the conjure weapon and target, all part of the 'targeting action'? Hmmm.

And some seem like they fulfill the "can only" part, but also fail to fulfill it as well - scorching ray being the best example - is it OK to twin if you only target one creature with the 3 rays, or does the ability to spread out the 3 rays rule out twinning? I've seen it ruled both ways...

I've always interpreted the "target one creature" to be for spells that specifically target one creature with an effect on casting (e.g., disintegration), but not spells that create an effect that then can target one creature, as with mordenkainen's sword.

I'd rule that telekinesis is in the former, since you cast the spell on the creature initially; I'd rule spiritual weapon to to be the latter, as it's not targeting one creature, but creating a force weapon that can then target a creature.

Overall, I don't think ruling one way or the other is that big of a deal.

Thanks for the breakdown. I like the idea that spiritual weapon etc actually target a space and not a creature, thus they do not qualify for twin.

I also think in our groups we will adopt a ruling that basically makes the twin wording the equivalent of 'must only target one creature for the duration of the spell'. Not that I think twinned telekinesis or anything is that powerful, but rather more for clarity.


First Post
Once upon a time, the RAW reading would have made what you asked possible (as long as you never targeted a second enemy with your spell).
The errata changed it however, by adding this clause: "To be eligible for Twinned Spell, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level."

So no, it isn't possible anymore.

I would rule that since Telekinesis requires concentration, you wouldn't be able to maintain two instances of it with Twinned Spell. Also, each Spiritual Weapon uses a bonus action to attack, so you would only be able to attack with one each round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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