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Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")

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Angcuru said:
Woo. :D

I've just started reading the game itself as it plays out, and there's a nice little surprise ahead. :)

Heheh, there are lots of little - and big - surprises ahead ;)

I may be able to get an update done today - possibly the last for this thread before I start the new one! - but if I don't, it'll most likely be Sunday or Monday before I do, as tomorrow I travel back up to university again.


First Post
Sebastion noted Kale's tense stance as he waited at the crest of the hill, nodding towards the gathering of scholars nestled in the glen between the ridge they were climbing. Mounting the top of the rise he stared down for a moment, not surprised thanks to the warning, and didn't change his pace as he rode gently down the hill. The long hours of riding meant that he wasn't concentrating really on guiding the horse - it was second nature - and he took the opportunity to size up the other group, seeing that there was little hostility in evidence, though a reasonable - and sensible - degree of caution.

"Good day." he greeted them, quietly, when he reached a reasonable distance, and drew the mare to a halt to swing down to the floor.

"We have been asked to investigate the tower, and to bring back anything of interest - a simple financial arrangement. Given that you obviously have more study in the area than we, we are at something of a disadvantage for bargaining, but might I suggest we work together?

You have our co-operation, should you wish it, and our labour of course, whilst I'm sure we could benefit from your knowledge. After the fact we can come to an amicable arrangement about dividing the findings?"

He was acutely aware, at that moment, of his companions arrayed behind him, and he wondered how many of them were wondering why he hadn't discussed this with them before acting - and hoped fervently that they had come to the same conclusion as he, that co-operation was the most sensible way forward.

Wyshira watched Sebastian ride down the trail toward the scholars. She didn't think he had anything to fear from the group up ahead, but she kept a watchful eye on them nonetheless. She sat her horse next to Burl's while she waited to see what would happen.

"You look like you would fit right in with an expedition like that," she said idly to the necromancer. "I wasn't paying very close attention to their conversation with Melisande back at the monastery...... I wonder what it is that they study."

* * *

Cazamir moved up to his standard position, off to the side of the head sage. He tried to appear calm and relaxed, although he was ready to spring into action if anything happened. His mind raced with choices - would he pull Johan to the ground for cover, or would he launch at the group? And who was more dangerous, the armed men, or the blue-skinned women, no doubt magic-wielders?

Cazamir calmed his breathing and honestly hoped that the sages were less likely to anger the mercenaries than they did each other.

* * *

The scene was strange: in the absence of Wolf, with Kale in brooding silence, Sebastion suddenly metamorphosed into someone polite and well-spoken and took command when challenged by the wizard. Mel practically gaped. It was so odd it made her realize just how wary both the wizard and Sebastion (and everyone else, probably) were.

So she piped up, "Come now. I just don't see why everyone's so tense.

"We haven't been asked to bring back just anything of interest," she corrected, "but only what the Truth Seeker who hired us is interested in, which is to say the thaumineering projects of the tower's most recent inhabitant, a Carthagian arcanist.

"After speaking with your companion Matthias I gathered your group was more interested in the artifacts of the original Umbral builders. So you see? There's no reason at all for us to be so very edgy.

"Personally, I'd love to work with you and hear more about the Umbral people. I'm sure you scholars do such interesting work. And you'll be happy to have us around if there's trouble: we're good in a pinch.

"Aren't we?" She beamed at the rest of the group, expecting approving nods.

"Er, I mean, that's not supposed to be a threat--I meant, we're good in a pinch with bandits and ghouls and such, which you're obviously not, ha ha.

"Er, so what do you say? Do we have an arrangement?"

It took Mel's words to make him realise it, but Sebastion was tensed, ready for a fight. His head ached, which possibly didn't help, but there was no real reason to believe the scholars - who had been perfectly polite the day before - had any more ill intent than they.

"She does have a point." he offered, with a wry grin to the lead scholar. "We do seem to have, at the very least, a few strong backs to lend to the cause."

And why did it take her to point it out? he asked himself, as he waited. Damn this headache...

DM's Note: Sebastion's headaches are actually an indication of what class he took his last level in :) The character himself isn't yet aware that he is now a lvl 1 telepath psion as well as a lvl 4 fighter ;)

* * *

Though she wanted to haul Melisande down to the ground and slap a hand over her mouth, Ebri couldn't reach easily, and to do anything now in the plain view of the others would excite even more suspicion and comment...

And, she reflected with grim humor, it would probably bring Sebastion charging to the rescue-- With his magic sword, no doubt.

She just stood, her teeth clenched, smiling, until Melisande's natural train of artless speech was out.

"That is what they said they were here for, certainly..." she ground out, in an undertone, at Melisande's elbow.

"If such things exist..." she called, adding on. "It is disputed, but our employer is interested to know if the rumors are true, and to have a look at them if we find them."

We must have a discussion about circumspection... Frankness was one thing. Ebri found that more and more, she respected and admired bluntness and honesty and openness, among those who could afford to practice it. In her role, it was denied her. But opening one's mouth like a sewage outspout was another thing entirely. What a relief it might be to trust everyone... she thought. Like a little child, safe with its parents...

"However--" she continued in the previous tone, through her teeth, "--if they are dissembling, we will have the pleasure of their company at each step--"

She hoped they were not, though; she too was intensely interested in the Umbral culture, and the thought that anyone would fund a scholarly expedition to such a place was heartening.

Frog and badger sit through winter
One in mud and one in den...

In the momentary silence, the music came back again. Let us move forward, her mind urged, desperate for activity.

* * *

Johan seemed to be listening carefully to what was being said to him, tilting his head inquisitively to one side. "I can see advantages in us working together. We've come across examples of Umbral structures before with still active defences and guardians, and even some rather strange forms of undead as well, so aid with those kidns of trouble would be welcome. On the other hand, if what you say about the last resident being a Carthagian, he might have tampered or deactivated the original systems, and perhaps installed some of his own... And we are skilled with arcane matters, are we not, gentlemen? So in that respect we may prove able to aid you."

The wizard paused for a moment to chew his lip in thought, turning his head to speak quietly to Cazamir. "I think they're honest but be on guard for any trouble. We don't know much about what they're capable of, or what their reasons for being out here really are." Cazamir gave a tight smile and nodded at Johan’s whispered words. It was good to see that the scholar didn’t truly trust this group either. The world was full of unsavory types, and who was to say this group wouldn’t try to take advantage of the greybeards if opportunity presented itself?

Then the sage turned back to the assembled band. "Well," he said, raising his voice again so that all could hear, "I don't see any particular problems with us continuing onwards in each others company. But before we do move on, perhaps now might be a time to share what information we might have, for our guide says that over the next rise is the tower, and I'd prefer to be as prepared as possible before venturing towards it. Tell us, what do you know of this Carthagian thaumineer who you believe took up residence there. I find it most unusual for such an arcanist to have sought out and inhabited an Umbral structure..."

Sebastion tilted his head, slightly, in acknowledgement, and turned back to his mare calmly. "They know more about it than I do," he admitted, nodding back towards Mel, Wyshira and the others, "that's not my forte."

And just about anybody else here knows more about it than I do .... Wyshira thought, as Sebastian bowed out of the conversation, leaving it to one of the other party members to explain about the Carthagian thaumineer.

Mel would probably be glad to take over, which was fine with Wyshira, although the young woman was inclined to talk first and consider the consequences of her words after. Wyshira hadn't been able to hide her smile when Ebri Zol had tried to curb the flow of Melisande's chatter a few moments earlier with her own whispered words of caution. It remained to be seen whether or not the pragmatic priestess had been too subtle.

Wyshira was surprised that Burl had not joined in the conversation. In fact he seemed to be trying his best to be invisible to the scholarly mages. And I thought that he would enjoy their company, even though their fields of study are not quite the same. To Wyshira, Death and Shadows seemed related somehow. Wouldn't a Necromancer be interested in studying this long-dead culture? Someone had mentioned Umbral undead at one point too, hadn't they? This last thought gave the water priestess a chill, and she shuddered.

Kale still stood stalwart and distant, his face mask-like, his eyes unreadable. Wyshira was becoming more and more worried about the once carefree mercenary. He seemed to have taken Wolf's loss as a call to grim watchfulness. Wyshira didn't think she'd heard him say three words to anyone since the funeral this morning. She made a note to try to talk to him the next time the party made camp.

Slightly slackjawed, Mel looked over at Kale, wondering if anyone else had bothered to find out something about this mission. She'd assumed someone, Wolf probably, had dug deeper with Lord Ecurius and knew all there was to know. Now she found the embarrassing silence growing itchy. She cleared her throat. No one seemed prepared to volunteer much. She wished she'd had the presence of mind to say it wasn't her "forte" either and wander off to collect herbs. Too late.

Meekly, she offered, "He's er, dead. They say."

This didn't sound like much. "Did I say he was Carthagian? Yes, he was! And really a brilliant thaumineer, apparently."

There was another pause. "No one knows why he left Carthagia and moved into the tower to practice his art." Oh, that sounded better. Mystery. "No one knows," she repeated, nodding.

Glancing over at Ebri she whispered, "There! I didn't tell them much this time, did I?" and then acted like she'd done this on purpose.

"Shouldn't we move on? We don't want our first encounter with this tower in the dark, I should think."

You are wasting this moment-- Ebri dragged her attention back to the scene in front of her, quelling the intrusive nonsense song once more. It occurred to her that this precise sort of situation would be an opportunity an Immarian priestess would beg for. Would salivate for. Not being one, she had missed the significance immediately, but there was time to make up for it, fortunately.

"Mmm--hmm--" she said, in response to Melisande's obvious need for approval.

Helpfully, Kale remained affected by grief, or some other overwhelming and distracting emotion. She could be reinforce her role and gain ground in the leadership capacity in the eyes of the group in one motion.. She stepped forward, an hospitable and welcoming, very well educated social animal.

"Our employer was somewhat vague--" she called out, stepping briskly and enthusiastically over to the scholars. "Or perhaps, a better term would be 'inspecific'. He is a learned man, and no doubt, he did not wish to influence or prejudice our search. You're familiar with Killian's Rule, I assume? " As if to explain to her less learned companions, she half-turned to address them, casually. "It's a principle of scientific enquiry that encourages the scholar or observer -- or any seeker -- to begin study with an open mind, so as to more truly observe and see what is, rather than what one expects to find, or what one believes the truth to be. And, I must say, it is a principle very dear to the heart of my order. Immar is wholly behind it." Ebri turned back, chattering gaily.

"It may be that he feared we would seek only what he specified, or in only one place, and so miss much that would be significant. Or perhaps, like us, he had little information as well. We must simply be... flexible." she smiled, including everyone in her wrap-up.

"It should not be too difficult, despite the possible dangers. We are capable adventurers, all..."

Even if some of us are more talkative than others...

"Well done," murmurred Wyshira to Ebri when the Immarian rejoined the party. The mages ought to be satisfied with that answer. It sounded quite ... scholarly, especially that bit about Killian's Rule, or whatever it was.

So the two parties would be working together from now on........ Wyshira wondered if they had brought along their own divine healer. Of course if the need arose she would help them if she could. But they must understood that her own crew would come first in a crisis.

She looked over the other group with a critical eye. She noted the pair of sages that had spoken to them back at the monastery - the ones who had been so curious about her and Mel's blue skin. And there was an assortment of other old and scholarly looking gentlemen, including the stately one that had greeted their company as they met on the trail. There was one man though, standing apart from the others; he didn't seem to fit in with the rest.

He must be their guide, Wyshira thought. Or maybe a mercenary hired for protection. He was dressed very practically, and appeared to be vigilant and on the alert. When he noticed her watching him, Wyshira gave him a guarded, but amicable smile.

* * *

Johan listened to first the blue woman's words - who his compatriots said was an aasimar - and then the shorter woman's explanation as to what they could expect at the tower. The one called Melisande actually gave them some information, though not very much, and then the one called Ebri said a lot but told nothing. This was going to be interesting.

Jarvis was still lurking a way away further up the rise, so Johan spoke quietly to Cazamir again. "Keep an eye on them. I'm still not entirely sure what they're up to, or even what they think they're up to, so we'd best be on our guard."

"Well," he said to the group at large, "It seems we cannot be particularly sure of what this Carthagian might have done to the tower, but I warn you now, Umbral constructions often contain rather strange-looking objects that, for one not learned in Umbral studies, the purposes is not immediately apparent. Since some of such devices are known to be traps, I'd advise you don't go poking anything until one of us has had a look at it. Hopefully it should be easy to tell what is of Umbral design and what was crafted by a Carthagian thaumineer."

So, with the two groups now allied, even if both still held considerable suspicion of the other, Ecurius's mercenaries and the band of sages started off on their trail once more, drawing ever closer to the arcanist's tower. It lay, awaiting their arrival, over the rise and in the valley beyond...


First Post
So, that's the last proper story hour update I'll be making to this thread - next time we rejoin the brave band, they'll be in a brand new thread :) When that happens, I'll be posting a link to it here.


First Post
Well, I've read this story hour over the last three days, and have to say that all throughout your writing style has improved and it has been a joy to read. I do however have to say that I'm dismayed to hear that Burl's player dropped, he was my favorite PC and seemed much more accessible than some of the others. Additionally how many story threads do you just have to drop now that Burl isn't a PC? How are you going to handle this? Thanks for all the time that you've put into this SH!


First Post
gerg_861 said:
Well, I've read this story hour over the last three days, and have to say that all throughout your writing style has improved and it has been a joy to read. I do however have to say that I'm dismayed to hear that Burl's player dropped, he was my favorite PC and seemed much more accessible than some of the others. Additionally how many story threads do you just have to drop now that Burl isn't a PC? How are you going to handle this? Thanks for all the time that you've put into this SH!

Thanks for the compliments :) I'm lucky to have such excellent players to really make the game as good as it is :)

I'm sad to have lost Burl's player as well, but I've decided that, where usually I try and drop ex-PC NPC's out of the party however I can, I will keep Burl on for at least a while as an active, party-member NPC. This is partially because otherwise they'd be seriously lacking in magical firepower, and partially because I rather like the character himself and the story threads that you mentioned that I've woven into the plotline based around him. He ain't out of the picture yet :D

Anyways, it's been over 2 years since I first started this story hour, and now has come the time to finally move on to a new thread. I plan to at least get the introduction up to the new thread today, so stay sharp for a link over to it ;)

Melvar Kae'thal

First Post
I love this...

... I love your world, especcially the concept of manipulators... where can i get more details on it... I won't do anything worst than stealing it ;)


First Post
Melvar Kae'thal said:
... I love your world, especcially the concept of manipulators... where can i get more details on it... I won't do anything worst than stealing it ;)

Well, the steam-tech rules are in Steam & Steel: A Guide to Fantasy Steamworks, while the biothaumaturgy & manipulators are in the book that I'm currently still working on.

Also, as is linked in this thread, the new thread continues the story on a fair bit. More to the point, it may also get updated soon - the game went on hiatus for a bit but is finally getting close to starting up again!

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